Disclaimer: I don't own the OC or any of the characters.
Chapter One
The homey cottage by the sea reflected the last rays of the day. Sunlight streamed in slanted windows creating criss-
cross patterns on the polished wooden floor. White cotton curtains danced lazily in the balmy air and the sound of crashing
waves added a smoothing rhythm throughout the house. Seth Cohen winced as he stared at the total destruction of the once
clean house. There were plates everywhere paralleling with unwashed cups. Carry out containers became ladders against
the once sunny yellow walls. Now the floor was covered in what only could be described as…actually Seth didn't know
what to call the gunk. He only knew that he had to be crazy to even have agreed to do this. Signing he tiptoed across the
floor in two day old socks hoping that the baby would sleep at least another hour. Imagining himself as Spiderman, he
crept daringly across the landfill avoiding crack by crack. Spinning, he caught himself before he stepped on a dog chewy.
Arms raised in victory, he reached toward the plastic ball when all of a sudden ….his elbow hit a glass of milk that went
spiraling across the already dirty floor. Halting his once successful progress, he waiting for the wail. However, none came
and he continued on his journey quietly scooping up random trash. The peaceful silence was interrupted by a shrill ring of
the phone and instantaneous cries of demand. Muttering a curse as he worked his way through the mess, he was almost
tackled by the little demon.
"Uncle Seth, Gracie is crying," she chirped stating the obvious while shifting her feet back and forth. Giving up, she ran
down the hallway and back while singing this is the song that never ends yes it goes on and on my friends.
Just kill me now, pleaded Seth, just do it now. Another demanding shrill was heard from upstairs, and Seth took a deep
breath. How on earth did Ryan and Marissa deal with their life on a daily basis? Could they have not ….the ring of the
phone interrupted his pointless rambling and he grabbed the phone in order to stop the sound. "Shut up you stupid thing."
"Uncle Seth, you said stupid. You can't say stupid, silly! Do I need to go get the soap?"
Seth starred into the earnest blue eyes and saw a hint of a sparkle that reminded him so much of her mother. With her
hands on hips, she posed the question with an accusing glare.
"Ella, how about you go check on your sister while I get the phone. Let's not tell Mommy or Daddy what Uncle Seth said
while were at it, okay?" Pulling on her braid, he watched as she skipped up the stairs while humming a tune. He turned his
attention to the caller. "Whoever this is, I really don't have the energy or time to hang up on you so why don't you do it for
"Well, well Seth Cohen. Now I know what I can expect when asking you to baby-sit for the weekend," teased a voice
from the other side.
"Exactly, you now can do what ordinary people do and actually hire a babysitter instead of an Uncle Seth!"
"But Ella so wanted to spend time with you. Besides, not everybody has such a wonderful Uncle Seth."
"No offensive, Marissa, seeing that we are related in several different ways but your child is a little monster. I have lost
count how many times she has tricked or booby trapped me. And that is not even the worst part," he whined.
"Oh, poor Seth. Having to take care of two little girls really can't be that hard?"
"Whatever, Marissa. Do you want to talk to your devil spawn?"
"Of course. I was not calling to hear you complain about my babies," she laughed. "Put Ella on and…"
Seth could hear muttering voices in the background and a laugh.
"Ryan says hi, and that he completely feels your pain."
"Say hi to your better half, and enjoy the rest of the weekend because I am never ever doing this again. I don't even want
to see a kid for a month after this. In fact…"
"Better not tell Summer that," Marissa interrupted, "now put Ella on."
"Demanding aren't we? Just like your little demons. Ella," Seth yelled up the winding stairs, "Your Mom is on the
phone." A shriek resounded throughout the house and a wail was heard in response. Thundering steps roared down the
stairs at full speed. Used to this routine, Seth stuck his hand out catching the little girl before she went tumbling down.
"Hi Mommy, " she said sweetly. "Yes, yes I am being very good for Uncle Seth," she replied while looking at Seth
witha slight sly smile. "Oh, Mommy. You won't believe what Uncle Seth did to the living room furniture and what bad
word he said…"
Seth groaned and put his head in his hands. This was going to be a very long, long weekend.
Let me know what you think!