A/N: YEAH!!!! Here it is! The last chapter of Hidden Treasure! And, hey, look at that...it didn't take me a year to update (but it was pretty damn close)!
I had so much trouble writing this last chapter. I watched National Treasure multiple times, but nothing was inspiring me. Then last night I saw The Hangover (where Justin Bartha is the groom-to-be...and it made me remember how blue his eyes are) and this chapter just started spilling out when I sat down to write this morning. So the wedding here was inspired by The Hangover (even though I didn't like the movie).
The day of Riley and Bianca's wedding arrived so fast that they could barely keep up with the details and preparations.
Riley wakes up super early on his big day. He doesn't want to wake up Bianca yet, so he slowly and carefully slips his arms from around and slides out of the bed. After taking a shower, he checks to make sure that Bianca is still asleep before going downstairs and into the kitchen. Turning the CD player on and keeping the music low, Riley decides to make pancakes for himself and Bianca to share in their bed. Once a decent-sized pile of pancakes were ready, Riley dumps some syrup on them and puts the plate on a tray. He takes the milk out of the refrigerator and two glasses out of the cabinet. Filling them, he replaces the milk, then places both glasses on the tray. Carefully, so as not to spill anything, he takes the tray upstairs to their bedroom. As he opens the door, he is about to call to Bianca, but as he looks up, he sees that she is already wake and sitting up.
"Hey," she says groggily, rubbing her eyes. "I was wondering where you went."
Riley walks over to her and sets the tray of food and drink on the bed next to her.
"You think I'd run out on you on the day of our wedding?" he asks, sarcastically with a grin. He sits down on the bed as well.
"Don't you even joke about that, Riley Poole," she says with a straight face and a finger pointed at him.
"I'm not about to leave you, so don't worry," he says with a dopey smirk.
"Good," Bianca says, then pauses to look down at the food before looking back up at Riley. "You didn't make a mess did you?"
"Uh, no," Riley answers, not looking at Bianca.
"Riley," Bianca warns.
"Okay, fine. I made a little mess, but I'll clean it up later."
"As long as you clean it up soon. Pancake batter is a bitch to scrub when dry."
Riley chuckles, then cuts off a bite of the pancakes. He lifts the fork to his own mouth before deciding against it and turning the fork towards Bianca. She eats it and gives Riley a satisfied look.
"Very good, hun. I haven't domesticated you, have I?" she asks as Riley cuts a bite for himself.
"I certainly hope not. 'Cause then my badass reputation is ruined," he says.
Bianca tries to hold in her laughter, but she can't. She laughs at how serious his face looks.
"Yeah, go ahead. Laugh it up," Riley says, cutting another piece of pancake to feed himself.
"Oh, Riley. I wouldn't be laughing if I didn't love you. You are the most badass nerd I have ever met," she smiles, then leans closer to Riley. She waits for him to swallow the food in his mouth before reaching over and pulling him by the front of his shirt into a kiss.
"I resent that nerd bit," he says after they break the kiss.
"We're both nerds. And yes, I willing admit that I am one," she says before kissing him again.
After breaking their kiss once more, and after breakfast was finished, Bianca gets out of bed and gets ready for the pre-wedding preparations.
Later in the morning, after they had gotten their wedding things together, Riley and Bianca pile everything into Riley's Ferrari and the two drive to the National Garden near the Capitol Building. The Garden normally doesn't allow big parties, but considering these two were part of a national treasure hunt, they are allowed to have their small ceremony in the Rose Garden. They have less than forty people coming to the ceremony anyway and they are willing to pay a hefty sum of money. Their reception is on the large Lawn Terrace outside of the Conservatory.
Riley and Bianca arrive at the Gardens almost at the same time Ben and Abigail do. After some pleasantries, the four walk into the main building and speak with whoever the place put in charge of looking after the wedding. When Laura and Owen (Riley's not-so-nerdy friend) arrive, they all explore the grounds to the Gardens. Riley and Bianca walk hand in hand, off on their own, through the Gardens. When they stumble upon the Butterfly Garden with its waterfall and numerous butterflies, they decided right then and there to have their pictures taken there.
When the time came, Riley and Bianca are whisked away from each other and forced into their wedding clothes. Laura and Abigail have a fun time tying up Bianca's hair and placing pins in it. Ben and Owen have fun taking joking jabs at Riley.
Since Bianca's parents had passed on, she didn't have anyone to walk her down the aisle. She had asked Mr. Gates to do it and he agreed. She met him at the edge of the Rose Garden before the ceremony got underway.
"I want to thank you again for doing this for me, Mr. Gates," she says as she loops her arm with his.
"It is a pleasure, Bianca. Besides, you are as close to a daughter as I have. I couldn't exactly walk my son down the aisle, now could I?" he grins at her.
Bianca laughs softly. "I guess not."
The two walk down the small aisle towards Riley. Once next to him, Mr. Gates kisses Bianca's check, then gives her hand to Riley, who takes it and holds it tight.
After the exchange of vows, rings, and kisses, the minister looks out to the wedding guests as Bianca and Riley face them.
"Let me introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Riley Poole," the minister says loud enough for the people in the back to hear. Amidst the clapping, he leans towards Bianca and Riley. "Congratulations, you two."
Bianca looks back at him and smiles. Riley looks back at him and says a quiet "thank you". The two then walk down the aisle to the back of the gathered friends and family. Once there, they pause. Bianca wraps her arms around Riley's neck and Riley wraps his arms around Bianca's waist. They share another kiss that would have embarrassed the both of them if they did it in front of their guests.
When everyone else in the wedding party is gathered in the back, the photographer asks them all to head over to the Butterfly Garden. A few of the guests with cameras of their own follow. The photographer takes lots of pictures of the wedding party, the newly-wedded couple, family and close friends. During the shoot of just Bianca and Riley, a butterfly lands on Bianca, on the right strap of her stress, near her collar bone. She notices it...and so does the photographer. When she looks down at it and smiles, she hears the clicks of the cameras. As she looks back up to Riley, she sees another butterfly land on his lapel flower and smiles. More clicks of cameras go off when they both look at it. After the butterflies fly off, one more picture is taken of the couple: Riley kisses Bianca's cheek as she looks towards the cameras making an exaggerated kissy face and popping her foot.
After pictures are done with everyone congregates to the Lawn Terrace where a large, white canopy is set up along with a dance floor and enough tables to hold all of the guests. While everyone is eating their meal, Ben stands up and taps his champagne glass to gain everyone's attention.
"Uh, hi everyone," he says. There are some chuckles from the crowd at his obvious discomfort at giving speeches. "I have known Bianca all of her life. I even babysat her when she was little." More chuckles and Bianca dips her head in embarrassment, but grins. "Riley I haven't know as long, but long enough to call him a good friend. These two couldn't have been more perfectly matched. Congrats, Riley and Bianca." Ben raises his glass and salutes them with it. A chorus of 'congratulations' echoes around from the guests, then everyone drinks from their glasses. There is then a clanking of silverware, making Riley and Bianca kiss. Bianca stands and walks over to Ben. She gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you, Ben. You're almost as good as an older brother," she says with a smile.
"You're most welcome, Bianca. I'm glad to see you so happy. You're practically glowing," Ben replies, which makes Bianca blush. She kisses his cheek once more, then returns to her seat next to Riley, kissing his cheek and taking his hand. Riley kisses the back of her hand.
After the meal, there is dancing, which is opened up by Bianca and Riley. At the end of their song, Riley dips Bianca low. This receives cat-calls and whistles from the onlookers and a surprised gasp from Bianca, then a laugh, which Riley joined in with before kissing her and bringing them both up into an upright position.
After more rounds of dancing, which included the Chicken Dance, Bianca kisses Riley and leaves the dance floor to go to the open bar to get a drink. She orders a Rum and Coke from the bartender. While waiting, she looks down at the white gold band on her left ring finger. Grinning, she spins it along with the engagement ring. So lost in her thoughts, she didn't even notice anyone come up next to her.
"You look beautiful."
Startled, she turns her head to look at who is speaking to her.
"Ian!" she gasps. "What are you doing here? How'd you get in?"
Ian chuckles. "I came to say congratulations. As to how I got in? That's my little secret."
Bianca glances over to the dance floor to make sure Ben, Abigail, and Riley are otherwise occupied, before looking back at Ian with a skeptical glance. "You didn't kill anyone to get in, did you?"
"No. I did not," he replies, frowning. "Really, Bianca, I told you before I'm done with that line of work. I simply wanted to wish you a happy marriage to Riley."
Bianca looks into his eyes to find the truth in his words. When she finds it, she cracks a small smile. "Thank you," she says softly.
Ian cracks his own smile and holds out his hand. "May I have a dance with the new bride?...Or is that stepping over some sort of boundary?"
She hesitates for a moment before placing her hand in his. "Only one, then I have to ask you to leave. You don't have an invitation...and I really don't want my wedding marked with bloodshed." She smiles a little more to show that it is meant in jest, but she is completely serious.
"Fair enough," he says.
Turning to the bartender who made her drink, Bianca tells him to hold onto it and that she will be back momentarily. She and Ian then walk towards the dance floor. Bianca catches Riley's eye. He sees who is with her and frowns then starts to walk towards her. Bianca raises her hand to stop him. She mouths 'it's okay' to him, taking on a smile to reassure him. This seems to placate him, but he still watches the two like a hawk.
Once on the floor, Bianca turns to Ian and takes his hand, keeping a large space in between them. Ian places his hand on her waist as she places hers on his bicep.
"Keep your hands where they are. My husband is watching you closely and I'm sure he won't mind kicking you out on your ass," she warns as they start to dance.
Ian nods as a response.
After their dance, one that is extremely uncomfortable to Bianca, Ian bows at the waist a little and kisses Bianca's hand.
"Fair well, Bianca. Have a happy marriage," Ian says before dropping her hand.
"Thank you, Ian. Be careful with your life," she says.
Again, Ian nods, then turns and leaves the dance floor and ultimately the reception. Sighing a sigh of relief, Bianca glances at Riley, Ben, and Abigail with a grin before walking back to the bar and retrieving her drink.
"I'd like a shot of tequila as well, please," she tells the bartender who places her drink in front of her.
Nodding, the bartender turns to retrieve the requested shot. Bianca takes a swig of the drink in her hands with a sigh.
"What was he doing here?"
Bianca glances to her right at Riley. "Wishing us a happy marriage. That's all," she answers. "And to have a dance with me. He left and I doubt we'll see him again any time soon."
The bartender came back with Bianca's shot. Riley sighed and looked at the bartender. "Can I get one of those, too?" The bartender walked away to get another shot.
"Since when do you do tequila shots?" Bianca asks him.
"Since one of my enemies decided to crash my wedding," he grumbles.
"He hardly crashed it," Bianca says softly. "Riley," she sighs, "he's gone. Just forget about him. Let's enjoy the rest of the day. It's our day and nothing bad happened while he was here. Everything's fine." She smiles and places her hands on either side of his face. Bringing his face down to hers, she kisses him in reassurance. She pulls back when the bartender returns with Riley's shot.
Riley picks up the shot. Bianca notices and places her hand over his.
"You might want a chaser," she smiles.
Riley looks at her, then at the bartender. "Can I get the same drink she has, too?"
"Of course," the bartender smirks.
When he returns, Riley nods his thanks then picks up the shot glass again. Bianca picks hers up as well. They clink the glasses, hit the bottoms on the top of the bar, then knock 'em back. They both make faces before picking up their limes and gnawing on them for a moment. They then both reach for their Rum and Cokes, taking a quick drink.
"Now, I remember why I don't do those," Riley says, taking another drink.
Bianca laughs, then kisses Riley again. They start to walk away when a waiter comes up to them with a tray. They place their drinks on it and the waiter takes them to their seat, while Riley and Bianca return to the dance floor. As soon as they reached the floor, they were immediately assaulted by Ben and Abigail. Bianca explains the situation and tempers are placated.
The situation with Ian is soon forgotten as they continue having fun and dancing the night away.
After the guests have left, Abigail, Ben, Laura, Owen, and Mr. Gates stay behind and help clean up. When the clean up is taken care of, Riley and Bianca say their goodbyes, then jump into the Ferrari and head home.
Once home, Riley carries Bianca over the threshold. Inside the house, Riley sets her down again after a kiss.
"I'm beat," says Bianca. "And my feet are killing me."
"Me, too...except my feet are just fine," Riley smirks.
Bianca rolls her eyes, then puts a hand on Riley's shoulder to keep her balance while she reaches down and takes off her heels. She tosses them by the front door.
"Let's go to bed. I'm so tired," she suggests, taking Riley's hand.
The two head upstairs to their bedroom. Bianca grabs her pajamas, then heads to the bathroom to have a quick shower and to wash off her light make up. When she gets back to the bedroom, Riley is already changed and in the bed. He opens his arms to her. She tosses her dress onto the back of the chair where Riley's clothes are already tossed, then jumps into the bed, allowing herself to be wrapped up in Riley's arms.
"All of this seems so surreal," Riley says once they are comfortable.
"What does?" Bianca mumbles, her eyes closed.
"I honestly never saw myself getting married."
Bianca opens her eyes and tilts her head up to look at Riley, then grins at him. "Honestly, me either. I always saw myself too absorbed in my work to actually date, let alone get married. But then Ben Gates drags me out of my office on a treasure hunt and I meet this really cute and really smart guy. Somehow I ended up falling in love with him somewhere along the way."
Riley picks his head up and looks down at her. "Who is he? Do I have to kick someone's ass?"
Bianca laughs and leans up to kiss him. "If you can kick your own ass, I'd like to see that." She then settles back against him.
"Did all of this seem really fast to you? I mean, we only met a few months ago and now look at us. We're married," Riley says, hugging Bianca closer to him.
"You're not regretting it already are you?" Bianca asks, looking back up at him.
"NO! Of course not! I love you. I just don't as much about you as I want to know," he says, kissing her forehead.
"Hmm, well, I love you, too...and we have the rest of our lives to figure out the tiny details about each other," she smirks, then kisses Riley once more before wrapping him in her own arms. They both settle into sleep with large smiles on their faces.
A/N: THE END!! Woot!
Okay, well, I hope you all liked this story...even though it's taken me forever to finish it. I'm happy that I DID finish it though. It's a great sense of accomplishment.
For those of you who have stuck with me through this, and to those who have reviewed: Thanks a bunch!
Enjoy life, people! PEACE!