Freedom Part Two: Unexpected Trip to Jamaica remains Unexpected

1: Welcome to the Caribbean….again

Disclaimer: I do not own POTC or any of the characters in it, as they do belong to Disney. I know my first story was in 2nd/3rd person, but I am changing it to 1st person for this one. I do own my own characters and my story line. ENJOY the continuation!

The passengers began moving about the plane cabin, getting their belongings. Jack and I remain in our seats, merely observing the people as they begin to exit the plane. Finally, I stand up and Jack follows.

"C'mon, let's get outta here!" I exclaim, shoving Jack into the aisle. The four of us walk down the steps to the ground. Will, Jack and Elizabeth all look around them, into the sky, at the tarred ground, to their left and to their right.

"This is Jamaica?" Elizabeth asks, crinkling her nose.

"Well, this is still the airport, mind you," I reply with a smile. "Don't worry, it gets better."

We continued outside until we reached the door to the inside of the terminal. We enter the building and immediately head for customs.

"Welcome to Jamaica," the man greets us with a huge smile.

"Thanks! We're glad to be here!" I reply excitedly, handing him our papers and licenses. He looks them over.

"Why are you visiting Jamaica?" He asks while looking at our birth certificates.

"We are here on temporary business," I reply.

"And where are your bags?" He asks, suddenly seeming suspicious.

"We flew them down here already—made the journey a lot easier!" I reply with a smile, trying to keep things light and easy.

"Alright, you may go on. Enjoy your stay here in Jamaica," the man says, his smile returning.

"Thanks!" You reply, walking off with your friends.

"Is that it?" Will asks, walking briskly to keep up.

"Yeah, we just need to get a taxi to my aunt's house now, which might be a little scary. Jamaica isn't exactly the safest place on Earth," I explain as we get outside. I walk up to a taxi car.

"Excuse me, sir, could you please drive us?" I ask.

"Sure ting—hop in de car," he replies, his accent thick. The four of us get in the taxi.

"Where to, mees" he asks.

"Um, I believe it's 12 Port Royal Terrace….it's in…Port Royal I guess?" I say, not knowing if the town is actually still called Port Royal.

"Ah, Port Royal, eh?" He laughs as he begins driving.

"Why is that so funny?" Elizabeth asks suddenly, seeming a bit peeved.

"Because dat place is surely old—and by old I mean barely exists!" He laughs.

"Well she said Port Royal, so it has to exist," Will pleas.

"Yes, only a smoll path still exists. Your aunt must be surely lucky to leeve in dat area!" He exclaims.

"Yes, she is," I reply. As the man drives, I notice Jack and Will and Elizabeth all looking out the windows, completely mesmerized by the unfamiliar home before them. Jack finally turns to me. I look into his eyes and I see a painful longing deep within him.

"We're almost there," I whisper to him. He nods and commences back to looking out the window.

About 10 minutes later, we arrive on Port Royal Terrace. The water is its typical magnificent aqua blue, complementing the sky so perfectly. The car begins to slow down as it drives farther out onto the terrace, and finally reaching 12—the final house, or should I say, mansion. Jack, Will and Elizabeth all begin to gawk in awe at my aunt and uncle's home.

"It reminds me so much of my own home back in—" Elizabeth cuts herself off, realizing that she is back "at home"…or back in the Caribbean in "Port Royal" at least.

"I know what you mean, luv," Jack replies to her as he steps out of the car. Luckily, I observe that nobody is home. I turn to the taxi driver, thank him and pay him in American dollars, which is very pleased to see. We remain in the driveway observing the home until the taxi is out of sight. I then turn to my friends and motion them forward.

"I'll get us to my room—this way." I lead them around the house to the private beach. I look up to the balcony at the west end of the mansion.

"That's my room," I say, pointing to it. "We'll have to climb, but it's our only way in,"

"How do you know we can get in that way for sure?" Elizabeth asks, staring up at the balcony.

"Because I always leave the doors open—see the curtains blowing?"

"Ah yes," Will speculates, his eyes squinted against the harsh sun. Meanwhile, Jack is already climbing.

"Let's go," I say, spotting Jack. "We can't leave the captain to this by himself."

The three of us begin climbing, joining Jack. Jack, of course, reaches the balcony first. He helps me up, then Elizabeth, and finally Will.

"Hang out here for a sec; let me make sure all is clear inside," I say, and proceed into my room. I look around, rummage through some of my things and then take a deep breath. I unlock the bedroom door and open it. I peer into the hallway and wait. I hear nothing for quite some time. I then shut the door, lock it and go back to the balcony.

"All's clear," I say, opening the balcony door entirely to reveal my room.

"Oh God!" Elizabeth shrieks and the faints.

"Elizabeth!" Will exclaims as he catches her in his arms.

"Oh my God! Lay her on my bed!" I exclaim as I frantically push my clothes off the bed to make room for her.

Will lays her down and sits on the bed next to her. Jack looks around the room, observing everything. He finally makes his way over to the antique piano.

"This be the piano ye played that night ye came to Port Royal, eh luv?" Jack asks, taking a seat at the piano.

"Yes it is," I say, looking at the piano and it's worn ivory keys. I touch the keys and play a little tune. As I play, an eerie feeling comes over my body.

"We need to go get that music," I say finally, stopping my playing.

"Well, we're here…back in the Caribbean…312 years from where the music is. So where are these lyrics you said were here?" Will asks, fanning his wife.

"They aren't in this house," I say. "They're in town at this store—hopefully they're still here."

"They better be here, luv!" Jack exclaims, abruptly getting up from the bench.

"I know they will be here," I say finally. "We just have to wait until tomorrow morning to get them."

"WHAT! WHY!" Jack exclaims.

"Because today the store isn't open—but it will be tomorrow—and what's more convenient, tomorrow will be exactly a month since I left here and arrived in your century,"

"Well that is strange," Will says.

"There is a reason for this!" Elizabeth exclaims, finally sitting up. Will, startled jumps off the bed.

"And what reason could that possibly be?" Jack asks Elizabeth.

"I fainted because I was in shock—Lindsey, I know this house, and you should too," She says, getting off the bed and looking around the room.

"Don't even say it…" I begin, fearing what she is going to say.

"WHAT! Don't say what!" Jack freaks out.

"This is my house!" She exclaims finally, turning to me.

"I knew it," I reply with a smile.

"How! Why!" Jack continues his crazed antics around the room.

"Well, it's very simple Jack—in our century this is where I lived with my father," Elizabeth says nostalgically opening the bedroom door, revealing the hallway. We follow her into the hall as she continues on.

"I'll never forget that horrible evening when I was captured by Barbosa's crew," she touches the banister, remembering how she ran down the stairs at the sound of he knocking on the front door. "Don't!" she had cried to the butler, who as all too late.

Will puts his arms around her, trying to ease her foul memories. She turns and faces him, a twisted gaze seeping from her eyes.

"It's all gone now," she whispers, her lips quivering as a tear rolls down her cheek.

"What's gone?" I ask gently, trying not to upset her more.

"The house…my house. I mean, this was my house, but it's different—this isn't the same one…is it?" She asks, looking around, wiping away her tears.

"I actually believe this is the same house…or at least in theory it is. It looks different because it was renovated. The basic skeleton of the house should be the same—but yes, it looks different because it is different—it's been renovated." I reply solemnly.

"But, outside even—it's all gone. Nothing is the same," she weeps again.

"I know…it was the earthquake," I say.

"It destroyed everything!" She shrieks, suddenly angry.

"Yes it did," Will hushes her.

"Yes, there is now a beach next to your house, but I have something you might like—perhaps put you at ease," I say, taking her hand and leading her down the stairs. Jack and Will follow, anxious to see what it is that I am going to show her.

I open the front door and walk outside. Leading the way, I walk all the way downtown, still leading Elizabeth. I lead them down a tiny side street and stop in front of an old "building".

"Look familiar?" I ask, gesturing to the store.

All three of them gasp at the sight before them. Though not exactly the way they remembered it, but extremely close enough for them to recognize it, my music store stood before them.

"This is where the lyrics to the song are," I speak, still staring at the store, myself too lost in the memories from their century. I look over at Jack and see the memories pouring through his mind of our times together in the store—of how we met and all the laughs and scares spent.

"I can't believe after all these years it's still here," Elizabeth sighs, taking it all in.

"I think it's one of the few buildings here left from your century that weren't wholly affected by the quake," I say, walking over to the window and peering inside.

"Sure it's been renovated, luv, but it's just as I remember it!" Jack smiles, joining me by the window.

"Yeah it is…it's the one thing that has truly connected our worlds—I mean it's a constant in both," I say, turning to Jack, as Will and Elizabeth join us in looking through the window.

"It's the link that will bring us back," Will says, determinedly.

Well that's it Chapter 1 for ya! Hope you liked it! Please review! I love reading what you think! Tell me how I can make it better, or if you have any plot suggestions—they are surely welcome!