Summary: Hello peoples! Ok, I thought that since there weren't any Curly/Pony fics out there, that it was time to write one. I hope I did a good enough good on it. If there are any suggestions to make, email me. In this story Curly's older than Pony. R&R
Two of a Kind
Curly's POV
Look at you. Sleep so quietly in my bed. Like you didn't have a care in the world. I've watched you many times before. But each time seems like I'm watching you for the first time. Still, it's not something I can relate to. You're the first person I've ever gotten serious with. For a while, it felt strange to me. How you'd sit so close to me, how you'd hold me and kiss me. Then it didn't feel strange to me anymore. I welcomed your embrace.
I run my fingers through your blonde hair. I always thought you'd make a cute blonde. I was a bit surprised Matthews didn't try to paw at you. But then again, he'd probably be afraid to, cuz of your brothers. They had me worried too, but after a few months went by, they didn't concern me anymore. It got to the point that all I ever thought about was you. Day and night; it almost tore me apart. Back then, we weren't together, you just came over to hang out a lot when your friends were killed.
When we first got together, you'd get so embarrassed when you broke down, thinking about them. I never knew what to do, hell, I still don't. But I always hold you when it gets too unbearable for you. The first night you broke down was also the first night we had sex. You looked cute; that's the only word that can successfully describe you that night.
You stir a little bit in your sleep. Man, I'm getting sleepy myself. Yawning, I laid down beside you and wrapped my arms around your body, pulling you closer to me. I stroke your cheek gently. Your skin feels so soft, like silk. It seems almost funny, how innocent you really are. Even if you don't know it. Now that sounds just plain cheezey to me, not being to big on romance an' all.
We've shared a lot of memories, you and I. Like that time we were hangin' out with your gang and Two- Bit kept doing his impressions. The whole gang went after him, us included. But you were the first to tackle him. Not that it did much good. He put you in a headlock, yelling "Holler Uncle" while you struggled to break free. Darry kept hounding him to stop. Everyone had a good laugh that night.
Once again, you stir in your sleep, opening your eyes. You yawn and stretch, then sit up on the bed, blanket wrapped around you.
"Whatcha doin' up this late Curly?"
"Just watchin' you sleep."
"Cuz I felt like it. Got a problem with that," I say punching him playfully in the arm.
"Naw, I got no probl'm with it. You must be tired though."
"Eh, I'm used to it by now."
Looking over at the clock you say, "Man, it's already 9. Well, I'll go make breakfast. You wanna help or watch." You smile, almost seductively.
I smiled back. " Y'know, there are times when I don' think yer as innocent as ya make out t' be."
"Whoever said I was innocent?"
We walk out to the kitchen together. You go over to the fridge and I sit down at the table watching you. It's almost fun watching you make breakfast. You look so drowsy it's most likely you'll fall asleep while cooking. Not that that didn't already happen... Glancing over your shoulder, you meet my gaze.
"I'm not gonna fall asleep again."
"I wasn't thinking about that." He'll never by that one.
"Liar." Told you he wouldn't by it.
"How'd you know I was lying?"
"We've been together long enough for me to tell the difference."
"Really? Has it really been that long?"
"Yep." He placed a plate of food in front of me. "Now eat."
"I would but I dunno if it's eatable."
"You're mean!" Whiner.
"I'm not mean," I say pulling you on my lap. "I'm just truthful, you little whiner."
"I don't whine! I complain."
"What's the difference?"
We both laugh. Times have changed for all of us. Good thing I still have my Pony.