
Rod G.



My name is Yajiro Kojima .

I am a samurai .

I am a mercenary .

And I hate Senshi .

However , I find myself traveling with a Senshi .

She calls herself Rushuna Tendo , and hard as it is for me to believe , she 's very different from all the

other Senshi . I first met her as she was bathing in a hot spring . She helped me to hide from Nago 's

men who were looking for me . I had rejoined the samurai who were attempting to free their lord from

Nago when she showed up again , seeking to pass through . The minute she went into action , I

realized she was unique , even among Senshi . The way she used her weapon . . . the way she

reloaded it . . . I couldn 't believe my eyes . It was a simple six shooter , yet she handled her weapon

better than Nago and his men handled theirs .

Strangely , although she had fired on Nago 's men ,she didn 't kill them .

Not a single one .

She either wounded or just simply disarmed them . I couldn 't understand why she did that . She even

managed not only to disarm Nago himself , but also actually strip him . Frankly , I don 't think he 'll ever

live down this humiliation .

So now , I 'm traveling with Rushuna . She may be a Senshi , but she 's nice , all things considered . She

claims to be on a journey to learn something she calls the " Ultimate Battle Strategy " , which has

something to do with embracing her enemies with a smile . If you ask me , that sounds too ridiculous

to me . Still , she does handle herself pretty well with that gun of hers .

Yeah ,I have to admit , she makes for some nice company .

And she IS a rather smart girl , despite her naive act .

One thing though . . .

I do wish she 'd stop calling me " Yatchan " .


Next Chapter : Rushuna Tendo.

Please review this , the very FIRST Grenadier fic . Thank you .