Title: Shadows
Author: Radiogirl
Summary: Two fatalities. She died with Alex over a year ago, but Max knows that Liz still speaks to him. Their deaths shook the group, breaking and cementing bonds with the massive force. Will Max be able to peer through the shadows of doubt and deceit? He strives to see the light before it too dies with her memory.
Credit: The characters of Roswell are not mine, but the new plot and ideas from here on forward, however are. Also, credit is given to Oasis for the song "Cast No Shadow," my inspiration for this piece.
A/N- It's been awhile since I've written fan fiction. This idea came to me today, and I couldn't push it away. So, here it is. Any questions will slowly be answered as the chapters proceed. Read and review, please.
"Where IS Liz?" Maria sighed irritably. I pulled my eyes away from Michael to look toward the voice. Maria fiercely scrubbed the counter of the Crashdown Café, squinting her eyes at the stain. She dropped the sponge and looked down at the watch around her wrist, letting out a laugh. "An hour late!" She picked up the container filled to the brim with dirty plates and walked into the back.
"That's weird," I said, turning back to Michael. "Liz isn't usually late."
Michael shrugged, obviously not concerned. "Look Maxwell, Crapping Tiger is a chick flick with kung-fu." He said, leaning his chair back and resting his feet on the counter where Maria had been wiping only seconds before. I pushed his feet down and he laughed, shaking his head. "Like I said, I just call it like I see it."
I ignored Michael and turned away from him. Where is Liz? The question bounced around my head. I looked toward the booth where Tess, Maria, and Kyle sat, a pile of pictures strewn about in front of them. Tess's eyes caught mine and she smiled sweetly, her hand beckoning me over to the booth to sit with them. I didn't react and she turned around defeated, listening to Kyle as he pointed to another picture.
Where is Liz? The thought seemed to bounce from my mind and vibrate around the room. Where is Liz?
"NO!" The scream echoed through the room and I jumped from my chair, Michael right beside me. The laughter quieted at the booth as the three turned toward the noise as well. Maria burst through the doors from the back and fell into Michael's arms sobbing. "No," she whispered, closing her eyes tightly. I felt my heart contract, beating faster and faster as I saw Sheriff Valenti push slowly through the doors. An icy chill began to seize me, starting at my toes and moving upward, slowly taking over my body. I shivered, watching as he took a step forward.
His eyes were vacant and detached, glued to the floor. Slowly he looked up and caught my eye and I saw the tear sliding slowly down his face. I knew the words before they came from his mouth. "There's been an accident," he said slowly. I felt the air being squeezed out of the room as we all waited. "Liz and Alex are dead."
The room spun violently out of control. The Crashdown walls began to blur into a mix of vibrant, indistinguishable color as I felt myself begin to fall. Liz and Alex are dead. Liz and Alex are dead. Liz and Alex are dead. The words continued to repeat through me. My mind was dizzy with the colors plunging down upon me with violent force.
Suddenly the colors ceased and an endless darkness wrapped around me. Suffocating. Liz appeared, walking slowly toward me and casting light on the incessant dark. Her hair blew slowly as she stared, a small smile playing on her lips.
"See, Max?" She asked, giggling as she looked down. Her eyes drew quickly upward. "Do you see? Look again. Our sun… no shadow."
I jerked, sitting up quickly in bed. My breaths came ragged and quickly as I looked around at the dark room. I felt the shivers trembling through my body. Slowly my brain began to register. I felt the cold sweat on my back as I lay back down beneath the covers. Her face flooded back into my memory. She'd been so real. It's funny that even a year after they'd left us, Liz still spoke to me, her face etched in my memory.