Chapter 5: Ring of Ancestors

A/N: Just got a bunch of midterms and projects out of the way so here is the next chapter. Stargate Atlantis will be incorporated into the next chapter.

Disclaimer: Um yeah… no money is made.


Previously on Stargate SG-1…

"We're not alone." said Captain Ruiz. The others immediately stood up and armed themselves. There was silence as they listened for the enemy to make a false move and give away their position. Harry couldn't see them, but he knew they were there. He could feel the magic in the air and he knew that the enemy was definitely magical. His wand was in his breast pocket but he couldn't just pull it out in front of his men.

Suddenly an arrow flew from the trees and hit Sergeant Lee in the arm. Captain Ruiz and Jonas started firing in the direction that the arrow came from. Another arrow came from where else and knocked the P-90 out of Captain Ruiz's hand.

"Over there!" yelled Harry. He began to fire in the direction where the arrow had come. Hearing a small yell he knew he had hit at least one of them. Suddenly they jumped down from the trees and began to attack with spears. "Elves!" Harry thought to himself. Captain Ruiz had pulled out his hand pistol and successfully shot a few. Jonas had been disarmed of his P-90 and was fighting with his knife while Sergeant Lee laid on the floor injured. Harry pulled out his own knife and proceeded to fight two elves at once.

"Enough!" yelled one of the Elves. All the others immediately stopped fighting. The elf that had ordered the others to stop walked towards Harry and fell on his knees.

"Forgive me Lord Potter, we did not know it was you." said the elf.


"Sir?" asked Captain Ruiz questionably. He wore a confused expression on his face along with Jonas. The other elves quickly kneeled before Harry as well. Harry was momentarily confused. Aren't they not on another planet? Are these the same Elves that he had encountered only two weeks ago? He was quickly snapped out of these thoughts when a groan came from an injured Sergeant Lee. Jonas and Captain Ruiz immediately recognized that he needed medical attention and rushed to his aid.

"Lord Potter, please allow us to escort you and your men back to the castle. Our best physicians and healers can take care of any wounds." said the elf kneeling before him.

"To whom do you pledge your loyalties?" asked Harry. He already knew the answer but was afraid to confirm his fears.

"We pledge our allegiance to King Lendas, Queen Sari, Prince Zan, Princess Rena, and Lord Potter our future prince." replied the elf.

"Sir, Sergeant Lee needs immediate medical attention!" said Captain Ruiz.

"It'll take us an hour to get back to the Stargate." said Jonas.

"My Lord, the castle is not far from here. Allow us to escort you there so that you can be provided with medical treatment." said the elf repeating his offer again.

"I don't think we can trust them sir." said Captain Ruiz.

"If you do not allow us to help you, King Lendas will surly have I and my men executed." said the elf. Harry thought about it for a moment. If they were telling the truth it would be helpful to have an ally in this unknown terrain. Perhaps Lendas could help him find SG-1. It would take over an hour to make it back to the Stargate and the mission would have been a complete failure.

"Ok, lets go." replied Harry.


Shortly after Harry's arrival, Princess Rena learned that he had been attacked by her own people. This made her furious and she immediately demanded to know his whereabouts. After learning that he was in the medical ward she quickly headed there. Different scenarios went through her head including images of him badly hurt or dieing. This caused her to worry even more and she vowed that if anything happened to him the elves responsible would pay. Upon reaching the medical ward she entered with out being stopped by the guards. Passing by several of the rooms she saw a large number of elves recovering and a human that was not her Harry. Finally in the last room she saw her beloved fiancé sitting shirtless on an examiners table. He was being tended to by one of the healers and his left arm had a white bandage wrapped around it.

"Harry, are you hurt?" asked a worried Rena. She rushed to his side and personally began to inspect him. "Who did this to you? I swear I'll make them pay!" Harry was surprised at seeing Rena so soon. This was only his second time seeing her but he could tell that she had let her guard down this time. Last time she was trying to maintain her image as the princess but this time she acting on instinct and was clearly concerned about him.

"Eh, no that's not necessary." replied Harry. "I just had a minor bruise on my arm and Lorelle insisted that she take care of it." He nodded towards the female healer that had been tending to him when Rena arrived.

"He was not injured." said Lorelle looking at a shirtless Harry appreciatively. This made Rena frown on the inside. "I think he was the one doing most of the damage since there are many Elvin warriors recovering." Rena's heart began to swell with pride at hearing this. Her Harry was a skilled warrior and that was highly respected amongst the elves.

"I just had the superior weapon." said Harry brushing off Lorelle's complements. He knew that the P-90 was far superior to the bow but he and his men were also greatly out numbered.

"They said that you were attacked." said Rena. She was calmer now that she knew he was ok. "I was just worried." She seemed slightly embarrassed at having been worried, especially since he wasn't hurt at all.

"I know." said Harry. He was overcome with the desire to comfort her and pulled her in for a hug. He could smell the sweet aroma of her hair and it seemed oddly familiar. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he knew the scent was familiar. Unexpectedly, Rena ran a hand down his cheek and sweetly kissed his lips. From her point of view, this was her way of letting Lorelle know that Harry was her man.


"Welcome back." said Mitchell who was sitting against the wall opposite of Daniel. Daniel had just awoken and had a huge headache. His vision was slowly recovering as he rubbed his hands over his eyes.

"What the hell happened?" asked Daniel. He looked around and saw that Mitchell, Sam, and Teal'c were occupying a prison cell with him.

"Well to sum things up, we were captured, accused of being spies, SG-3 was captured, and we're going to be executed." said Mitchell as if it were an everyday occurrence. "Oh yeah, and our captors are elves."

"Great." replied Daniel sarcastically. "Business as usual." There was a short pause. "Did you say elves?"

"That's what they call themselves." Sam answered.

"Elves? Like Santa's little helpers with pointy ears?" asked Daniel.

"Not exactly…" replied Mitchell. As he finished those words, a cloaked figure was seen approaching their cell. The members of SG-1 immediately stood up in case they had to defend themselves. The cloaked figure look around to make sure he/she hadn't been followed before cautiously turning towards the confused members of SG-1.

"Is it true you came through the ring of ancestors?" asked a feminine voice.

"If you mean the stargate then yes." replied Daniel cautiously. He stepped forward to assume his usual roll as the team's negotiator.

"Will you take me with you if I help you?"

"Through the stargate?" asked Daniel

"Yes." replied the cloaked figure. "There is a myth that my ancestors stepped through the ring to another world."

"How can we trust you?" asked Teal'c. "How do we know that you will not betray us?"

"With this." replied the cloaked figure as she pulled a vial of clear liquid from her cloak. "This is a truth serum. Anyone that takes the serum will be forced to answer questions truthfully for several minutes."

"How do we know it works?" asked Daniel.

"Because one of you will take it first so that I will know if I can trust you."

"How do we know this isn't some trick?" asked Sam. "For all we know that vial could be poison."

"I'll do it." said Mitchell bravely. He stepped forward and took the vial.

"Colonel Mitchell, we do not know if we can trust her." said Teal'c.

"If we don't trust her, then we're dead anyways." replied Mitchell.

"Wait!" yelled Sam. "Why would you help us? What could you possibly hope to gain?" There was a short pause.

"By helping you I will be condemned as a traitor by my people. My sister has spoken fondly of you humans and I cannot watch as innocent people are killed so that Eldron may stay in power. He is having you killed so that the others will rally behind him in an effort against the Light Elves."

"You mean there is another group of elves out there?" asked Mitchell.

"Yes, now do this quickly. There is not much time!" The others looked at Mitchell.

"Well, here goes." replied Mitchell. Before the others could protest he quickly downed the clear liquid. The affects of the serum were instant and he found himself in a state of bliss.

"What is your name?" asked the cloaked figure.

"Cameron Mitchell." replied Mitchell.

"For what purpose were you and your men sent here?"

"We were sent here as peaceful explorers in search of trading partners."

"Where are you from?"

"A planet known as earth."

"What are your intentions towards the Dark Elves?"

"We have no ill intentions towards the Dark Elves but we will defend ourselves if we have to."

"Do you intend to hold your end of the bargain by providing me sanctuary amongst your people?"


"Your answers are satisfactory. The potion will wear off in a few minutes." The cloaked figure removed her hood and revealed the face of a beautiful Elvin woman. "I am Celie, one of the priestess of the temple."

"We have held our end of the bargain. Now you must take the serum and answer our questions." said Teal'c being the not so trusting type that he is.

"Of course." smiled Celie. She produced another vial and drank the liquid. Within seconds she too found herself in a state of bliss. Daniel then stepped forward.

"Who are you and what are your intentions towards us?" asked Daniel.

"I am Celie, a lower ranking priestess of the temple. I have no ill intentions towards you and wish to learn more about your people." replied Celie.

"Is this a trick with the intention of gaining something from us?" asked Sam.


"How do you intend to free us?" asked Teal'c.

"I have stolen the keys to your cell."

"Will you help free our other human friends?" asked Daniel.


"Good enough for me." replied Mitchell who at that moment felt the affects of the liquid fade. "Man that was weird. It's like there was nothing I could do to prevent myself from telling the truth."

"Now that we know we can trust you, I'm Daniel Jackson." said Daniel. Celie bowed her head in recognition and Daniel tried to imitate her. "This is Lieutenant Colonel Carter, Teal'c and the one you just drugged is Lieutenant Colonel Mitchell."

"The time for becoming acquainted is not now." said Celie.

"Yes of course." replied Daniel.

"Come." said Celie as she produced a set of keys and proceeded to unlock the cell doors. "Your friends are being held in a cell on the way out."

"But you are on your way in." said a deep male voice. Celie turned around and came face to face with Eldron and several armed guards.


Harry walked into the room where he had ordered Jonas and Captain Ruiz to wait for him. This was going to require a lot of explaining.

"With all due respect sir; what the hell is going on?" demanded Captain Ruiz. Harry was taken back by his tone of voice but knew that the Ruiz meant no disrespect.

"Take it easy Captain." said Harry.

"Sorry sir." apologized Captain Ruiz.

"Major, as I understand it, this is your first time off world." said Jonas. "It is also apparent that these people know you. At least they think they know you."

"It's a long story." replied Harry. "Why don't you both have a seat."

Thirty minutes later….

"So you're really a wizard huh?" mumbled Captain Ruiz. He could not believe the things his commanding officer had just told him.

"I already knew your background story." declared Jonas smugly. This caused Harry to give him a strange look.

"You knew I was a wizard?" asked Harry.

"Yes, and so does General Landry." replied Jonas.

"How?" asked Harry.

"Well, you did say that a treaty exists between the magical and what you would call 'muggle' government." said Jonas. "It wasn't difficult to find out you were a wizard since you are quite famous. That and SGC personnel have the highest security clearance."

"Damn it." said Harry. "Screwed over by my fame again."

"The President was hesitant to allow a wizard into the Stargate program but General O'Neill hand picked you for the job." said Jonas.

"Who else knows about this?" asked Harry.

"Well, um most Stargate personnel." replied Jonas.

"And this doesn't freak you out in anyway?" asked Captain Ruiz.

"Ah well you guys are kind of the new kids on the block." replied Jonas. He patted Ruiz on the back. "This is just business as usual."

"You're telling me this kind of shit happens all the time?" asked Captain Ruiz.

"Pretty much." replied Jonas.

At that moment, King Lendas entered the room followed by Princess Rena and Prince Xan. The three men immediately ceased their conversation and stood up.

"Please do not stand on my account." said King Lendas. "I believe you served a great injustice. I would like to apologize on behalf of our people."

"Apology accepted." replied Harry as he bowed his head. "King Lendas these are my men." He turned towards Ruiz and Jonas. "Jonas Quinn and Captain David Ruiz."

"Yes and I understand that there is one other recovering from his wounds." said King Lendas. "Our healers have informed me that he will recover just fine."

"That's good to hear." replied Harry.

"If I may ask, how did you arrive here? You were not escorted by our kind or else you would not have been attacked." said King Lendas.

"Well actually, I didn't even know I was here until we were attacked." replied Harry. "The first time we met I told you that I was a Major in the United States Air Force." King Lendas acknowledged this fact by nodding his head. "The Air Force is part of the muggle military and we came here through a device called the stargate."

"Forgive me, I am not familiar with the terminology 'stargate.'" said King Lendas.

"It's a big ring in the middle of a field. It is about an hours walk from where we were attacked." replied Harry.

"I believe he speaks of the ring of ancestors father." said Xan.

"That is but a myth!" exclaimed King Lendas.

"Forgive me father, but I do not believe Lord Potter would lie about this." said Xan.

"Call me Harry." said Harry. Xan nodded in acknowledgement. "I don't know what the myth is but I assure you that we did arrive here through the stargate."

"Father." said Rena. "Perhaps how they arrived here is not important at the moment. What is important is that Harry is searching for some of his people."

"I will be happy to show you how the stargate works after I find my people." said Harry.

"Yes our course." replied King Lendas. "I will have our warriors search the area. If they are here, I assure you my warriors will find them."

"Father, with your permission, I would like to pay a visit to the Dark Elves. It is possible that Harry's friends wandered into their territory." said Rena.

"You have my permission."

"I will go with you." said Harry.

"Lord Potter we cannot guarantee your safety outside our territory. The Dark Elves will not harm a member of the royal family, but anyone that enters their territory is at their mercy." said King Lendas.

"He will not be harmed father. I shall let them know that Harry is a member of the royal family." said Rena. "He is my betrothed."

"I'll be fine sir." said Harry.

"I'll come too." said Captain Ruiz.

"No." said Harry. "I want you and Jonas to escort Sergeant Lee back to the SGC and update them on the situation." Harry saw that Ruiz was about to argue with him. "That's an order Captain!" That closed the floor for discussion.

"Yes sir." replied Captain Ruiz.


When the rays of the morning sun came, armed guards came to collect SG-1, SG-3, and Celie from the prison cells. The guards bound the prisoner's hands with ropes before taking them to the surface. They were brought into an arena where thousands of elves had gathered. At the center of the arena was a small platform where Eldron stood awaiting the prisoners. The prisoners were brought before the platform and forced to kneel before Eldron.

"So um, if any of you have a plan now would be a good time." said Mitchell.

"We'd never be able to make a run for it." said Daniel.

"Silence!" exclaimed Eldron. "Members of the Dark Elvin Nation, last night a priestess known as Celie attempted to assist the spies to escape."

"They are not spies!" yelled Celie. Eldron chose to ignore her comment.

"For that, she shall join them in death." Eldron declared. As he finished saying this, cheers and shouts could be heard from the crowd. A cadenced beat on the ground was then felt as twenty warriors armed with bows marched into the arena. These warriors would serve as the executioners. The captain of the platoon halted them in front of the prisoners and gave the command for them to arm their bows.

"Wait!" exclaimed a feminine voice. The crowd turned their attention towards two figures that could be seen entering the arena. One was clearly human and dressed similarly to the prisoners and the other was a female elf. They stepped up on the platform currently occupied by Eldron, gaining the curiosity of the crowd. "I am Princess Rena of the Light Elves. I have come in search of several lost humans, but I can see that you have already found them for me."

"Greetings Princess." said Eldron. "You have joined us just in time to witness the execution of these humans." Rena stepped forward to see seven humans, a jaffa, and an elf on their knees. Rena briefly made eye contact with Celie.

"What crimes have they committed?" asked Rena.

"The humans are to be executed for intent to spy and assassinate elves of the Dark Elvin Nation. The priestess is guilty of aiding them." replied Eldron.

"What proof do you provide?" asked Rena. She was trying to stall them while she thought of a better plan.

"They were brought before the counsel. We have all the proof we need." replied Eldron.

"Celie was never brought before the counsel!" exclaimed Daniel. Eldron chose to ignore him.

"Proceed with the execution!" ordered Eldron.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that." said Harry stepping forward. Eldron turned and addressed the crowd.

"You see! This is further evidence that these humans are working for the Light Elves. They dress similarly to the human that escorted the Princess. We must send a message to the Light Elves and let them know that this will not be tolerated!" said Eldron. This resulted in cheers from the crowd.

"There must be a peaceful diplomatic solution to this." said Rena.

"It is too late for that princess." replied Eldron. He once again gave the signal to commence with the execution. Harry had hoped it wouldn't have to come to this, but it looked as if he was going to have to fight. Reaching into his pocket he quickly pulled out his wand to attack. At that moment, there suddenly were flashes of light and all the prisoners, including Harry and Rena disappeared from the arena.


With his wand in hand and an explosion spell on his lips, Harry looked around at his new surroundings. Just a split second ago he was about to engage in a fight with the Dark Elves, but now he was somewhere else. Rena looked just as surprised as he was and looked at him for answers. Harry looked over at the SG team members who were all present and still kneel. Along side of them was the priestess accused of aiding them. A man with dark black hair wearing the standard issue Air Force field uniform stepped into the room. He had a friendly smile on his face as he looked at them.

"Welcome aboard the Daedalus. I'm Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard."


A/N: Well what do you think? The confrontation with the Dark Elves was not meant to be a big deal. Now we got some more characters and twists introduced and there are even more to come. Probably about a chapter or two from now you will find out what happened with Ron and Hermione. Please leave me a review and let me know how I'm doing. Let me know what you liked and disliked. Again if there is anything you wish to see happen, let me know and I'll consider it.