Reviews for A New Life
R.M chapter 2 . 6/26/2013
Please update soon! I love your story!
CraZyBlueMonKey chapter 3 . 5/7/2013
This story made me shamed to read it. I cried for DBZ today. So sad that I didn't attempt to login. I just shake my head because these are two great series that I loved yet... You made the stronger group look like pityful push over with no testosterone and feminine ways. This is coming from a woman. Make no mistake this is a flame. The rage in my soul screams for vengeance. Two other reviews understand and one explained why. Make a parallel version for those who want to read the true possibilities. ;(. DBZ Fans weeped.
WaifuLink chapter 1 . 12/2/2012
Continue, fuck that dick-rider Tensa Zangetsu, he likes the shittest stories anyway. This story's cool. Yusuke/Videl pairing sounds cool,
r.m.guacamole chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Ya know about what Tensa Zangetsu 17 & INFAMOUS X? Well, they're sure as heck jerks. FINISH your story. It DOES make sense, and even if it DIDN'T... it's called FANFICTION for a REASON.
r.m chapter 3 . 10/14/2012
SUCH a great story! PLEASE update soon!
nena13123 chapter 2 . 1/8/2012
i dont like how you r making yusuke and videl like each other please dont make them a couple please dont do that
Ryujin Zangetsu 17 chapter 3 . 12/3/2011
Im deeply sorry but you need to be flame for writing this bullshit. You have made a complete mockery of the greatest anime show of all time for the last past 27-28 years! How the fuck diid it get into your head that YYH would be anywhere near the power of DBZ. You made a mokery of Vegeta( one of the graetest and complex characters of anime history), Gohan and Goku( one of the greatest anime hero and character of all time). You have disgrace DBZ and Im ashamed for reading this shit! Vegeata would have kill Yusuke with only base power at the beginning of DBZ! The fact that it started in Buu Saga just mewn tthat Vegeta probably would only need a strong kai blast to finish Yusuke. Gohan would also kill Yusuke and dont even get me started with Goku of all people. Im sorry but you needed to be flame from writing this shit that does not make any since over power base. One more thing! Gohan does not get jealous of anything I know since watching the series( and that been a long time)! Gohan was so completely out of character. You mega totally fuck up with Goku! He never gets atimadatied by his opponents. That shit was fuck up and made me angry reading the shit. This is a fuck up story and I just had to say! Nothing else in the world of anime/cartoons is on par with DBZ's power. Im deeply sorry but again you needed this shit! DBZ is a insperasion to black fock and many others raicst so please never right some shit like this again. Sorry and good night my friend.
Heaven chapter 3 . 8/1/2011
You need to write some more, it a good story
Rhavis chapter 3 . 4/9/2011
I SAY! Yusuke & Yukina!
oo chapter 3 . 9/10/2010
damn good story
WildIrishRose31 chapter 3 . 7/11/2009
I kinda of like the idea of Yuske with either Yukina. Also I wonder if Videl isn't related to Kurama somehow. Please up date this story soon.
Fallen White Archangel chapter 3 . 4/2/2009
OK for this story I really like Yusuke and Yukina.

I have to ask if Videl is somehow related to Yusuke.

Ok great story so far please review again soon
Rune-Ruin chapter 1 . 10/7/2007
Question! What happened to Kurama? You never mentioned him.
Hn chapter 3 . 7/18/2007

Hiei/Botan and yusuke/yukina
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