Response to drabble challenge. With the first line having to be 'how did you bruise yourself there?'
It immediately sounded very naughty, saucy and racey so I thought 'well that won't do, let's make it depressing'.
Hey, you know me!
Oh, and no prizes for who I team up here to get, you know, slashy.
Thanks to Elizabeth.
My first drabble. Yay!
"How did you bruise yourself there?" Face asked, looking down at the pilot who laid on the bed beneath him.
Murdock seemed to flinch slightly and suddenly looked a little awkward and embarrassed. "Uh, Face..." he started, but the con man no longer listened.
He saw the slight bruising on Murdock's stomach and saw that the discolouration continued underneath the khaki pants Murdock wore.
Face reached down and unzipped Murdock trousers, ignoring the protests he received.
More bruising. More severe lower down.
Murdock squirmed under him and managed to move himself up the bed slightly.
"Murdock, tell me what happened?"
The end.