A/N: This is another Sess/Rin romance fiction, and it contents some lemon and lime, as well as some angst. To avoid confusion, Ren is not Rin, but the two of them are some how connected in some way, and that will being revealed in later chapter.

Disclaimer: Me no own, but would gladly do whatever to have Sess and Rin all to myself.


Chapter 1

The Lord and Lady

Ren stood at the edge of her chamber balcony as she watched her lord husband, Sesshoumaru who was training their five-year-old son in the training field. Her amber eyes bored into the scene as she recalled how Sesshoumaru had shunned her present like she was a vermin instead of the Lady of Western Land since the day their son was born into the world.

Although their union was arranged by the elders, but Ren had had wanted the Western Lord for a long time. In her former land, the Southern Land, Sesshoumaru was well-known among her people due to his power and status, and not to mention his attractive appearance. Ren had fallen in love the moment she looked into his piercing golden eyes when they were arranged to mate in order to produce a strong heir. She had been more than willing to perform the act, and was extremely happy when he agreed to make her his mate by marking her as his own.

Ren touched the blue crescent moon on her shoulder, the mark that symbolized her as his mate. When he marked her, she had been very happy, so happy that she forgot the reason of their union. She glared at the five-year-old boy, Shura and wished he was never born so she would have Sesshoumaru all to herself. Since the child was born, Sesshoumaru had ceased to mate with her, and he even ordered her to live in the other living quarter with the servants and slaves to serve her needs.

"Lady Ren, what can this humble servant do for you?" A male servant asked from behind Ren, his eyes glazed with lust as he stared hungrily at the perfect figure before him. Lady Ren was beautiful, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her hair was as black as the night sky, her amber eyes would always sparkled seductively, her red pouting lips were as red as blood, and the dark blue kimono she was wearing showed how fair her skin was . He closed his eyes to recall how soft her milky fair skin was under his hands, and how hot she was when he was inside her.

Ren turned to look at the male servant behind her. He was a good looking man, although he could not compare to Sesshoumaru, but he was devoted to her and only her. He would do whatever she said, even if it meant to sacrifice his life or to kill her very own son. Ren moved into the chamber and into the man's arms, wrapping her own arms around his neck as she felt his lips on her neck. She knew what to do in order to have him on his knees before her and followed her every command without a doubt. He wanted her body, and she gladly gave it to him.

"That brat is still alive…" Ren purred into his ear, and moaned when he sucked onto her skin. Another reason she gave her body to him willingly was because he was a good lover with better skill than Sesshoumaru.

"He won't when I am done with him…" The man replied, bucking his hips against the seductive woman, and groaned when her hands found his tender spot. His Lady Ren wanted her son to be killed, and he would kill him. The young demon boy was not a problem to deal with, but his father, Lord Sesshoumaru was a problem he did not wish to deal with. He had watched how the demon lord killed an enemy, and it was not a pretty sight.

"When are you going to kill him? My patient is running low…" Ren asked, and nipped at his pointed ear.

"When Lord Sesshoumaru is away from here, far from here. Now, my lady, let us concentrate on our business." He smirked and carried her up bridal way towards the huge bed. He would kill him, when the lord was away from the castle next week.


Sesshoumaru watched as his five-year-old son, Shura trained with the new sword he had specially ordered from the sword smith, Totosai. His golden eyes followed every move the young boy made and his eyes narrowed when he detected a mistake.

"Shura, when you turn to swing the sword, look out for your other side. There might be more than one enemy to deal with, and you will be dead if you are careless. Try again." Sesshoumaru ordered, and frowned when the boy failed to master the move again. He watched as Shura panted heavily, although he had not shown his tiredness, Sesshoumaru knew he was out of energy and could no longer continue the training for today.

His long silver hair moved gently when a gust of wind brushed against him, bringing him the foul scent of his lady wife and her lover. The silly woman had though he was ignorant of her affair with the servants, but he cared not for it. Their union was no more than to produce an heir for the Western Land, and when they did, he was more than glad to be left alone again.

"Father, may I rest for a moment?"

His son's voice broke his though, and looked at him with his golden eyes, as if he was looking for something. Like himself, Shura had the same white silvery waist length hair, golden eyes, two red strips on both his cheek bones and wrists, and he even had the same blue crescent moon on his forehead. Many had said Shura was the exact replica of him, but Sesshoumaru did not think so. He is too weak for his own good…

"Today's training ends here. You can return to your quarter after you keep all the weapons." Sesshoumaru said before he turned to walk away from his son, and failed to notice the sad expression on his son's face. Shura was the reason why he mated with the daughter of the Southern Lord, although he could have choose the others instead of Ren, but compare to the others, Ren's blood lineage as one of the ancient demon dogs was far better than them.

He admitted that the woman he called mate was beautiful and attractive, but she was overly demanding, and as the lord of Western Land, Sesshoumaru did not like to be commanded or ordered. From the first day they met, the woman had started to command him, although he never listen to any words she had said, but still, he despised the tone she used whenever she talk.

"Father, next week…"

Sesshoumaru stopped on his track and turned slightly around to look at his son with his cold eyes. The young boy wanted to say something, and he waited patiently for him to say it out.

"Can I follow you…to the village next week?" Shura asked and his golden eyes showed anticipation that his father would agree.

"…No. You are to stay in the castle and train with the warriors until you are strong enough to leave this place…" With that, Sesshoumaru turned and walked away, leaving the young demon all alone in the training field.

Sesshoumaru knew why he had wanted to follow him to the village, and not wanting to stay in the castle with the others. The reason was the woman he mated with, the mother of his son, Ren. That woman had once tried to kill her son, although she did that through another person, but Sesshoumaru knew she was behind the assassination. Shura would have been dead if he had not come in time to stop the assassin for giving his son a fatal attack, and the assassin had cleverly escaped from his clutches and he believed that whoever it was, he or she was still in the castle, waiting for a chance to strike again.

In fact, next week would be a perfect chance for them to strike again, and Sesshoumaru was not that stupid to leave his son unprotected while he was away. He had assigned some special guards to keep watch on his son's safety, and he trusted their ability to protect his son while he could not do so. And it is also a chance to show him how to protect himself …

When he reached his living quarter, a huge residence with twelve sleeping chambers, one reading chamber, one conference chamber, two guest chambers, three servant rooms, and a bathing chamber, he watched as the servants worked around the area with their given tasks and none of them was being lazy, which he appreciated. A toad servant, Jaken came forward and bowed to him, holding a letter in his thin hands.

"A letter arrives from the Southern Land, my lord. It seems that, the Southern Lord wants to have a conference with you again." The toad servant said, and gave the letter to his lord before he stepped backward to stare at his lord with his huge bulging yellow eyes. He had followed Lord Sesshoumaru for almost all of his life, and knew what to expect from him; he was going to be angry by the lord's request.

Sesshoumaru stepped into the quarter and into his reading chamber with the letter on his hand. He opened the letter with his claw as he sat on the chair in front of the table. His golden eyes scanned through the letter once and his eyes narrowed in anger when he understood what it meant. That old fool wanted to have a piece of his fertile land, saying that it was for his grandson, but in truth, that greedy old fool wanted the land all to himself for reasons he did not know.

The Southern Lord, Soma was an ancient Black Dog demon who had lived for almost two thousand years. He was a respected demon like Sesshoumaru's father, InuTaisho for protecting their own land from being attacked by the Fire Cat clan almost a thousand years ago. Although Soma was a respected lord, Sesshoumaru still found it hard to trust that greedy old fool. Like Father, like daughter, Soma was also a very demanding person and he would do anything to get what he wanted.

Putting down the letter, Sesshoumaru though of what would happen if he refused the old fool's request. It was not that Soma was difficult to deal with, but the trouble he caused could be annoying.

"Jaken, prepare the beast for my travel to the Southern Land and I want Kouga here immediately." Sesshoumaru ordered, and watched as the toad demon scrambled out the chamber. It seemed that he had to leave sooner than he had expected, and after he had dealt with the Southern Lord, he would go straight to the village and would not be back for another two weeks.

"Yo, that toad said you want to see me?"

Sesshoumaru looked up from the letter and glared at the Wolf demon, Kouga who had entered his chamber without notice. Kouga was the leader of the Western Wolf clan and was famous because of his lightening speed and cruelty towards his enemies. He had his black hair tied up in a pony tail, his icy blue eyes shone dangerously, and he was wearing chest armor and pelts with a normal sword adorned at his waist.

"Still do not know the meaning of formality. Next time, announce yourself before enter." Sesshoumaru said, crossing his arms across his armored chest and watched as the wolf demon did the same.

"Whatever. Say, why is that you want me here? If you are going to talk about your son's safety, just don't bother about it. I will kill whoever suspicious around him…including your woman. Don't mind, right?" Kouga said, smirking when the lord glared at him with his cold eyes. He had known Sesshoumaru since they were very young, and he knew working for Sesshoumaru would benefit him and his clan; total protection from the demon lord.

"There are some changes in the plans, and I do not care about what you do to that woman as long as you keep my son safe."

"Sure thing, so what are the changes?"


"What do you mean you don't know?" Ren yelled at the male servant who was kneeling before her with anger in her amber eyes. Her husband had received a letter from the Southern Land, and Ren wanted to know what was happening and what was that her father wanted. She knew her father very well, and she suspected that he had known her relationship with Sesshoumaru had worn off and now he was trying to pull another trick on him to secure their alliance.

Ren stood up from the cushion on the floor and paced the chamber liked a caged lion, totally ignoring the servant who was still there. She tugged at her black hair and growled fiercely when a though hit her mind.

"I see, so father is finally broke, and Sesshoumaru is the only one he can seek help from. That pathetic fool…" Ren whispered fiercely, finally realizing that his father's dept had finally run too deep for him to handle, and Sesshoumaru had became the main source of his help. For years, her father had the habit of gambling and buying unique objects in the Black Market, she had asked him to stop doing that but he never listened. The gambling and buying unique stuff was not as bad as it seemed, the money spent was still considered a small amount until her father met that woman. The woman he killed by his own hands just fifteen years ago…

"…serve her right. Listen, I want you to find someone I can trust to follow Sesshoumaru to the Southern Land. As for the other plan, it goes the way we have planned." Ren ordered and smirked when the servant bowed deep in front of her.


Lord Soma sat on his throne as he looked over his loyal followers bowing in front of him with his amber eyes. His black hair was tucked neatly underneath a white furred hat made of fox skin, and he was wearing an armor suit made of fine thousand-year-old turtle shell. He was proud to wear it because it symbolized his wealth, although he was actually near to broke in truth, but still it felt good to show off his wealth to all his fellow men.

"I can sense my son-in-law Sesshoumaru is on his way to my castle. Prepare the dish, and the girls to welcome him." Soma said, tapping his sharp claws against the handle of his throne.

"Shall we prepare her as well?" One of the servants asked.

"Yes, fetch her from that chamber and…bring her here." Soma replied, knowing full well that the Lord of Western Land was definitely going to enjoy the entertainment he was about to received.

Sesshoumaru's land, the Western Land was a fertile one that suited to raise and plant anything, and Soma wanted that land for himself so he could be rich again. He was once a very rich lord, a lord richer than Sesshoumaru if not for that woman he bought from the Black Market. He was attracted by that woman at first glance, and had bought her regardless of her high price. His life with that woman was pure heaven, until he realized what she was, and what she was capable of doing to him and his whole clan. Then he had killed her, killed her with his very own hands in front of all his people.

"Lord Soma, she is here…" The servant announced and Soma looked up only to saw a young girl clad in a ragged red kimono. The girl was the daughter of that woman he had killed, his youngest daughter, Rin.

"Come, Rin. I am setting you free. Come to father, I want to talk to you." Soma said with an evil glint in his amber eyes.

A/N: Okay, this ends here. This chapter is just an introduction of characters and Sesshoumaru and Rin will appear more in the next chapter and onwards. I can't tell you what type of demon Rin is, but I can say she is half dog and let us guess what other half she is.

(PS: I'm not going to update any stories, not until I finish my exam and come back from my Korea trip. Well, give me another two or three weeks time to type everything, kay?)

How old is Sesshoumaru?

Let's say he is over a thousand years old, and by the way, Rin is only sixteen. The sly woman Ren was over two hundred years old.

Why is Sess so cold to his son?

…He is cold, but I promise he will change after he meets Rin.

Where are InuYasha and his gang?

I don't know. They might appear……but….let us see how the story goes.

Will there be LEMON?

Yep, to be more precisely, they will be lemon in the next chapter. Can't wait, huh?