DISCLAIMER: I do not own Threshold.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I am petitioning to start a Threshold category, but until then this goes here. I don't usually write romance or anything really even approaching romance, but Molly and Cavennaugh speak to me for some reason. Yes, the "Brian" comes from Brian Van Holt, and I thought it sounded really nice with "Cavennaugh."
"Cavennaugh? What's your first name?"
Cavennaugh glanced at Molly. "Hm?"
"What's your first name?" Molly repeated.
Cavennaugh looked away, observing the DC traffic. "Why so curious?"
"Because when your helicopter landed in my yard, you called me by my full name-Molly Anne Caffrey," Molly answered in typical no-uncertain-terms fashion. "But you just introduced yourself as 'Cavennaugh.'" She looked up at him. "So it made me wonder: what is your first name?"
"Why's it important?" Cavennaugh stalled.
"Is a girl allowed to just be curious?" Molly asked. "You're a member of my team, Cavennaugh, and I know nothing about you. I wouldn't even know you were from Chicago if I hadn't grilled Ramsey to figure it out from your speech pattern."
Cavennaugh quirked a smile.
"So what is it?" Molly pressed.
Cavennaugh decided to play it a little. "Guess."
"Guess again…"
"OK." Molly leaned against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest. Gosh, she's irresistible when she does that. The thought flitted through the federal agent's mind before he could stop it. "Upton."
Cavennaugh snorted a laugh. "Uh, no."
The snort became a chuckle. "No."
"'Absolom'?" Cavennaugh asked. "Absolom Cavennaugh…I'm conflicted, aren't I?"
Molly's green eyes widened. "Is that it?"
Threshold's leader heaved a sigh. "Cavennaugh…"
She's cute when she's irritated. "Give up?"
"Molly Caffrey has given up."
"Come on, Cavennaugh. Spill."
"All right." Cavennaugh paused. "Brian."
"Brian." Molly nodded, seeming to turn the name over in her mind. "Brian Cavennaugh. I like it. Much better than Absolom."
"Nice to know I have your approval," Cavennaugh said.
"Thanks, Cavennaugh," Molly said with a smile. "You just got me ten bucks off Baylock."
"You…you bet him that I wouldn't tell my first name?" Cavennaugh asked.
Molly nodded smugly. "See you later, Brian."
Cavennaugh watched his superior saunter triumphantly out the door. "Girl knows what she wants," he muttered to himself. "I like it."