Chapter 25 - Endings and Beginnings

The was no time for a proper burial but he did not deserve to be left of top of the Earth for the spoil of the birds, worms , foxes or whatever else felt like they wanted a piece of Boromir, Son of Denethor, Man of Gondor.

When they had emerged from the trees, back on to the stony shore of the river things were eerily quiet. Gone was constant chatter that came from Merry and Pippin who would be arguing about some frivolous matter. Gone was Sams mothering, asking Frodo whether he was hungry or if he was alright. Gone was Frodos deep intense stares of those bright blue eye of his when his mind was off somewhere else in thought. The only evidence that remained of the others were two packs, Boromirs discarded shield and a lit fire still smoldering away, the contents in the pan atop it now beyond anything edible.

Where were Frodo and Sam?

Upon closer inspection they determined that the packs belonged to Merry and Pippin due to the small amount of lembas and other rations contained within. Which meant that the other two Hobbits had somehow evaded capture afterall.

"There!" Legolas cried beside her, gesturing with his dirt covered hand out towards the opposite bank. One of the three boats was nestled there between two rocks, slowly bobbing on the current. She was surprised that she had not noticed that one of the boats was missing sooner. But it seemed almost impossible to tear her sight away from the little packs scattered on the ground. What terrors were Merry and Pippin suffering? Even with Boromirs great sacrifice they had failed to protect them. It made her heart ache.

A creaking of wood behind her turned her round away from them. As she caught the last moments of Aragorn lowering Boromirs limp lifeless body into one of the remaining two boats. Kneeling down beside it he arranged the mans sprawling limbs till they were straight. His legs together and his arms folded across his still chest. He then removed the mans gauntlets, fine pieces embossed with the sigil of the white tree. Like this he really did look like he was sleeping.

"Arwen" Aragorn said her name , holding out a hand towards the sword that she still had clutched in her hands.

"Oh, I forgot that I had it" she said quietly, none of this seeming real. As she handed it over to him she, Legolas and Gimli watched as he placed the hilt under the dead mans hands. The tip of the blade almost reaching to the mans feet.

Stepping forward from their line, Gimli shuffled slowly over to the makeshift tomb. Placing the broken horn by the mans right side, close to his hip so he could grab it easily if need be. Something was missing. But what?

It came to her suddenly and she quickly hurried back to the treeline and the brown shield that was resting there. Awaiting its owner who would never return. Behind the shield she caught sight of some Elderflowers that she remembered growing from earlier. Grabbing a hold of a bunch of stems she gave a swift tug. The roots held on for as long as possible before bursting free of the earth. It was not the most handsomest of bouquets she had ever seen. However she was sure that if Boromir could have seen it he would say it was beautiful anyway.

Clearing away some of the excess mud and a few stray worms she wove a leaf around the stems, binding them tightly together so that the would not come loose. She remembered how she had used to do this as a child, going into the gardens or forests surrounding Rivendell and bringing back her parents a bouquet each. They would always be so grateful, her mother displaying it on her dressing table and her father in his library. It seemed almost another life.

Once she was satisfied with the arrangement she proceeded to place it on the mans left side. The shield she gave to Aragorn who placed it gently behind the mans head like an unlikely pillow, elevating him at a slight angle.

She waited there for a moment just looking at his still form. As she stared at him she could have sworn she saw his chest rising and falling but she knew it was an illusion.

Standing up from his crouched position Aragorn went to the back of the boat, grabbing a hold of the wood and beginning to push against it so that the bow scraped along the gravelled shore. Seeing him struggle with the force Legolas immediately went to help and together they were easily able to push it the small distance to the water's edge. The water gently lapping at the wood.

They seemed to pause for a moment , the final push would send it off into the river and there would be no turning back then. Boromir would be swept from them forever on the strong current towards the falls. For a moment she wondered if he had changed his mind. But the moment passed and with a last heave the man and elf pushed the small boat forward into the surging waters.

For a moment it swayed violently back and forth and she feared that it would tip, spilling Boromirs body into the cold waters. Please do not let that happen she prayed. That was not the last sight that they needed to see of their comrade, not when they had tried so hard to lay him to rest. The boat however steadied as it found its centre and silently it continued onward towards the falls. Towards the next place. Towards some place better.

"Goodbye Boromir" She said quietly as they stood in silence watching the vessel drift away until it was concealed in the mist of the falls.

The others turned away from the water but she remained, remembering his face, the time that he had trained Merry and Pippin.

The scraping of another boat on the shore broke her from her thoughts and she turned to see Legolas pushing the remaining boat towards the water. So they would be moving off immediately, the time for grief over.

"Hurry!" Legolas called to the others as Aragorn fastened Boromirs gauntlets around his own wrists in a sign of remembrance and respect.

"If we want to catch up to Frodo and Sam then we will need to move now" the elf continued , throwing his pack onto one of the small wooden seats within.

When no one responded to him he hesitated, releasing his grip on the boat.

Aragorns face however said everything that he did not.

It looked tired and defeated.

"You mean not to follow them?" Legolas questioned him, his own face dropping.

"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands" Aragorn replied, his gaze drifting across the waters to the boat on the opposite shore.

She felt her own stomach drop when he spoke, knowing deep down that he was right.

"Then it has all been in vain!" Gimli stated beside her " The Fellowship has failed".

Was he right? it certainly seemed that way.

Aragorn seemed to contemplate this for a moment before walking toward Gimli and Legolas, resting a hand on each of their shoulders, gripping tightly.

"Not if we hold true to each other" he said to them, flashing a glance towards her.

"We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death, not while we have strength left".

She could feel a smile creeping back onto her face, perhaps there was hope after all, just not in the course that they had planned.

"Leave all that can be spared behind, we travel light" he commanded, sheathing his dagger back into place as he walked towards her, reaching out to touch her face lightly.

"Let us hunt some Orc" He said in a low growl, the fire returning to his eyes as the defeat left him.

The excitement too built within her, replacing the sadness for a new important sense of purpose.

Looking over at Gimli and Legolas they reflected the same emotion back at her, an anxious energy that made them all want to get moving .

"Yes!" Gimli cried with a laugh, grabbing his axe and starting off towards the trees, Legolas hot on his heels. She could still hear him laughing even when he was out of sight.

She was about to follow them when she felt his arms envelop her. Turning her to face him before kissing her long and soft on her awaiting lips.

"I suppose we should not let them get so far ahead" She said quietly, leaning in to kiss his lips once more.

"Never know what kind of trouble they will run into " He agreed with a smirk and another light peck.

"I bet I can make it to them before you can" she laughed breaking away from him, heading towards the trees.

"I do not think so" He chuckled following her till they were level.

"Let us put it to the test then" she propositioned, enjoying the reprieve of danger for a moment.

"Alright then " he said " Three, Two, One..."

So Fellowship of the Ring is done and dusted but there is so much more to still go through for our four heroes.

I will be starting a new story to deal with Two Towers, aptly named ' The Towers' so look out for this coming soon.

Thanks again to everyone that reviewed, favourited or just stayed with it from beginning to end.

I hope that you continue with it into the future. After all even I am interested to see where it takes us next. And more importantly what will Arwen think of Eowyn. :S. See you all soon XXX