A New Life

Disclaimer: I don't own YYH or DBZ.

Summary: It started right before Yusuke went to the Makai to begin his training with his father. A fight with his mother has left him bitter towards humanity, but one girl as kept some hope alive for his views on humanity. Now three years later he has returned from the Makai, hoping to make amends with those he hurt, namely his mother. However nothing has ever gone according to plan for Yusuke, at least not entirely. Now two years after his return he is despised by the Reikai and forgotten by the Ningenkai and Makai. He is alone, his fiancée, the love of his life, missing with no clues as to her location or what happened to her. Now a Reikai convict, he has to leave the Ningenkai. Banished from the Reikai and Ningenkai he makes his way to the Makai. This is where our story begins. This is where his new life begins…

Note: There may be a bit of Out of Character for Yusuke and others. Also the timeline for this story is a bit altered, so the dates will appear different than they actually should.

"Blah" – Speech, 'Blah' – Thoughts, "Blah" – Saiyago

"Blah" – Youkai Speech, "Blah" – Telepathy, -blah- – text in journal entry

Blah – End/Flashback, End/Dream Sequence, Time, Location, Days, End/Journal Entry

Chapter One: A New Life

Journal Entry – 07/21/2010

-Two years… Has it really been that long since I returned to the Ningenkai from the Makai? Time sure seems to fly when you have nothing left to live for. Strange, I just can't seem to let my life get any lower than it already is. Maybe it's because somewhere deep down I know that I'll see them again.-

End Journal Entry – 07/21/2010


Two years have passed since Yusuke returned from the Makai, returning to a world that had all but forgotten him. His girlfriend and fiancée simply disappeared one day, without any sign of a struggle or that she had been planning on leaving him. Her belongings also gone, like someone had come in and taken all her belongings, all that was left was a note from Keiko, which read:



Went out to visit my parents, will be back later.

Love Keiko


But she never did return and Yusuke often wondered what happened to her. He still wore the ring that she had given him as a symbol of their love, though heart broken he continues on with his life. Now a drifter, he spends his days in and out of the Reikai Maximum Security Prison, for fighting humans that posed no threat to the Reikai or Ningenkai, or even the Makai for that matter. Now he journey's in and out of the Makai, making him very disliked in the Reikai. The ones who once supported him have turned against him, now only one remains who supported him from the Reikai, but she was banished from the Ningenkai and the Reikai for this. This time as he journeys to the Makai one last time, since being banished from the Makai, he finds that even in the Makai he has been forgotten, regarded as merely a legend now. Discovering that it was told he was dead, killed in a ruthless struggle against the Reikai Overlords.

"A shame really… I was starting to like the Reikai," said Yusuke more to himself than anyone else. "Too bad everyone I ever cared about is gone."

"Yes, truly a shame, but there are those who will never forget you detective," said a Youkai who sat down next to him.

"Shut up Hiei, the Ningenkai has forgotten me, no real surprise there though. My family has forgotten me, Keiko seemingly left me, the Reikai hates me with a passion, and now I find that the Makai regards me as a legend. Having died in battle against the Reikai Overlords themselves," said Yusuke sadly. "Where is there to go for me? I was banished from the Reikai and Ningenkai. The only way back to the Reikai, is to get arrested by the Reikai Tantei Special Forces. Tell me Hiei, where do I go from here?"

"You go to another time period, detective, a different era, to a time where the Reikai has been forgotten and is all but gone," said Hiei as Yusuke looked at him incredulously. "Koenma has offered Yukina, Botan, myself, and one other of my choosing, a chance to start again five millennia in the future. We have agreed and Koenma swears upon his title as Prince of the Reikai that there are no tricks involved and that it can be anybody I choose, as long as they agree. So you know detective, I have revealed my secret to Yukina, she knows everything I hid from her and she has accepted me for who I am and forgiven me for deceiving her."

"I'm in, but after the portal is opened and stabilized, Koenma dies," said Yusuke as Hiei nodded his agreement to Yusuke's terms.

One Hour Later – Undisclosed Location

When they all arrived at the location that Koenma said for them to meet at, they watched him open the portal and stabilize it enough to be used. Yusuke gripped his sword tightly as the others entered the portal, all except Hiei. That was Yusuke's signal to reveal himself from the shadows and make his move against Koenma. Walking out of the shadows, he smirked as he saw the scowl on Koenma's face.

"No! Anybody but him Hiei! I'm not letting him go somewhere where I can't keep track of him! He is not to leave the Makai!" said Koenma angrily.

"Are you going back on our agreement Koenma!" demanded Hiei angrily. "You said anybody! You never said that it was anybody but him! Your own words say that anybody includes Yusuke! No exceptions!"

"Grr!" growled Koenma angrily. "Fine, he can go!"

"Don't be like that Koenma, I have a going away present for you," said Yusuke as he revealed his sword to Koenma.

Koenma went to grab it, but instead he found that it had been run through his stomach and then removed from his stomach and impaled into the ground beside him. Knowing that his wound was fatal and that he would not survive, he put the last of his reiki into the sword itself. This would ensure that he would one day be able to return, completely restored and healed, so that he might take his vengeance upon Yusuke, but until that day he would have to wait a very long time.

Yusuke and Hiei entered the portal shortly after seeing Koenma die, hopefully journeying to a time where the Reikai's Laws were gone, where the Reikai itself was just a memory. As soon as the entry way into the portal had closed they were hurled five thousand years into the future, to a time where none knew of them, where none knew they had even existed in the first place, to a fresh start, to a new life.

Budokai Era – Seven Years after Cell Games

Seven years have passed since Cell's defeat, during this time many changes have happened to the world. Everyone or rather most everyone considers techniques developed centuries ago, before the Capsule and Budokai Era, to be tricks, as in deceit. However, there are still a few that have mastered some of these techniques, use them, teach them to those who are willing to accept that they are not "tricks" at all, but fighting and healing techniques used in ancient times. Those who are willing to learn these techniques use them and train to grow stronger, so that one day they may be able to control the more advanced techniques and create their own techniques. An example of one of these few is a warrior who is still very young and very powerful, yet understands that he still has much to learn, and is descendant from a lineage of strong, powerful, and very skilled warriors and martial artists, his name is Gohan Son.

However this one day, unlike any other day, would change his view on things forever, this day would help to shape the man he would become as he grew older and wiser, this day would be the starting point that would help determine the rest of his life. It was this day that he met four mysterious beings, that seemed to appear out of nowhere, yet they had appeared from somewhere. Two women and two men lying in a small crater unconscious, deciding that they weren't a threat, he picked the two men up and slung them over his shoulders, while he carefully picked the two women up bridal style and carefully flew back to his home. When he arrived he used his ki to blow the door off its hinges, causing Chichi, his mother, to come walking down the steps into the kitchen with her frying pan of doom at ready. But when she saw the strangers that Gohan was carrying she let it pass and told Gohan to put the women in his room and the men in the spare room.

"Gohan get me some thick and heavy blankets! This girl is ice cold!" yelled Chichi worriedly. A minute later Gohan returned with the blankets and covered the girl with them as Chichi instructed him to. "Good now check on the other girl and make sure she's not in a similar condition!"

Gohan did as he was told and checked the girl and found her to be at normal temperature. Lying her down in the bed he covered her up to her neck and made sure that she didn't have any cuts that could lead to an infection. Returning his attention to his mother and the other girl, he could see that she was worried because the girl seemed to be getting worse instead of better.

Deciding to check on the other two guests he found that the one in black had a hair style similar to Vegeta's, which made him wonder if he might be a Saiyan that is related to Vegeta. The other had black hair that was even wilder than his hair and his father's hair, which was a bit surprising because the hair of most people, no matter how long it got, just didn't look so wild naturally, unlike this person's hair. What intrigued Gohan most of all though were the tattoo like markings on his face. It was rather odd to see people tattoo their faces or even any other part of their bodies those days, especially since the ones who did usually ended up in prison or had been to prison for a long time. Walking out of the room he saw the worry on his mothers face and took her back to her room.

"I'm sure its just the sudden climate change mother, they look like their from one of those old shrines you read about in books. Those areas are usually very cool and with plenty of moisture around this time of the year," explained Gohan. "Unlike how cold it gets up here at this time of the year around nighttime."

"You're probably right, we'll just have to see how she does in the morning," said Chichi has she shooed Gohan out of her room and went to sleep.

The Next Morning

Chichi awoke to the morning sun beating down on her face, causing her to groan groggily as she got up. It was one of the few times she had ever slept in, though she could remember setting her alarm clock the night prior. When she looked at her alarm clock she immediately woke up fully seeing it multiple pieces. It hadn't been smashed, but slice and diced with incredible precision, such precision that she was immediately worried about her guests and her family. Throwing her robe on she checked on Gohan to see if he was alright and found him asleep on the couch. Quickly moving back upstairs she checked to see that only one of the men was in the spare room. Going to the room occupied by the girls she noticed right away a light sheet over the girl that had been ice cold and the blanket in the corner. She looked much healthier than she had the night before, when she had a high fever.

"Don't put heavy blankets on her while she sleeps," said a voice.

Chichi immediately looked over to the window seal where for a moment she thought she saw Vegeta, but upon closer inspection she found that it was one of the men from the spare room. About to demand if he had been the one who had removed the blanket from the ice cold girl, and if so, she was ready to scold him for endangering the girl's life, but one glare from the man sitting on the window seal told her to hold her tongue or pay.

"She will be fine now, she thrives in the cold, it is apart of her nature," said the man sternly and with obvious contempt towards Chichi.

"How would you know what's good for her?" demanded Chichi. "I'm a certified physician! I knew what I was doing!"

"You may be that, but you know nothing of what you were doing to her!" snapped Hiei angrily. "She thrives in the cold! The heat will kill her!"

"Impossible! If that were so then she would have already died!" snapped Chichi equally angrily.

"Not if she adapted enough to withstand the heat for certain periods of time!" said Hiei angrily. "She is from the cold, the sub-zero temperatures, not the heat!"

"HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?" snapped Chichi angrily.

"Because I'm her brother!" snapped Hiei even angrier as he withdrew his katana and was about to attack the woman, but stopped when he saw Yukina glaring at him disapprovingly and angrily. "Hn."

"Huh?" asked Chichi confused, but as she saw Yukina awake and glaring at Hiei she knew who had most likely saved her life.

"Please forgive my brother, he is very protective of me," said Yukina softly.

"Okay. I guess I can forgive him, since he was trying to protect you," said Chichi still a bit confused.

"I am Yukina Ice Koorime-Jaganshi, the one you were just arguing with his my half-brother Hiei Fire Koorime-Jaganshi. I have added the Jaganshi part to my name in respect for my brother," explained Yukina to both Hiei and Chichi.

"I'm Chichi Mao-Son, it's a pleasure to meet Yukina," said Chichi. "I also apologize for overreacting towards you Hiei."

"Hn," replied Hiei.

"I take it he's always like this," said Chichi.

"Bingo!" said a voice startling Chichi. "Oh sorry about that, but your right, Hiei is almost always like this. By the way my name is Botan Rei Reaper."

"Why is your surname Reaper?" asked Chichi.

"Probably because of my last job for the Reikai. It was given to me by my parents as an insult, since I was only qualified to bring the spirits of the departed to the Reikai for judgment by King Enma or Prince Koenma. I was initially called in folk lore the Grim Reaper or Lady Death," said Botan as Chichi paled considerably. "But I'm not anymore. I was just a guide really. I was to help the newly deceased to the Reikai for judgment."

"I see how long ago was that?" asked Chichi.

"About five millennia ago. We used a time portal to come here for a new and hopefully better life. None of us were actually on good terms with the Reikai. Hiei was thief and killer, Yukina was almost constantly in the Ningenkai Haven, which angered the Reikai, since they couldn't do anything, because it would break their won laws. Botan here was a supporter of those who were born in the Ningenkai, but either weren't human or weren't completely human. I was also former employee of the Reikai, but I was a Reikai Tantei. It was my job to keep the Ningenkai safe, no matter the cost, if it meant ruining my personal life then so be it, if it meant casing my loved ones to grow distant form me so be it, even if it meant my loved ones deaths or disappearances so be it," said Yusuke as he walked into the room, causing everyone to stare at him curiously. "I made enemies of the Reikai by demanding to know what happened to my mother after three years. We'd had a fight and I never got to apologize to her for some of the things I said. Then the love of my life disappears without a trace and all her belongings gone as well. When the Reikai wouldn't give me my answers I broke into their filing room and had the file in my hand when the Reikai Special Tantei Forces got me and had me sent to the Reikai Maximum Security Prison."

"So sad," said Chichi. "You can live here you know, I just need a few extra rooms added on, so you can each have your own room."

"Thanks, we'd really appreciate that," said Yusuke with a sad smile.

"I'll also have my friend Bulma come over and give you each identities. She can be over in a bout an hour or two," said Chichi. "But there is a condition to you living here with me! You each have to go to school or else you'll have to find somewhere else to live."

"I guess we have no choice," said Yusuke. "Though we want to be able to choose our own style of clothing, no matter how much you may no like it. If we're going to go to school, we're going to go as ourselves."

"Very well, you can choose your own outfits. It's the least I can do for you," said Chichi knowing she wouldn't be able to win that battle. "Now I already have the perfect school in mind for you, you have to where a badge as well though."

"I think I can persuade the superintendent or dean to remove that policy. If not me then certainly Hiei," said Yusuke with an evil smirk.

"Just as long as you don't get expelled or suspended," said Chichi sternly.

Two Hours Later

When Bulma arrived she didn't ask any questions about why they needed ID's, especially since most people from the country had to get them from Capsule Corps anyway. She ran down a list of everything that she could offer and was actually surprised when Yusuke selected Tomb Valley as the place he was from. Hiei had chosen Sub-Artic Plateau from where he was from, along with Yukina. Botan had also chosen Tomb Valley, both places were remote areas that didn't have too many people visit them because of the strange history behind their founding's. Tomb Valley was said to be the site of a major battle between an extraordinarily strong and powerful race and a deceitful and devious race. The outcome was that the strong and powerful race was wiped out, but so was the deceitful and devious race, at least the population of the deceitful and devious race that had fought there. The third race that had helped the strong and powerful race survived the battle and entombed their bodies within the caves and respects were paid every year on the anniversary of the start of the battle 'til the end of the battle. Sub-Artic Plateau was said to be the site of a campaign to eliminate the races that controlled the Winds, Fire, Waters, and Ice. The four races fought against the same race that had wiped out the powerful ones at Tomb Valley. In the end only the ones that controlled the Ice and Winds were left, but barely with very few in their numbers, it was said that they left a gift to the third race that had helped them in the battle as they disappeared into the frozen tundra's of the Sub-Artic Plateau Mountain Range.

"You know it's kind of strange that you picked these locations, according to the mythology books, about four thousand, nine hundred, and ninety years ago these were sites of great battles that lasted for centuries on end. It was about, a millennia ago that it was said that battles finally ended with the help from the humans," said Bulma. "Okay now, who's next?"

After a few hours of working all information for the four to pass off in normal society was complete. Each had their own ID's and identification records, along with a profile describing them and a police file that showed no arrests or anything. Since she was finished she took her leave and went back home to see what damage Trunks and Goten had done, along with Vegeta, if he was in a foul mood, which was almost constantly.

(A/N: Remember this is a time where just about anything is possible, thanks to Dynamo Capsules. I'm not sure if that's where they're actually called or not, but oh well.)

Later that day after they had set up their rooms they went to Satan City to do some shopping for school supplies and clothing, and also to enroll them at Orange Star High School, which made a sudden decision to throw out the rule of requiring students to where an Orange Star High School badge to attend there. They had found out though that they couldn't be fit in until a couple of months after the World Martial Arts Tournament. When they arrived at the mall, Hiei and Yusuke had sense enough to break way from the women and buy their clothing when they wanted to and where they wanted to.

"We'll meet you at the food court in a couple of hours," said Yusuke as Chichi and the others nodded to Yusuke and Hiei. "Shall we head to the clothing stores now or later?"

"Hn," replied Hiei.

"Exactly as I thought, let's get it done now, before the girls decide to try and make us try on thirty dozen different outfits," said Yusuke as he shuddered at the memory of the last time he went with the girls to the mall to buy clothing.

When they arrived at the clothing store that had what they were looking for, after ten others, they immediately grabbed what they wanted, paid for it, and left towards the food courts. Yusuke carrying two bags full of black, blue, green, and red shirts, blue, black, and green pants, sleeveless shirts, tank tops, muscle shirts, and jackets, along with about three pairs of black shoes. While Hiei carried simply black shirts, sleeveless shirts, cloaks, boots, pants, and a few white scarves. When they arrived at the food courts they were about to take there seats when someone decided to be a show off and try and insult the newcomer.

"Hey buddy! Why don't you get a haircut or pink bow for your hair!" called the dumb jock who was also a blonde. (No offense to any blondes or jocks reading!)

Yusuke set his bags down, walked over to the guy who had yelled at him, who stood up to face Yusuke, and glared at him angrily.

"You want to fight scrawny boy? Bring it on!" said the dumb jock.

"Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true," said Yusuke in a low eerie voice that sent shivers up the spines of the others with the fool. "Now what did you say to me earlier, something about my hair?"

"Yeah, why don't you get it cut or put a nice pink bow in it!" laughed the jock as Yusuke's eyes narrowed venomously, which didn't go unnoticed by the raven haired girl.

"I'm going to give you one chance to take back what you said to me and apologize. If you don't then you will pay the consequences," said Yusuke.

"You have got to be joking, right! How could a pipsqueak like you make me pay the consequences?" laughed the fool.

"Then I take it you will not take back what you said and apologize?" asked Yusuke sternly.

"Hell no, I won't! Because the statement is true!" said the fool.

"Your name?" asked Hiei who suddenly appeared next to Yusuke with their bags.

"Why do you want to know my name?" asked the fool.

"For your tombstone," replied Hiei casually, causing the blonde girl to start to freak out in fear of these two newcomers.

"My name is Sharpner Pencil, the number one student at Satan Dojo! Now prepare for a beating you little – uh!"

Yusuke had planted his fist into Sharpner's gut so hard, that he passed out from shock, lack of air in his lungs, and pain. Pulling his fist out, he let Sharpner topple onto the floor unmoving, causing the blonde girl to freak out, thinking he was dead, that he had just been killed.

"Shut up!" snapped Yusuke irritably. "He's not dead, just unconscious! Take your friend and tell him what happened! Tell him that was no trick, that nothing but my fist and strength were used against him!"

Yusuke and Hiei began to walk away afterwards, but were soon stopped a couple of minutes later by the raven haired girl.

"What do you want? Retribution for your friend?" asked Yusuke testily.

"No. I came to apologize on his behalf. He thinks that just because he's my father's top student, he's near invincible. I also wanted to thank you for knocking him out like you did, he can get insufferable at times," said the raven haired girl.

"What's your name girl? Your not liked the rest, you seem stronger," said Yusuke as Hiei watched curiously, knowing that normally Yusuke would have just accepted the apology and walked off.

"Videl Satan, and don't call me girl!" snapped Videl angrily.

"You've got guts, now tell me what it is that you really want," said Yusuke.

"You knew that wasn't it!" asked Videl shocked that someone was able to see through her way of getting information before saying what she wanted from somebody.

"Plain as day, you come over here to us, apologize for your friend, try and get us to speak about a previous experience like that, you learn information about us, and then you say what you want. I've seen this technique used many times and I have been able to avoid it since the first time it was used on me, since the first time I decided not to boast about what I may or may not have done," said Yusuke, causing Videl to sigh, knowing that he had beaten her at her own game of divulging information.

"Alright, what I want is simple. I want to know how you were able to do the things you did back there. You speak in a low voice like any other person can, but at the same time you send shivers down peoples spines and make them uncertain and afraid. You can narrow your eyes like a cat or so you make it seem. And you can move faster than the eye can see, even the trained eye! How!" said Videl.

"Training. Training unlike any other training. Not throwing punches through the air or kicks or lifting weights to become stronger, but training that specializes in keeping your form, but at the same time growing stronger. You train your mind, body, and soul, train them so much that it becomes habit and then you change the way you do it. All that is needed is the potential to do extraordinary things, destroying boulders ten times the size of the average person with merely your body. Trust me when I say that currently you couldn't destroy a boulder three fourths smaller than you with only your body. However it can be done," said Yusuke seriously as he stared into Videl's eyes unblinking as he spoke to her, telling her he was not lying.

"Can I learn how to do this? Do I have such potential?" asked Videl eagerly.

"Perhaps, but first you must be tested to see if you have enough potential. Come to this address in a few days time. By this time we should have the necessary equipment to test you properly and have proper readouts," said Yusuke causing Videl's eyes to widen in shock and awe at the brief flash she saw in his eyes. "Tell no one of this either or I won't bother testing you at all."

Videl just nodded and started to turn when she felt a hand grip her arm force her to turn around and her breath to get caught in her throat as her eyes widened in fear and shock at the sight before her. A fist was hovering just mere inches from her face, she was so shocked she didn't hear the chuckling at first, but when she snapped out of it she heard Yusuke chuckling and was about to yell at him when he just stopped chuckling abruptly.

"Rule One: Never turn your back to your opponent, unless you know you can beat him or her! You may live to regret it otherwise," said Yusuke as he let go of her arm and pulled his fist away from her face.

This time Videl carefully stepped back away from Yusuke all the while watching him for any movements that indicated an attack or movement towards her. Instead nothing came and when she was a safe distance away, or rather what she thought was safe distance, turned her back to Yusuke and ran to catch up with her friends.

"Why did you simply not accept her apology and be off with her?" asked Hiei irritably.

"She caught my curiosity is all, plus have you noticed anything about the people in this time?" asked Yusuke curiously.

"None of them have any real Reiki! Except that girl, her Reiki is exponential, yet untapped. Are you sure training her is a good idea? She could become a dangerous enemy Roizen," said Hiei using Yusuke's Youkai name instead of his normal name.

"I know, but she could also be a powerful ally. Plus there is something about her, she reminds of Keiko somewhat, but also of myself, before my Youkai blood was awakened," said Yusuke softly. "We have to keep a close eye on her as she is trained Hiei. We don't know if Koenma somehow survived or not, or if he has a way of returning again."

Hiei nodded before picking up his bag and walking after Yusuke as they met up with the girls and left for the 439 Mountain Area. When they got home Yusuke, with Chichi's permission, called Bulma and placed a large scale order of extremely special and sensitive equipment to be delivered personally and without the capsulation hardware installed. This caught Bulma's attention right away since most people preferred the capsulation hardware installed on their purchases. However after Yusuke refused to give her the details, telling her that she would find out along with everyone else.

Two Days Later

Yusuke had built a near perfect replica of Genkai's shrine and had all the equipment necessary for his purposes setup and installed. Now he merely needed to install the data reading capabilities (Reiki Signature Detecting, Reading, and Deciphering Software) that Genkai had given him, in case he ever needed it for one reason or another. He missed his old mentor very much and hoped she was happy wherever she was. Once he was complete he tested the software to make sure that it was compatible with the hardware and was working properly. He had made a few adjustments and improvements to the software, giving it the capabilities to not only recognize, read, and decipher Reiki, but Youki, Sei Kou Ki, and any other types of ki as well. After making sure it was all working properly he put up the wards around the shrine that would keep all non-invited guests out, no matter how powerful they were. The only exceptions were Yukina, Botan, Hiei, and himself, they could each pass in and out of the shrine freely.

Yusuke walked inside the Son Residence after he had washed up and sat down at the table to eat some lunch, however something was off. It seemed that Chichi was upset with all of his secretiveness.

"It's a surprise Mrs. Son, a surprise that can wait until Gohan gets back with Bulma and her family, so I can show everyone at once. Now you can stop glaring at me!" said Yusuke as his frustration and irritation started to show through, causing Chichi to nod slowly, but still unsure of his motives. "I'll tell you this much, it's nothing lethal, harmful, or deadly. It won't interfere with Gohan's studies, if anything it will be a learning experience. A test if you will."

This seemed to please Chichi somewhat, but she was still unsure. But soon enough she heard Gohan call that he was home, with Bulma, Mirai, Trunks, and Vegeta, which surprised her greatly.

"Not yet Mrs. Son, one person has to arrive before I will do anything other than eat my lunch," said Yusuke coolly as Chichi just let out a sigh of frustration and went back to making everyone lunch.

"It's not wise to anger my mother Yusuke," said Gohan cautiously.

"Nor is it wise to threaten or anger me, or Hiei for that matter," replied Yusuke coolly.

"Weakling," mumbled Vegeta.

"Hiei when was the last time you had any target practice?" asked Yusuke as Hiei smirked evilly at the possibility.

"Not since we took out Yominka," said Hiei plainly.

"I see. We'll have to change that then, won't we?" said Yusuke as he rose from the table as he heard the faint sound of Jet-Copter engine nearing. "Here comes our last guest, I hope she hasn't told anyone, it would be a real shame to have her memories of that conversation erased."

"You can do that!" asked Gohan shocked.

"No," replied Yusuke as Gohan seemed to relax. "Hiei can."

The Jet-Copter landed and Yusuke motioned for Hiei to probe to Videl's mind carefully, to see if she had told anyone, if not then she would continue with them, if so then her memories of the conversation at the mall would be erased.

"Have you told anyone?" asked Yusuke.

"No, I told my father I was going into the country for some relaxation and training before the World Martial Arts Tournament in a couple of months," said Videl as Hiei nodded slowly in acknowledgment that she was telling the truth.

"Good. Follow me everyone," said Yusuke as he handed Videl a piece of paper and then walked off. "If your paper is any color, other than white, then come through, if not go back to the house."

Videl very curious opened the little paper to find another inside that was red. She let out a breath of relief that her paper was not white. As she looked around she spotted Gohan and instantly wondered why he was there. She saw that his paper was black and red, along with a little kid with wild hair, another kid with lavender hair, a man with spiky black hair held a black slip of paper, while a taller guy with long lavender hair held a red and black paper. The woman whom she recognized as Bulma Briefs held a slightly red paper that looked kind of pinkish to her. The woman with the black hair held a slightly blackish red paper. The one whom she recognized as Hiei held a blue piece of paper, while the girl with the pony tail held a red piece of paper. The girl in the kimono held a blue piece of paper as well, while Yusuke held a blue and red piece of paper.

"Interesting, if I had not been so opened minded, barely any of you would have been able to see what's on the inside," said Yusuke as he tossed his paper into a waste basket and walked inside.

She watched the others follow him inside and drop their papers into the waste basket as well. She quickly followed as well and was awed at what she saw. It looked like an ancient fashioned arcade, from millennia ago, but all with the current hardware and software, or so it seemed.

"Now each of you will be tested, to see what ranking you stand in," said Yusuke sternly. "The Paper-Rock-Scissors Machine will test your awareness. The Punching Machine will test your strength in applying your ki to your attacks. And the Karaoke Machine will test your growth potential. These aren't ordinary games! These games are what were used to test me and count yourselves lucky that you don't have to go through the test I went through after this one."

"Whatever, just get on with it already," said Trunks arrogantly only to jump when a blast hit right in front of him, leaving a sizeable hole in the floor.

Looking up they see Yusuke's right hand shaped like a gun and what looked like a look of disapproval on his face.

"Go ahead and try those three Machines only! The rest aren't apart of the testing process," said Yusuke as Chichi glared at him not believing him for a moment about what he had explained to them.

"Would someone like to demonstrate?" asked Yusuke referring to Botan or Yukina.

Botan went over to the Karaoke Machine and starting singing. By the time she stopped she had a score of 291 on her aura count. This meant with proper training she could become very strong in using her Reiki.

"Her score means she has great potential and with proper training can become very strong in using her Reiki," said Yusuke plainly. "There are many different types of ki. There is Reiki, which is translated to Spirit Ki, Youki, which is Youkai Ki, Sei Kou Ki, which is the Saint Light Ki or Divine Ki or Angelic Ki and is extremely rare, then there is Dark Ki, which is very rare as is usually just ki twisted around by a very evil being, and then there is Ki, your life energy."

"So what!" snapped Vegeta angrily at Yusuke.

"Look at it like this: each of these different ki's contributes to the other. Reiki and Youki repel each other, but can also coexist with each other. Sei Kou Ki is extremely rare, even rarer than Dark Ki. A person who possesses this ki can utterly destroy a Youkai from about five feet away as a child. Dark Ki is twisted Ki, which can be converted to Youki or Reiki, it is still unknown about Sei Kou Ki, but in doing this you put your life at risk," said Yusuke sternly. "Now why don't you try one of the three Machines?"

Vegeta just grunted and went over to the punching Machine and scored a 256, which was good considering that when translated to Reiki it was a 128, a decent score.

"Not bad, you scored a decent score, which means when applying your ki to your attacks they come out very powerful. Now try that Paper-Rock-Scissors Machine, let's see how you do on that," said Yusuke tauntingly.

Vegeta growled at Yusuke and when he tried the Machine he ended up with a score of 095, which was a poor score. This infuriated Vegeta as he tried the Karaoke Machine and was able to score a 309 on his aura count, a very good score, meaning that he still had much potential using his ki.

After seeing the results from Vegeta, Videl decided to give the Machines a shot, but Trunks, Goten, and Bulma got to them first. Goten scored a 162 on the Karaoke Machine, while Trunks scored a 101 on the Punching Machine, and Bulma scored a 039 on the Paper-Rock-Scissors Machine. When Trunks tried the Paper-Rock-Scissors Machine he scored a 152, while Goten scored a 110 on the Punching Machine, and Bulma a 079 on the Karaoke Machine. Finally when Trunks tried the Karaoke Machine he scored a 159, while Goten scored a 158 on the Paper-Rock-Scissors Machine, and Bulma scored a 010 on the Punching Machine.

Next before Videl could get to the Machines, Mirai, Chichi, and Gohan got to them. Gohan went to the Paper-Rock-Scissors Machine he scored a 115. Chichi went to the Karaoke Machine and scored a 125. And Mirai went to the Punching Machine and scored a 231. After they finished with those, Gohan went to the Punching Machine and scored a 251. Chichi went to the Paper-Rock-Scissors Machine and scored a 095. Mirai had gone to the Karaoke Machine and scored a 220. Finally Gohan went to the Karaoke Machine and scored a 230. Chichi had gone to the Punching Machine and scored a 112. Mirai had gone to the Paper-Rock-Scissors Machine and scored a 135.

Yusuke wasn't really shocked at their scores, because once they were translated into Reiki scorings, most were pretty low. The children were understandable since they still had many years to grow and develop their abilities. But if he looked at it from a normal ki perspective, then it was incredible. His attention was drawn to Videl as she went to the Karaoke Machine and started to sing a song that happened to be his favorite song, soft, slow, and a nice steady stream of music. He also noticed that she had caught Hiei's attention as well and everyone else's. They were all staring at her intently as she never missed a beat, note, or word, she sung the song perfectly. When she finished and put the mike down her cheeks were stained with her embarrassment, as she had never sung in front of people before, unless you counted her closet friends, which were few. Her score was 350, the highest score yet, when it was translated to Reiki it was about 263.

Everyone watched as Videl then went to the Paper-Rock-Scissors Machine and was very focused on her task at hand, but when she finished her score was 200. A low score, but still higher than all the rest. When she went to the Punching Machine she just hit the machine flat out not wasting any time, scoring a 275.

Yusuke knew right away that Videl had much potential, about as much as he had when he first discovered how to use Reiki, channel it, and focus it. Videl would make the perfect student, but he didn't want a student, at least not one that would be all master and apprentice type anyway. He wanted a friend in this new world... this new time... this new life. He wanted a friend that was not also his ally. He wanted a true friend. Something that he hadn't had since Keiko, he winced at the memories of his first love, the girl he wanted to grow old with and die with, but he knew that wouldn't have been the way it turned out, he would have outlived her. Now he had a second chance, well a third or fourth chance really. Once he could speak with her alone he would offer to train her, to help her master her abilities, to be her friend, not just her teacher.


A/N: Well that's the end of this chapter, for all who knew in advance of this story's coming, I apologize for taking so long. Below is the poll:

What did you think of this story?

Should I give up?

Should I change anything in this chapter?

What should the pairings be? (No Yaoi/Yuri please)

What should happen next?

That's it for the poll, until next time.

Shadow Kage