Forbidden Chains

Forbidden Chains

By: rainjewel

A/N: Well kiddies, this is the end! I hope you liked the story! I'm thinking of a sequel, but I'm fully dedicated to my "Lost and Found" story right now (yes, I know I'm obsessed).



Chid opened his eyes. He smelled bark and foliage. A few green leaves brushed his hair. He started in surprise, then lost his balance and fell towards the ground.

OOMPH! Chid landed on something that was cool and soft.

Careful there, came a voice in his mind. Chid opened his eyes, which he'd unconsciously shut tight, and looked up. Folken's face loomed above him, and above that was a huge tree bough. Chid assumed that was from what he fell. Chid gaped at Folken in astonishment. The man had never spoken to him in this place of unreality, save once. But, Chid noted with embarrassment, he'd certainly caught him a lot more then once.

Folken slowly lowered Chid's feet to the ground. Chid was still looking at him with wide-eyed incredulity. The aqua-haired man laughed deeply at the boy's look. Chid still was dazed as to what was going on here.

Chid felt a light pressure on his shoulder. He broke his gaze with Folken and spun around. Standing in front of him was Varie, her face radiant. Chid recovered himself and kneeled down in front of her, his princely instincts kicking in. Chid looked up at the old Fanelian Queen through his flaxen bangs. Varie smiled at the display of respect. She reached down and tousled his mop of golden locks. Chid relaxed and stood up, enveloping Varie in a loving embrace.

Varie smiled at Chid, her strawberry lips curling towards the heavens. She then broke free from Chid's embrace, smiled again, then faded instantly into thin air.

What? Chid thought. He turned to face Folken yet again. What in the hell was that all about? He directed his question to Folken. In response, the older man gracefully lifted one hand beckoned Chid to come closer. Chid took a few steps forward, then asked what Folken what the point of all this was. Folken grinned mischievously and put an arm around Chid, spinning the boy around to his side.

Chid gasped. In front of him was Eries. Her long silvery-blonde hair billowed in the wind, and she was wearing a short-sleeved dress, something Chid never would have thought she would have even considered looking at in Asturia. Eries smiled shyly at Chid and glanced at Folken, then ran (something that caused Chid gasp even more) to Chid and threw her arms around his neck, giving him a huge hug. She was an inch shorter then him, about 5'7" he suspected. He'd never noticed before how girl-like she had been.

Eries withdrew from the embrace and cupped Chid's cheek with her hand. Her eyes shone with admiration and love. She laughed slightly, her bell-like voice ringing out across the Fanelian forest. Eries kissed Chid on the cheek, her way of telling him that she was fine. She then withdrew and looked to Folken, who stood next to Chid.

Folken looked down at her, his eyes wide. Eries looked down at her toes, blushing slightly. Chid was amazed at how young she was acting. Folken then laughed and grabbed Eries by the waist, lifting her up in the air with both his arms. Eries laughed in surprise then ran her fingers through his hair. She leaned down and kissed him full and wet on the lips.

Chid muttered and looked away. The emotions that he felt were too high in this strange place. He didn't, or couldn't deal with them. Quickly, he threw a thought to Folken to perhaps veil his thoughts.

Jeez, even ghosts can get distracted I see, Chid thought to Folken. He sighed a little and began to walk away, then felt his ankle come into contact with something hard. Chid looked down and saw Folken's foot, and tried to stop his momentum. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

Crap! The word rang out in Chid's mind as he bit the dirt. Folken's laughter rang throughout his head. Well, Chid thought to himself, this is certainly the weirdest experience I've ever had. Chid pushed himself up slightly with his arms and spit out some dust. He then pulled himself up to a kneeling position and began dusting off his arms and legs.

Slowly, as Chid patted the dust from his limbs, pale blue fabric came into view. He stopped his dusting and looked at the fabric more closely. The fabric, he could tell was the bottom of a skirt. Asturian skirts. He slowly began to look up, but a man's hand descended down and grabbed him roughly by the arm. The hand then hauled him up to his feet. Chid scrambled frantically to match the speed at which his body was being pulled up with his feet. Finally, Chid was standing, though he almost fell to the ground again.

Standing in front of him was a tall man with deep brown hair and full, deep brown eyes. Chid's own eyes widened with recognition. Mahad. Chid had no time to think, for Mahad pulled him to his breast and hugged Chid as hard as was physically possible. Chid let out a little burst of breath then buried his face in his neck, for his arms were pressed against the man's chest.

Soon Mahad released Chid, and he stepped back. Chid looked at him confusedly, but Marlene stepped in front of Mahad, and her gloved arms were thrown wide about her. Chid smiled and stepped into her embrace. He stroked her long flaxen hair, hugging her tightly. Quickly, he remembered his last experience with her. Chid pulled back from the embrace and looked at his mother. He leaned in and kissed both her cheeks, tasting the salt from her joyful tears. Chid then withdrew his face and looked at Marlene, a wide silly grin spreading across his face. He laughed out loud as a wave of happiness washed over him. He could see her face, and for now, that was the most important thing to him in all of Gaea.
