Reviews for Blood in Suna
LizzyBear24 chapter 6 . 3/3/2019
Oh shit! This chapter was Hella amaaaazing!*-* so much Neji and Gaara... I loved it!
dontknowwhattokeepmypenname chapter 12 . 11/11/2018
Heyyyyyy...why did you discontinue the was awesome!
Lover girl chapter 12 . 5/26/2017
MeoMuop chapter 4 . 4/27/2017
I am often hooked on the fics telling about the arranged marriage Gaara and Hinata.
Guest chapter 12 . 11/24/2016
NOOOO! What happens next!? I neeeeed to knooooow! Please, please come back to this story...I beg of you...
hoycahooy chapter 12 . 11/26/2015
OMYGOSH WONDERFUL FIC! update please! i died a little when i realized your last update was 4 years ago.
Jeanalvernia chapter 12 . 9/8/2015
please please please update ... T_T
Anon chapter 12 . 7/29/2015

I've read all 12 chapters and I have to say this is a really good fan fic! Its hard to find a good gaahina or even a good nejihina story but this story is awesome.

I really hope you update soon! :)
Sanaiah-Hime.823 chapter 12 . 7/8/2015
I cant believe Ive just read this..I mean, it's written years back and I wonder where the heck am I back then!? B-sama, this is probably one of the best Naruto fanfictions Ive ever read! Or the best NejiHina fanfic ever! So far, you're only the second person Ive known who ships GaaraHina but NejiHina? You're the first! Btw, I saw the link for your story when I was browsing fanarts for SasuHina fanfics (turns out the artist ships GaaraHina too) and when I saw the summary/ ad blurb, I just couldnt believe it! To be honest, Im not a Naruto fan but I know and have watched enough to get an impression. Then, a colleague introduced me to SasuHina and I began reading fanfics about them. The heck, they are perfect for each other but at the back of mind, I really like the characters of Gaara and Neji. There's something so tragic and noble about them. And because I love Hinata more than any of the characters, I thought it wasnt a bad idea to ship her with either of them. And now, a love triangle between my most favorite characters?! This is INSANE! B-sama, i know it has been years since you last updated and the anime already ended (or..something) but PLEASE, your fanfic should not end this way. It's crazy to just let it hang after that..ahem..steaming (Im not blushing here, ok?) chapter! Please! And you know what, Im also a Pinay o that's why I believe we have a strong connection and that I should do my best to convince you to finish this. Pretty please!? You're great and Ive seen that with all your comments and replies before...please continue sharing your talent to the rest of the world (teary-eyed) Thanks for writing this wonderful wonderful story! You have a fan right here. God bless!
3 Tine

Because I love giving long and hearftfelt (I call them creepy) messages, I just might send you a private one. Im not gonna give up :D ;)
Guest chapter 12 . 12/27/2014
Is Neji and Hinata invovoled? Or is it a insided thing on Neji's part? And, since she's inlove with Naruto...did he know that she is getting married to Gaara?

Now who is this boy that they are after? And , do he have a tailed beast sealed in him as well? Also, Mia and Gaara seem to be in a sexual relationship, what will the he don once he's married? And, I would live for Hinata to find out...maybe she can walk in on them in the act...that way you can turn it a bit to the love problem delima. But, I also seems that one of the elders is also up to no good.

It seems to me that Hiashi is having a lot of regrets. I just don't understand seeing that he traded this girl like shit. I am surprised that Hinata let it go that far with Gaara, but them again he is her husband in a few days. Can he love her? Will he give her the chance to live him? Will he take a chance and try to make their marriage lovable? He seem to be a warm loving man...I mean look at the way he was with the kids. And, as for his dream what is all that about? And, who is that little boy?

You really need to update this is a very good story
kandita chapter 6 . 12/27/2014
What a creepy nut job
Eleoopy chapter 4 . 10/18/2014
I don't know if u still read reviews but I'm hook after just 4 chapters. I know it's more than 3 years since last update but I still have tiny hope u will continue.
TheLast-Lullaby chapter 1 . 10/4/2014
Not uhh trying to pressure you or anything but uhh where are you?! Do you know how hard it is too find a good gaahina!?
Okanami33 chapter 12 . 4/27/2014
You are an amazing writer, I hope you update this as I have loved reding it and can't wait to read the rest! Please please update!
Guest chapter 8 . 11/24/2013
Poor Hina and Neji! Easy for Temari to say, SHE doesn't have to marry a cold, semi-rapist!
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