Reviews for Stronger After All
T.J. Wilson chapter 11 . 12/14/2010
So good, an original kind of OC. You rarely see a character with a visible flaw and then is able to overcome or live with that flaw sick job
Ovan-Rebirth chapter 1 . 3/31/2008
Wow! Its been a long time since I've read this. Can't wait to see what you've changed!

ZehWriterAlchemist chapter 11 . 3/5/2008
I'm just going to use this review to review the entire story. And might I say, that was brilliant. Chelsea was a nice addition to the group, and her Lyoko form was unique. The story was kinda short, since it was 10 chapters, but it was well-written, with a few typos here and there. The whole story was great, and the twist at the end was kinda cliched, but executed flawlessly. Overall, a great story. I give it a 4 out 5 stars.
TurtlesandMonkeys chapter 11 . 9/23/2007
Wow, I love this story, now and then. It's awesome, and i like the way you changed it a bit, adding more details and moe conflict! Keep it going!
3rd clss rckstr chapter 11 . 7/17/2007
I LOVE this story!
KittenofShadows chapter 11 . 6/26/2007

I finally finished this. Since I didn't review every chapter along the way, this review is hopefully going to be very long and make up for it.

I love it. I like how Chelsea didn't seem at all Mary-Sueish. You didn't have Ulrich immediately fall head-over-heels for her, or anything like that. The kiss was well placed and perfect for the context. :) Bravo!

There were some gramatical mistakes, but not too many. Good job on that. O...It ended too soon. :) It leaves me wishing it were four times as long. But that's what the next story is for, eh?

OH! I'm working on my picture for your contest. YAY! :) It's pretty funny so far. You don't get points taken off for Ulrich looking more silly than sexy, do you?

I'm now totally in love with Chelsea's character.
ARCHIVENUMBERONE chapter 11 . 5/24/2007
That was wonderful! A couple times I saw some typos and errors but other then that, I love it! I'm off to read book II. :D
Lyokoluva chapter 5 . 5/22/2007
who is the member they are short of for family buisness and what does Yumis brother have to do with anything?
Schnozberry chapter 3 . 11/3/2006
Chapter Two: (holding water balloon) so Odd, ready? (starts tossing balloon lightly into air and catching it) (fingernails accidentally drive into rubber and balloon bursts in hand, with large amount of water ignoring laws of physics and instead spews into face)

Odd: (falls over laughing)
Lycan180 chapter 11 . 10/31/2006
i loved it!
Anonymous chapter 2 . 10/15/2006
I really like this new version of Stronger after All, but I miss the old versions. Could you please e-mail them to me? Thanks! P.S. Yes, I'm the same guy who just reviewed ch. 1, but my e-mail address vanished. After e-mailing the old versions to me, could you still delete this post, as well as the post from ch. 1? Thanks again!
Anonymous chapter 1 . 10/15/2006
This rewrite of Stronger After All is very good, but I miss the old versions. Could you please e-mail them to me at Thanks! By the way, please delete this post after reading it. I don't want random people e-mailing me.
tcganimefan chapter 9 . 9/20/2006
Wikipedia suggests that the characters' sense of touch is an illusion, similar to a phantom limb. Their minds expect to feel somthing, despite that the factor that causes it is gone, so they do.

Nice chapter, as always.
tcganimefan chapter 8 . 9/19/2006
"Really the chance of her ever feeling confident enough to say her inner feelings was about as close to happening as was the chance of Pluto becoming inhabited by little Chihuahuas."

I don't know how to tell you this, but the chihuahuas showed up last tuesday.

Anyway, great job. You need to use more sensory description of settings, characters, etc but overall, nice work.
tcganimefan chapter 2 . 9/16/2006
The story is nicely written. I totaly understand why you did this. I look back at old stories all the time and go "what the heck?'

Onto the constructive criticism.

You need to watch for typos. That's the main thing, typos. I suggest proofreading it once or twice before you update, that should take care of that.

Also, you need to describe the setting with more detail, in terms of what what you would actualy see if you where there. Sensory description of some kind, at least.
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