A/N PLEASE READ: For those of you that have been long time reviewers of my series and have come here in an attempt to get some answers for why I have deleted the four other books then you've come to the right place. My series was out of hand, going of in space, carrying pointless battles and lines and scenes and was just downright confusing. Now that I have the entire plot figured out all you will get is the best of the best from me. Yes the series will be shorter and they probably won't carry as many adventures as they had gone through in the old series but it will be interesting and not complicated at all. The stories aren't gone for good.I have them saved soI can use them as referances. Your reviews were also saved as I needed the advice and plan to keep on using it. I want to thank all of you who have patiently stuck by me while I redo and rethink everything andI hope you enjoy this newer version better.

A/N PLEASE READ: For those of you who are new and have just barely come across this book then I must explain that this used to be a five book long series. It is new and redone and defintiely a lot better than the first series as I have been told by a few of the better authors out there. Anyways,I really hope you enjoy this book series as much as my other reviewers have.

A/N PLEASE READ One more note... knowI deleted a few more stories than just the SAA series. Those books I never planned to carry on anymore. I know a bunch of you were fans of The Dragon Quest. I reread that over a whole bunch of times and absolutely laughed! It was a ridiculous story! Halfway into the first chapter I made the girl burst into dramatic tears because it was raining. And the guy was WAY to perfect. I mean, not even Legolas is like that and this guy was human. Anyways, th pokemon stories...I had no hope in. I plan on at least finishing up the Unfair World Series since I think there's only about five chapters left and that'll be it for my pokemon days. But seriously, if you want the best quality from me then read my Eragon series, Marie's Dragon. I won't have to do any drastic editing in that one because it was just a great start. I will update that book as soon as I possibly can. I'm a busy girl with this being redone, Marie's Dragon and a fantasy novel I'm working on, completely original.

Chapter 1: A New Place

A young girl about the age of thirteen stepped off a bus, carrying a large amount of luggage with her. She sighed and stopped at the gates of ehr destination, Kadic Academy. It was a bording school, something the girl was used to, having been to multiple schools of different standards on account of her parents' jobs as exotic photographers. So here she was, in France and friendless.

Stalling time before she had to carry on, the girl bent and tied her shoe unaware of three people heading her way.

Besides those three mysterious people there were plenty of other children and teens, talking and holding conversations teens and kids normally have.A few yards in front of the girl, a boy stood leaning against a tree with an older girl standing next to him. The two were carrying on a conversation alien to whatever the rest of the student body was murmuring about. There conversation was toned at a normal voice, as the sounds around the teens was too loud for it to be overheard.

"This is insane, Yumi!"the boy growled to his companion, clenching his fists. "There has been so many attacks on Lyoko, I can't even take time to study anymore. Jeremy and Aelita are even struggling and that's saying something."

The girl nowknown as Yumi nodded her head in agreement, though she was somewhat less agressive then the male next to her. "I know, Ulrich. I wish we had the return-to-the-past system at our leisure again. My parents are getting upset that I'm coming home so late these days."

"Don't worry about that," Ulrich said with a lazy smile at her. "We'll think of some excuse to get you out of trouble."

"Thanks...I always knew I could count on you," Yumi grinned back at him. The two blushed and looked away from one another, lost in the romantic thoughts they were thinking.

A copmfortable, companionable silence was left between the two as enjoyed their free morning. As the sun rested itself on yumi's body she opened her eyes, just noticing something. "Hey Ulrich...who is that?"

Ulrich grudgingly opened his eyes and turned in the direction that Yumi had nodded to. A girl was standing there, looking bewildered, and bored at the same time. As if coming to an absolutely new place was something that happened to her everyday. Ulrich surveyed her with a critical eye. Jeans, green tangtop and tennis shoes. Her hair was a plain brown, and her eyes a dark green. Just a girl, Ulrich thought.

"Little late to be moving in, eh?" Ulrich asked, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah...I'd hate to be her. When we moved here, I hated not having friends," Yumi said, her voice knowing as she too stared at the girl.

Heturned his attention away fromthe new girlto look at Yumi. "So…the dance is next week..."

Yumi stopped looking and turned to him with a small smile on her face. "Yeah…right after finals."

"I was thinking…do you want to-" Ulrich stopped asa voice rose above his own. He furrowed a brow at the annoyingly high pitch that had interrupted his perfectly planned invitation to ask Yumi to the dance and turned towards it.

A prissy looking girl with her nose turned up high and her hands on hips stood facing the newcomer. Two boys stood behind the prissy girl, arms crossed importantly.

"C'mon! I'm the leader. These guys will listen to anything I say!"the prisssaid, nodding at the two boys standing behind her.

Ulrich's face softened a bit when he saw the new girl bite her lip. He had been in too many situations with Sissy to know that no one deserved to be pestered by her. Besides, the girl was new. She really didn't deserve a treatment from the Diva, nor an invitation into her pathetic group.

Apparently, Yumi was thinking the same thing. They looked at each other and nodded and began to head over to Sissy and the new girl.

The girl was still trying to talk her way out of it. Sissy had deliberatly pushed a bunch of little kids out of her way when she was heading towards her and the new girl wasn't a cruel person. But she wasn't just about to bite Sissy's head off either. Controlling anger was something she was working at.

"Listen…Your group thing really sounds nice and all but-"the girl's pleawas cut off as a cool looking boy with brown hair strutted in between her and Sissy. He was wearing all tan with darker pants and a unbuttoned shirt over his normal one. His very air radiated the word cool.

"She's with us," he said. A girlwith short black hair followed after him and took her place by his side. Shewas slightly taller and looked a bit older too.Her air wasn't much different than that of the male's next to her. She was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt that showed off her stomach. Black pants and boots were on her lower half, giving her the slightest sense of rebellion as well.

"Oh, really!" Sissy countered, arching one of her finely plucked eyebrows. "It just so happensthis girljust got here! How could she have met you?"

The new girl wanted to slap Sissy. She could've gotten out of this!

The girl in black answered and the new girl's doubts were gone. "She's my friend from camp. I met her beforehand. We were just looking for her."

"Yes, Sissy," put in the boy. "Thanks so much for finding her for us."

"Huh! We'll leave it up to her to decide, Ulrich!" she snapped angrily at him. The new girl couldn't help but see that even though Sissy was intimidated by this boy, Ulrich, she was also slightly weakend by his suave behavior. In fact, the girl herself, was transficed by his aura. He was a beakon for coolness and the girl wanted it.

"Eh-hem?" The girl suddenly looked up to see Sissy, Ulrich and the other girl looking at her expectantly.

"Uh, yeah. I'm with Ulrich. I was introduced to him by...uh.." the girl bit her lip in frustration. Why hadn't they said that girl's name?

Ulrich stepped next to her and whispered out of the corner of his mouth a single name. "Yumi."

The girl regained composure quickly. "...by Yumi last night. We're good friends now."

Sissy glared at the three again and opened her mouth for another attack. Ulrich spoke first. "Sissy, why don't you spare my good friend here anymore of your unimportant gabber and leave. Go on...be a good little brat and scat."

With a sniff and a short nod at her cronies, Sissy turned on heel and stomred away.

"Sorry about that," Ulrich said with a sheepish grin. "It's the worst thing in the world when the first person you meet at a new school is the witch weekly."

The girl laughed and shrugged. "It's alright. Though I don;t think I could've handled a few more moments of being nice to her. Godd thing you guys came along."

"Anytime," Yumi said with a smile. She extended a hand. "Yumi Ishiyama."

The girl's green eyes danced as she shook Yumi's hand. "Chelsea Cloud. Pleasure to meet you."

Ulrich stepped up and also shook hands with Chelsea. "I'm Ulrich Stern. Welcome to Kadic."

"Thanks," Chelsea replied. She glanced in Sissy's direction. "So is she always like that or is this just that time of month?"

Ulrich turned slightly pale but Yumi laughed. "Nope she's always like that. Maybe she has a heart somewhere deep inside, who knows?"

"Yeah," Ulrich said with a smirk ."Way deep."

Chelsea grinned at him and sighed, looking at her things. "So...does anyone know where I can put my stuff?"

"Do you have a room number?" Ulrich asked.

Chelsea nodded and bent down to sift through her bag. After a few moments she pulled out a crumpled piece of paper that had her room number on it and she handed it to him.

"That's cool," Ulrich said brightly, examining the paper.

"What's cool?" the girls asked him in unison, smiling at each other afterwards.

Ulrich looked to Yumi. "She has Aelita's room. Guess they finally have space."

"Who's Aelita?" Chelsea asked curiously.

Ulrich and Yumi smiled at her. "She's our friend."

"Yeah," Yumi said. "She just moved here a week ago. So you guys have that in common."

Chelsea smiled. "Is it a habit for you two to go around picking up new students and twisting them into you little games?"

Ulrich laughed. "Yeah. Then we get them to do horrible things. Evil things..."

The three looked at each other and burst out into laughs.

Yumi linked arms with Chelsea. "Come on! We'll show you to your room."

Ulrich was about to same something when a shrill ring escaped his pants. He grinned sheepishly and pulled out the cause of the noise. A cellphone. He looked at the caller, raised his brows and backed away. "Sorry, got to take this."

Chelsea and Yumi stood there while he stood yards away. They could hear his voice but not the words. Chelsea nudged Yumi. "What has he got a girlfriend or something?"

Yumi shook her head but didn't reply. She was looking at Ulrich's worried expression.

Ulrich finally hung up and he headed towards them, his pace determined and quick. "Yumi, we got to go. Odd just called from being attacked by..."

"What?" Yumi asked when Ulrich trailed off. Ulrich looked stranglely at his Japenese friend. "Birds."

Chelsea looked at both of them. "You're kidding, right?"

Ulrich suddenly realized Chelsea was still there. "Oh...uh...no. Something's wrong with themand you need to go inside, okay?"

Chelsea crossed her arms and cocked a hip. "No. You two are obviously going to help your friend...or check it out. I want to go to."

Yumi's eyes flashed. "You can't. This is important and you'd just get in the way."

Suddenly Chelsea felt like she was back in the school she had came from. The school where kids knew she had...problems. She hated being challenged and wouldn't allow it.

"I think I could help," Chelsea said, her voice low.

Ulrich sighed. "Look, we really need to go. We don't want you hurt. Would you please just go inside?"

Chelsea frowned. "If you guys didn't want to be my friends in the first place you could've just left me with Sissy."

With that she picked up her bags and stormed inside. Ulrich rolled his eyes and was about to go after her but Yumi stopped him. "Odd's in the infiramry and Jer needs us to help Aelita on Lyoko. Let's go."

Ulrich sighed and nodded. The two bolted towards the forest, their muscles surging as they thought of the battle ahead.

Chelsea sat inb the cafeteria, feeling cheated and stupid. Why had she even fell for their friend act? They were playing her the whole time and she didn't even recognize it. It was just like it was back in the other school. Only these people didn't know about it and they still didn't like her.

Chelsea jumped suddenly as a sharp rap on the window came. She looked up and realized that there was a bird pecking at the glass. "What the...?"

She watched the sparrow fly away from the window and then came darting back, slmaming it's beak into the glass again, cracking it. The students around Chelsea jumped with surprise as another bird came on the other side of the cafeteria and slammed into the glass.

In about one minute the cafeteria was swarming with birds. They pecked and bit and drove their beaks into the children. Chelsea yelped and dove under a table as a bird lashed out at her arm. It was like being in the movie...but real.

Suddenly everything was frozen. Chelsea stood and looked around, staring widely at the birds and people that hung in midair. A speck of blood was flying off of a nearby student. And they were overcome by a bright light.