I M P O R T A N T ! There are some things I would like to address! Please read this before you continue on with the story.

WARNING. This story will be very psychological. It was always meant to be. There may be certain things in this story that people may not be comfortable reading...but that's what makes me, me: Ms. Controversy.

EVIAN MACAFFERY. I know its 30+ chapters in, but her character, believe it or not, is not fully developed.

TALA MACAFFERY. Remember that Tala is Evian's (younger) twin. As twins, they will have considerable similarities...and considerable differences. Use him to catch onto Evian's developments as a character. You may use other characters also (namely Kai and Mr. MaCaffery).

REBOOT. This story was first written when I had just turned 17. I am turning 23 in September. The last time this story was updated was a year ago. That is 6 years altogether. I mention this b/c this story WAS/IS like a journal. Because of this, you may or may not notice certain changes in certain characters due to the fact that within 6 years, I have experienced a lot more 'stuff' in my life. However, this will be an advantage for the story given that the story is meant to be psychological and change is inevitable.

CHAPTERS. The chapters for DLS will be reduced (so that I can update more often and get to the point faster). This chapter is especially short just so we can all jump back into the story.

SUGGESTION. Before you start this chapter, I would suggest reading at least the last few chapters.

I'm like a puzzle but all of my pieces are jagged.


Mr. and Mrs. MaCaffery,

The Whiz Kid Foundation is pleased to grant you $15, 000 to cover the tuition fees for Evian's admission to Ace Academy for the Gifted. Enclosed is a cheque with the listed amount.

We wish you and your daughter the best of luck.


The Whiz Kid Foundation

Lowering the outdated letter, Boris looked over at the curly haired boy who stood a couple of feet away from him, "She is gifted? Why wasn't I told?"

Face twisted up in confusion, Marshal proceeded to answer the question, "I go to school with her; she can't be gifted, it's impossible. She's failing almost everything,"

Ignoring the brunette, the purple haired man pulled out a file from way back and got out what appeared to be admission papers, "Tala Bradley MaCaffery admitted to BioVolt July 17, 1991," He paused and looked over at the letter from the Whiz Kid Foundation, "This is dated July 20, 1991," Laying both papers side by side, he nodded to himself as if he had understood everything, "Payment of $13, 500 for registration into BioVolt received on July 21, 1991. This makes sense; I always wondered how they were able to pay for his funding for the Abbey. Interesting," He sneered and made eye contact with the brunette, "I want a file to be made on Evian. I want her medical records, her school reports, everything."

x x x

With her body on the ground and one hand reached outward at the end of the cliff, empty, the blonde continued staring down at the jagged rocks and water. It was too dark to see much of anything except for the waves crashing into the rocks and the sound of it. Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she rolled over immediately, confused to have found herself lying in bed, her brother giving her a pathetic look. She turned around again to look all the way down the overhang, only to come face to face with her pillow instead. As someone shoved her a few times, she glanced over her shoulder.

"Wake up, Blondie,"

Finally being able to differentiate between dreamland and reality, Evian relaxed. But it felt so real; the pebbles and rocks grazing against her skin, the smell of the ocean and pine trees, the height from where she was to where she was looking...

Where was she looking anyway? Was this her inner conscious' way of telling her that she was contemplating suicide? That couldn't be; she was against those kinds of things. Sitting up on the mattress and finding herself in jean shorts and a top she normally wouldn't go to sleep in, she realized she must have fallen asleep after lunch.


The blonde yawned as she furrowed her brows at the redhead, angrily kicking him in the butt, "Stop yelling,"

"Then wake up,"

"I'm tired,"

"You slept the whole day," He scooted next to her, his elbow propped on her shoulder lazily while he used his other hand to text someone something, "I'm bored, let's go out,"

"Let's get ice cream,"

"We can do that too," He pocketed his phone, "But I was thinking about checking out the city,"

"Okay," She nodded in agreement before sliding off the mattress and heading to the washroom to freshen up. Any smudged liner was fixed, her clothes were straightened out, and her hair was brushed into place.

"You wouldn't mind," Tala begun as she stepped out of the washroom, putting on a pair of flats that were left by the doorway, "if Kai comes with us, would you?"

"Not really,"

"So you want him to come?"

Evian narrowed her eyes at the redhead, "I don't like the way you're asking me. It's like you want me to say that I want him to come,"

"Do you want that?"

Not comprehending, the blonde attempted to clarify the situation, "Why would I want or not want him to come?"

"I'm not trying to do anything, I'm just asking you a yes or no question: do you care if I ask him to come with us?"

"If you want him to come then tell him to come," Evian rolled her eyes, "You don't need to ask me. I'm going to wait downstairs," She left the room quickly to avoid further questions on the strange matter. The captain – and the vice captain – had joined minutes later, the three heading out of the hotel and hastily cutting across traffic and jogging into a forested area to avoid paparazzi. They walked along the path, the blonde a few steps behind the two, busy on her Blackberry while the others conversed.

It was minutes into their trip when Tala felt his sister roughly shove in between them. Annoyed, he planned on pushing her back, but was interrupted in the process.

"We're going the wrong way," She said, placing a finger on the screen of her phone, "It says on the GPS,"

What did she mean they were going the wrong way? They hadn't even picked a way to go, it was just random.

"It's the wrong way," She turned towards Kai, pushing the phone into his hands, "You can check if you don't believe me,"

Pausing, the slate haired teen raised a brow before eyeing the phone, the redhead leaning over to look also. There was no GPS on the phone. Instead it was something she had typed up on her phone: someone is following us. Upon reading it, Tala and Kai exchanged glances with each other. But there was no need to be discreet anymore as they heard a thud of the person jumping off a tree and landing on the ground behind them. Scared for her life, the blonde was the first to make a run for it diverging off the walk path and heading for a completely unsystematic direction, pushing bushes and branches out of her way, jumping over things and making sure not to fall down like last time. She could hear people running behind her, and whether it was Kai and Tala or the other person, she didn't know.

She didn't want to know.

Without looking back, she continued, desperately trying to find the way out of the trees and grass to the streets and roads.

She slowed down, however, when she noticed an overhang up ahead signalling a physical dead end. Before she could come to a complete stop, she felt someone crash into her from behind, resulting in her falling on the ground on her hands and knees just inches away from the end but a second push sent her tumbling down the dirty, grassy, rock-strewn mound.


"What the hell?"


At least none of them had been separated. Kai picked himself up hastily, ignoring the inconsequential throbbing that was coming from different parts of his body. He spotted the blonde on her feet but bent over checking out the massive scrape on her knee, blood discharging out of it and trickling down her legs.

"Don't touch it," The vice captain warned quickly before she could swipe over it with her hand, "You'll infect it,"

Nonetheless, while these two had managed to get up, Tala had a harder time, "I think I sprained my ankle,"

Evian looked upward and then glowered back at him, "We don't have time for that!"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Stop being a baby!" She looked towards the top once again, "Get up!"

As the redhead extended a hand towards her as if to ask for help, Kai evaluated the situation at hand. He could make a run for it and probably even get away with it. He didn't have much faith in Evian to do the same; she was a small girl and to outrun a man out to kill them wasn't very realistic to him. And Tala was inevitably out of commission; the best he could do was limp and that would just slow all of them down, given they chose to stick together. And he did want to stay together. In conclusion, running away was out of question. He scanned the area until his eyes landed on a small save right below the overhang they'd fallen off, "In there," He voiced, taking up authority for now. He helped the team captain, more so than Evian could for obvious reasons, shoved him into the makeshift hideout first, followed by himself, and then the blonde getting in at last. It was tiny, crowded, and uncomfortable, but he trusted it to keep them safe.

For now.

"How long do we have to be in here?" Evian whispered, only to have the redhead 'shh' in response. There was nothing but utter silence for the next five to seven minutes and just when they thought the coast was clear, the three perked up when they heard the sound of a twig snapping under someone's footstep nearby. They kept as still as humanely possible, some of them even opting to hold their breath, hoping and praying things would turn out okay, and for a while, they seemed to be okay.

That was until one of them went un-according to plan.

Kai felt the blonde to his left shift around, their skin to skin contact disappearing as she randomly shuffled out of the cave and out in the open. Before he could register what was even happening, Tala had leaned over from his other side just in time to grab hold of her ankle, the action causing her to practically face-plant on the ground as he tried to pull her back, "What the fuck are you doing!" He whispered.

She didn't say anything. All she tried to do was get out of his grip and pull the other way, away from the cave and as she began kicking at his hand to cut loose, his tone turned defensive, "Evian, listen, listen to me, come on, please,"

In the time it took Tala to plead, Kai had already calculated that she wasn't going to listen. She wanted to leave. It was understandable. Nobody wanted to be involved in a life and death situation, especially if they had no part in anything. Technically, it wasn't even fair to her to be stuck with them. "Let her go,"

"Fuck you, Kai!" The redhead declined.

"It's best for her to separate from us," Kai reasoned, "They're not after her. If you let her go, she has a better chance of escape,"

And from the look on the younger twin's face, the vice captain could tell he didn't want to let go...but that he should. Slowly and practically unwillingly, the redhead's hand withdrew from his sister's ankle. Upon freedom, Evian didn't waste time; she hadn't even looked back as she made a run for it, and as her figure eventually vanished into the forest, a feeling of impending doom loomed over Tala.

As insignificant as it may have seemed to let her go, it was actually a big step...for him. He couldn't remember a time when Evian willingly ditched him when he was in trouble like this. He had no idea how she'd be able to guard him from this danger – he knew she couldn't – but still, her presence had always made him feel safe. Was she that scared? Had her magic finally run out? She couldn't look after him? She didn't want to? She wanted to save herself instead? Could he label her as selfish? Would that be right? Was he selfish for wanting to her stay, knowing how hazardous this situation was?

Still...wasn't blood supposed to be thicker than water?

Tala recalled the last time; she had urinated herself from fear, right in front of him and perhaps unconsciously. He used that as a measure to determine and imagine just how afraid Evian might have been this time around.

His thoughts came to an abrupt halt as whatever light they had in the cave was suddenly shadowed over and when he looked up, he found their predator, a sneer etched on his features. He watched Kai next to him who had his head down, giving in to whatever his fate was.

Realizing he couldn't fight it either, Tala accepted it too. At least Kai was right: Evian had been better off separating from them.

The redhead studied the man. He was grimy looking with brown eyes and brown hair but when he noticed a flutter of blonde hair from the side of the man's face, Tala narrowed his eyes. He moved his head, the change in angle resulting him to catch a glimpse of Evian standing directly behind the man like a creep, a massive tree branch in her possession, about a meter in length and a few of inches in diameter.

She snuck up so quietly that the man hadn't even noticed and only when she brought the branch down to the back of his head with a hard hit did he react, falling over to the side, grabbing his bleeding skull in pain, looking up at his predator in surprise.

And anger. "You little bitch!" He growled as he tried to stand up. But she had taken that option away from him as she busted one of his kneecaps by striking him over his leg. He let out an agonizing yell and rolled over in an attempt to crawl away, but she had eliminated that possibility too; a sickening crack was heard, one which made even the strong-stomached Tala wrinkle his nose, as Evian hit the man over the spine. Turning on his back, the man raised both his arms defensively, "Please," So odd how the tables had turned, "I'm...I'm sorry,"

The apology seemed to have worked as she paused, lowering the weapon and eyeing the man, then glancing over her shoulder at the redhead. What she was trying to say nonverbally, if anything, Tala couldn't tell. He didn't say anything either, and if planned on doing so, it was too late. She turned back around, raising the branch over the man's face and massacre continued. Blood seeped out of his nose, his lips, his mouth, practically from everywhere and it was almost black in colour indicated severe damage. The redhead watched in horror and beside him, even Kai had frozen up at the intensely gruesome scenario.

And she wasn't stopping.

It was at this point Tala realized the man would die. Pushing past the bluenette, he emerged from the cave and limped as fast as he could to his other half, "Evian!" Getting close enough, he shoved her slightly, "Stop!" But it was too late. One look at the deceased and Tala felt sick. He couldn't tell where the man's eyes were, his nose was gone, and overall his face resembled a bowl of minestrone soup: completely disfigured and unrecognizable.

The feel to vomit rising, Tala immediately looked away. He stared at the ground in an attempt to contain himself before turning to face Evian. She looked like an animal. Her pristine blonde hair, now covered in leaves, her usually clean and trendy clothing, now dirty and torn in some places, her well taken care of legs, now stained in dried blood from the cut on her knee, that natural glow to her face, replaced with dark smudges and splatters of her victim's blood. The branch in her hand just added to the look of barbarism.

He took a step towards her carefully to let her know it was okay when she unexpectedly raised the makeshift weapon, ready to take a swing at her own brother. Upon reflex the redhead closed his eyes and sheltered himself with an arm but when the impact never came, he regained his composure.

Tossing the branch aside, Evian laughed, "Just kidding."

Thanks to everyone who has waited so incredibly long for this chapter. I even had people asking me about this story in their reviews for my other story. This story is hard to write b/c I've introduced so much into it. I will update as fast as I can. I just need to reorganize.


Crying Sorceress

Peroxxide Priincess

just a girl


kstar orange


-Kaidee- 1









eloquent dreams


Shiningheart of ThunderClan