A/n: guys I just have to let this out...my newest obsession...hinata-neji and hinata-gaara...hope you like this one...it took me whole day to write this thing!

Dis: I dont own Naruto...I wish i did but i dont so DEAL!

Blood in Suna

chapter 1: "Caged"

The summer sun was bright and hot outside. The wind was warm against Hinata's skin, blowing softly, as she sat at their porch. White eyes were looking at her late mother's garden before fixing themselves to a silver cage where a single blue bird chirped.

Faint footsteps, she heard him approach, but she didn't turn. He stopped, a decent distance away from her.

"Hinata-sama," his voice was deep and formal.

Slowly she stood up to face him. "Ohayo-gozaimasu." She greeted shyly, a touch of pink grazed upon her pale cheeks.

He looked away. All those years of spending time in the Main house were useless, he still felt uneasy. He didn't want to be anywhere near her because whenever she was he wasn't himself. "Hinata-sama, they've called for you." He continued with the same monotone voice.

Hinata lowered her head and stared at the shiny wooden floors. She sighed before taking one last look at the lonely bird.

His gaze followed hers. One did not need to have eyes like theirs to see and understand what she saw behind such simple image.

A whiff of lavender scent drew his attention back to her as she walked past him. Head lowered; she did not dare look at him, afraid to receive the same rejection he gave her earlier.

A calloused hand suddenly held her wrist and made her stop. "You don't have to go if you don't want to."

It was her turn to withdraw. Gently she pulled away from his grip. The sudden contact made her skin tingle, sending shivers to her spine. She disliked this tension between them but somehow, whenever he was around the air thickened so much that she could barely breathe. She couldn't stand being alone with him for too long, thinking she might do something she'd regret later. "Neji-niisan…I…you and I-" she paused and tried to compose herself. "You know I need to…" she continued, silver orbs still fixed at the open door.

He didn't say anything and just let her walk in. He glanced back at the dreary cage where the lonesome blue bird twittered.

Funny, how it pictured their lives so perfectly. Caged.

- o O o -

"The message has been sent. There's no turning back now." Weary white eyes stared at the flickering candle on top of the narrow table. Old oak wood, a shiny antique furniture, placed in the corner of the room where the incense burnt.

The air was particularly humid today. The council of the Hyuuga clan had gathered in this single room to discuss one important subject.

"Hiashi, I trust that you've informed her about this."

The clan's leader closed his eyes and took a deep breath before answering. "Aa…she already agreed." Dark circles were visible around his eyes, signs of a week's worth of sleepless nights. He just wants this whole ordeal to be over.

"We know you have been avoiding this Hiashi, but she's of age now. She should have been married long ago."

Hiashi clenched his fist. Imbeciles, who do you think you're talking to? Of course he knew... He knew very well that when Hinata turned sixteen, she should have been betrothed. And now she was already twenty, still unmarried and without a child. There was no way he could stop this from happening.

Three weeks ago, he would have thought that, even if his daughters were trapped in a tradition their ancestors had put up generations before them, they would still be able to choose whom they wanted to spend the rest of their lives and eventually share their cruel fate with. That way, at least life would be a little bearable. It was the only reason why he kept postponing the betrothal of the heiress. The council had been very patient, but when news of the Kazekage's search for a bride reached their ears, the council brought the matter up again. This time with such impudent urgency that he had no other choice but to comply.

"As a father, you should be happy about this. Hinata will be in good hands. And Hyuuga will now have a strong heir."

This was a political move, more beneficial to the clan rather than his daughters. Hinata as the heiress, by tradition, should choose a husband whom she would bring into the family and lead the clan with him. However the condition of this particular marriage proposal, the bride had to live in Suna with the Kazekage, Hinata had to leave.

The council realized that if they use this opportunity, the benefits outweighed the value of following tradition. First of all, this marriage would strengthen and solidify the existing ties between the two villages. Hyuuga, though in their current state was one of the prominent clans of Konoha, would then be in great position in both villages and lastly since Hinata would inevitably have to leave. The clan would need to choose a new heir…Hanabi, her sister, who was considerably stronger and more suited to lead would then be annointed. They couldn't possibly pass this opportunity up when there was too much to gain.

A week after they heard about the news, they informed Hiashi about the council's decision. Hiashi told them that he would talk to his daughter, but the council was more persistent this time. They only gave him a week to decide. Seven days later Hinata gave her approval. Which was the very reason why they were now gather here today, men in black yukatas with pale skin and white eyes facing each other as they discussed the matter further. A week from now, Hinata would leave for Suna and would be formally engaged to the Kazekage. After that, the announcement of the new Hyuuga heiress would follow.

Hiashi stared again at the flickering lamp on the narrow table, but his mind was nowhere in the room. Male voices were drowned as his thoughts drifted to his daughters. Pawns. That's what they were. Like chess pieces on a board game.

Hizashi… It's happening again…and I still don't know what to do…

- o O o -

Hinata wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, as she headed out to the porch. Summer was usually not this hot and humid. She looked up at the afternoon sky and thought that maybe it would rain tonight.

A sudden movement made her look near the cage. She wasn't expecting to see Neji standing there. She hesitated, didn't know whether she should stay or go back in.

Embarrassed that she had disturbed his privacy, she turned and decided to leave.

"Wait, Hinata-sama." He called out calmly, his gaze locked at the silver cage. "Look..."

She paused on her tracks then slowly approached him. Two pairs of white eyes stared at the bird cage.

Hinata was surprise to see that two birds were inside, chirping merrily.

A smile crept onto his cousin's face. He tried to look away but found it impossible to do so. His gaze lingered on, enjoying the simple beauty such innocence could bring.

She leaned forward to get a closer look. "Where…"she glanced up at him but quickly looked away, blushing. "Where…did you find it?"

"There was another one on the other side of the manor... It was alone too." He replied with his same formal tone.

Her eyes brightened as they followed the hopping birds.

"They're still caged you know." He suddenly said, as if he was talking about something else other than the birds.

"Yes... But they're together now…" she straightened. "...they're not alone anymore." She was surprised how she said it without even stuttering. She turned around to face him and gave him a genuine smile, telling him that she knew he was referring to something else…or someone else, rather.

He smiled back, a gesture he didn't often do. Shyly, he reached for her hand. "Like us."

A flush of pink touched her cheeks as she felt his hand. Fingers entwined in such an intimate way. She was surprised to see how her small hand fit so perfectly with his. She looked up and found him staring at her. There was a slight curve in her lips as a sign of acknowledgement, "Yes…like us."

Her heart fluttered as he pulled her closer.

The rain began to fall, soft and gentle drizzle before pouring hard against the roof. The air was chilly, but Neji and Hinata felt warm against each other as their lips touched, sending flames to the deepest depths of their souls.

If she only knew… that if being free meant a life without her, then he'd rather be caged forever. It was no longer a matter of destiny; it was a matter of choice. "I promised my father I'll protect you with my life. It's about time that I fulfill it." He said, her head resting on his chest.

No response….She was silent, for she didn't know what to say.

He noticed her worried expression. "We're together now…you're not alone anymore." He whispered softly, his forehead resting on hers.

Hinata could feel the cold metal protector and his warm breath against her skin.

Fate was always cruel and unpredictable. If only Neji knew what the council had decided.

I'll protect you with my life.

For how long? Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tilted her head and his lips conquered hers once more. Will she be able to forget this? Such heavenly sweetness, only to be painfully longed for now that it was tasted.

Neji-niisan…for how long?

- o O o -

The wind howled through the desert, bringing sand as it blew against the village of Suna. Beneath the pale moonlight, on top of the Kazekage's building, a lonesome figure stood; a scroll firmly in hand as he read its contents.

So far, four clans from four different villages had expressed their interest to the marriage proposal. After meeting the ladies, each were respective heiress of their own clans, his advisers had decided that the Hyuuga girl was the one. Gaara, although he was the one who would get married, had nothing to say to this. It was a decision made by his advisers. They said, by tradition, he had to be married before he reached the age of twenty one. He had no qualms about it but he was a bit worried... He was quite content with his life right now, and a sudden change might only disrupt it. His life after the Akatsuki captured and extracted the Shukaku out of him was considerably better. This life after death was not so bad for him. People didn't actually run away from him in fear and over the years, he finally gained his villagers' respect…if not trust, something that he had been dreaming of for so long.

Personally, Gaara thought he didn't need a wife…yet. But his advisers think this was best. For whatever reason, he didn't know. It wasn't like his child would become Kazekage, since the next one would be chosen through skill and talent, not by blood.

He read through the message one more time.


It became very clear to him what this was all about. The advisers' announcement of him choosing a bride and the message sent from the four clans, each with impressive bloodline limits.

They were looking for prospects, trying to bring in talents to Suna by matching them up with him. The Kazekage's wife had to stay and live in his village, meaning his children who, hopefully, will inherit the bloodline limit, would be of Suna. A new bloodline would start in the sands and the village would benefit in the long run.

Gaara rolled the scroll back and took a deep breath. His advisers were wise… Inconsiderate and heartless, but wise. He looked up the sky, countless stars twinkled as the silent moon basked him with its pale light… glowing softly like an ethereal creature.

His thoughts drifted back to the chunin exams. He closed his eyes and tried to remember what she looked like. That stubborn girl's face, who fought hard, yet lost, against her cousin. Raven hair, pale skin and white eyes.

"Aa…Hyuuga Hinata."

I hope you liked it...Reviews are very much appreciated...