Author's notes: Because I started with a song, I'll end with one as well. This is 'Love is a place' by Metric. Thank you for all of your kind reviews, everyone. Multi-chaptered stories and I don't always get along. I'm glad that you all seemed to have enjoyed this one.

My final note on this story: I enjoy colours and feel like they tell stories in and of themselves. No matter what new canon may tell me, I swear that Vincent Valentine was a blue-eyed man.

And now for one last bit. Thanks again

-T. pirate

Contact: Epilogue

There's spring in the air
They're sweeping the streets

Vincent sighed when he woke up with no one beside him. He squinted slightly at the sun coming in from the window. These three am feedings were starting to turn into six am feedings… it almost wasn't worth going back to sleep. Pulling himself up, he ran a hand through his hair, eyeing the room. The door was open and he smiled, deciding to go look for his wife.

Wind is a breeze
The sun becomes her he agrees

On bare feet, he padded down the hallway, pausing at the entrance of the kitchen. Tifa was sitting in a chair by the table, watching the sunrise through the glass doors that led to their small backyard. Vincent smiled slightly and she turned to look at him, her long brown her falling carelessly over her back and caressing the white robe that was showing just a bit of her shoulder. Gods, he was a lucky man.

What's holding up her face?
Nothing but blue skies

Vincent walked forward and rested his good hand on Tifa's shoulder. She smiled at him.

"Good morning," she said, smiling.

"Good morning," he replied, looking down at the bundle in his wife's arms.

"How is she?" he asked, touching their daughter's head lightly. The girl shifted in her sleep.

"Sleeping, the little brat," Tifa said teasingly. "Did I wake you?"

Vincent shook his head. Tifa hadn't woken him… the feeling of the empty space beside him had. Inevitably, despite whoever woke up first, they always ended up staying up together for their daughter. Vincent looked down at Tifa. She still looked a little bit pale from the hospital but…


Passageways to windows
That don't close

Vincent pulled a chair out from the other side of the table and had a seat down beside his wife. She smiled at him tiredly.

"Do you want to hold her?" she asked. He nodded. He was still trying to master this… the claw he tucked under her body, his good hand supporting her head. His daughter yawned and shifted. A small smile poked at his lips.

Tifa stood slowly and ruffled his hair lightly.

"I'm going to make some tea, would you like some?"

Vincent nodded at her and she squeezed his shoulder before walking over to the counter. She put the kettle on – an electric one that wouldn't wake up their child – and pulled out two mugs.

"It looks like it's going to be a nice day outside today."

Vincent looked out the window and nodded. It was May… the tree across the yard was blooming. Maybe they'd finally get apples this year.

The soft burble of the kettle distracted him from his reverie. He looked over at Tifa who brought a mug over to him. The soft scent of jasmine tea filled the room.

"Would you like to sit outside?" she asked. Vincent smiled slightly and stood, picking up an extra blanket that was sitting on the table and wrapping their daughter in it.

Where do you live?
Love is a place

The porch was old, the wood well-worn. Vincent reflected that he should probably put another coat of paint on it this year. Tifa and he sat on the steps, as per their tradition, and she leaned her head against his shoulder. The sun had almost completely risen now. The sky was going to be quite blue today.

There was a distinct sound of meowing at the kitchen door. Tifa chuckled and stood slowly.

"Big suck," she teased Dart from the door. She let him out dutifully before moving back to her husband. Dart trailed at her feet and stole her lap the moment she sat down. Vincent looked over at the cat and grinned.

"Street rat," he accused. Dart started up a rough tattoo the moment Tifa started to run her hand across his back. He'd grown up to be a fairly decently sized cat. Still as rambunctious as ever though.

Tifa leaned her head against Vincent's shoulder again. She sighed quietly.

Where are you from?
She says, ask yourself ask anyone

Their daughter shifted in Vincent's arms and he looked down at her, his long black hair falling in front of his face. Tifa looked over at them. Whenever she chose to open them, their daughter showed off her incredible blue eyes. She got them from her father.

What's holding up her face?
Nothing but blue skies

Tifa looked up at the sky above them. It really would be quite blue today. When their daughter got older, maybe they'd take her on picnics in the nearby hills. Dart would probably make a fuss about being left behind though. Tifa leaned back in against Vincent, her eyes shutting.

"I love you, you know," she said on impulse. She felt her husband smile.

"I had that general idea," he replied. Tifa grinned.

"Do you love me back?"

Passageways the mind's eye

Vincent shifted where he was sitting and brushed his lips against the top of Tifa's head.

"More than anything," he said simply. Tifa smiled.

"Good thing I married you then," she replied, teasing. Vincent chuckled softly and looked down at the bundle in his arms. His daughter was sleeping soundly.

"Would you like to go back in now?" he asked Tifa. Tifa shook her head against his shoulder, placing her free hand on his knee.

"In a few more minutes, Vincent," she said quietly, resting. He nodded and looked up at the sky again. The sun was fully up now, colouring the entire horizon. He smiled very, very slightly.

"Alright then, a few more minutes."

They had time.