This chapter can be called an epilogue for a very good reason. Namely because it isn't in journal form and it has two different characters in it, which you should recognize. Enjoy and thanks for reading!

"EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW! Is that how Mom and Dad got together? Gross! I knew there'd be a worse punishment for beating up that kid at school than cleaning the attic."

"Aw, come on Trunks. It was so romantic…."

"Well, I knew you'd like it. You're a girl!"

"How could you not like it? This is the most wonderful story of undying love that I've ever read!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, Mom and Dad got together after all of that bad stuff happened to them. That's love."

"You're really weird, Bra, you know that?"

"So what? You have to admit that Dad would never ever get caught doing anything like this nowadays."

"Heh, yeah, you're right. Maybe we should use this as black mail…I mean, Dad refused to get me that motorcycle for Christmas…. This is the perfect opportunity to change his mind! Are you in?"

"I can't believe you! The fact that you'd use a harmless diary to bully Dad into getting what you want! You're so low, they're going to have to dig UP to bury you!"

"Bra-a…if you do this with me, I'm sure Dad will buy you that car for your birth-day…."

"…Fine, I'm in."

"Hah! I knew that would get you."

"Shut up! …It's so strange, though. You'd never think that Mom would have loved Uncle Laranzo. She's never even looked at him that I've seen, and Uncle Laranzo has never looked at her before."

"Well, yeah. That's because Aunt Prittania is a hottie."

"EWWW! Trunks! Don't say stuff like that! You'll make me gag!"

"What? It's true! And don't pretend you're all innocent. I've seen you making google-eyes at your COUSIN!"

"I did no such thing!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did…ARG! Trunks! Give that back!"

"Nuh uh! You're gonna have to catch me first!"

"But that diary is the key to my car! Get BACK HERE!"

And thus ends the tale of a TRUE love story: with two kids arguing about their parents' past. So, how'd you all like it?

DBZ Angel: Uh…(everyone else avoids eye contact with Star)…um, it was…okay.

Star: Okay? (face falls) You mean you guys didn't like it?

Heiress2thethrone: No, it's just that—

Vegeta: (still sore about losing to a girl) It sucked more than a tornado.

Veggiesbabygirl: (conks Vegeta over the head) Hey! Be nice!

Star: (eye twitches) That's it. Out, out, out, everybody out. Party's over. I need to focus on Little Secret now.

Everyone else: Aww…darn…. (stalk out through the closet, but not before Star pinches Vegeta's ass)

Vegeta: OW! (growls) Don't go to sleep tonight if you want to live. (leaves)

Star: (sticks tongue out) Meanie! (to self) Hmm…I wonder how people actually came through my closet. (opens door wider, revealing a weird glowing ball of light) Weird. Maybe I should clean this more often. Wait a second…. (spots the nearby switch that controls it) This is set on DBZ and its fans, but what happens if I…? (changes the switch and an orange-haired teenager pops out of the portal)

Kyo: Wha? What the hell?

Star: Kawai! (hugs Kyo tightly and he turns into a cat) You're so precious! I can't wait until you change back! (mischievous grin and insane giggle)

Kyo the cat: (groans) Damn it! Why me?

Star: (to reader) I hope you liked The Mechanic's Daughter! Little Secret is the next story, but it's a lot different than this one. Don't know what I mean? Chapters one and two should be up now, so why don't you go ahead and give it a shot? Hope to hear from you! Ciao for now!