This story is an A/U based on the movie Sabrina (the GOOD one with Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn) but it has some characters that are–gasp–not my own! Of course, the characters that you see and say to yourself "Who is that?" well, those are mine. Mine. All MINE! Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

I do not own Dragonball Z or any of its characters. I am not making any money from this story. Also, I don't own the movie Sabrina or any of its characters.

Once upon a time, on the north side of Vegeta-sei, there lived a small girl on a large estate. The estate was very large indeed and had many servants. There were gardeners to take care of the gardens, and a tree surgeon on a retainer. There were specialists to take care of the grounds: the outdoor fighting ring and the indoor fighting ring, the outdoor swimming pool and the indoor swimming pool. And there was a man of no particular title who took care of a small pool in the garden for a goldfish named Pera.

Also on the estate, there was a mechanic by the name of Briefs, who had been imported from Earth, years ago, together with a new ship. Briefs was a fine mechanic of considerable polish, just like the fleet of spaceships in his care, and he had a small daughter, a pretty young girl by the name of Bulma.

It was the eve of the annual fighting tournament, and as had been tradition on Vegeta-sei for the past 300 years, the Royal Family was giving a party. It never rained on the night of the parties the Royal Family had, they wouldn't have stood for it.

There were four members of the Royal Family in all: father, mother and two sons. Queen Lettuni and King Vegeta were married in the normal Saiyan manner and among their many presents was a planet about one light-year away and this new castle and estate for running Vegeta-sei.

Prince Vegeta, the elder son, was conquering entire planets at age eleven and was deemed the person most likely to achieve the power of a Super Saiyan.

His brother, Prince Laranzo, went through several of the best schools for short periods of time, and through several marriages for even shorter periods of time. He is now the façade of the Royal Family, speaking to the public and attending peace treaty signings.

Life was pleasant among the Royal Family, for this was as close to heaven as one could get on Vegeta-sei.

Well, at least for the Royal Family. For me, it was quite a different story.

Obviously, this is just an intro. And for this story to make any sense whatsoever, Saiyans need to have marriage just like humans. Should I continue? Review please! Just so you know, though, I won't work on it until Something Better is done, so don't get too hyped about this one.

(Lettuni comes from lettuce, Laranzo comes from garbanzo, as in garbanzo beans)