Emoness and sappyness...i hate these chappies. Anyway, this is the last chapter of this story. So um...Yah:D

Chapter #6

I sat there shivering. You should have brought a jacket dumbass! I said to myself. Shut up!I leaned against the cool rocky wall, shifting around until I found a comfortable place. Your ruining everyone's lives, Rayn. First Marco, then Cory and now Alex. Your like a living curse. No I'm not, I'm just not the best of luck! Face it, your bad, no, horrible luck. You should just sit in the cave until everyone forgets about you. Then they can get on with there lives without worrying about every stupid thing you do. No, my family loves me, and all my friends…..Boyfriends…You can't even keep a boyfriend, Cory cheated on you! Dead with it! Your not meant for relationships, you're a loner, that one mushroom on every pizza no matter what kind, that one cherry that's always sour, That one boat that's always along at the harbor, you're a loner, no-one will ever really care enough to come after you when you pull this kind of shit. I can't just give up. You already have…

I hadn't realized I was crying. I couldn't just argue with myself all day, it was eating me up, but that's basically what I did, until I heard something coming into the cave. I didn't move, if it was a bear it could kill me, not like anyone but my family would care.

"There you are." I turned around to see Marco. "You had everyone worried sick."


"So? That's all you have to say."

"I guess." He sat down next to me and sighed.

"Listen, You need to stop beating yourself up. So what if you avoided me for a few months? Its in the past, I've forgiven you. Alex was bound to lose his girlfriend eventually, She was cheating. Non of its your fault Rayn."

"But….what I did do…..I feel horrible for…"

"I know, but you need to face your problems head on, you can't just hide from them and think they'll go away." It was weid, he didn't sound like Marco anymore. He was seriouse, not joking around...honestly, it scared me.

I chuckled. "You sound like Doctor Phil"

"Not like I've watched his show….more that twice…The advice is solid!" He said. I laughed. There he is! Theres the Marco I knew and savagly tormented! "Lets go."

"No." I said.

"You can't hide in he…….."

"Its not that…" I growled."Come here, I want to show you something." I grabbed his hand and lead him down the cave. Finally I reached it.


"Look, on the wall…." I shone the flashlight on the wall. There was a circle drawn on the rock with chalk, inside it said Marco + Rayn Bestest Buds Forever. He smiled. "Over here." I said, walking over to the other side. It said 2000 And ever; 2001 and ever; 2002; and ever.

He looked puzzled. "Where's the rest?"

"Each year, one of us would write it, suddenly, we didn't anymore."

"I haven't been here forever…." He said flattening his back against the wall and taking three steps forward.

"Your not going to dig it up are you?"

"Lets just see if its still here."

"But, why don't we leave it, until….its been 20 years…..like we first planned."

He frowned. "Okay."

I sat there, looking at the pile of rocks oh the ground.

"Lets go" He said smiling.

"Otey." I said walking off.

I stood looking down at the park. "Marco" He walked over to the ledge. "Look, on top of the school a block away….That yellow dot…." He nodded and smiled.

"You thinks it's the same Frisbee?"

"Maybe. Remember, you used to try to climb the wall to get it back for me" he nodded. I laughed.

"Lets go!" I said, and before I realize what I was doing, I was a girl covered completely in feathers.

"Rayn?" Marco asked confused. I soared of.

Damn it Rayn! You're an idiot! Your right….

And Finito! The end, Fin, Cut, scratch! All done:D Hoped you liked it, but then i lost my hope, Cuz the hope checker came. He didn't ive it back.