Ohmigosh. I just keep coming up with these really cool ideas. Just shoot me.

Her heart pounded, blood rushing from her face as she tore through the woods, blood covering her arms, face, and clothing, tears streaking down her cheeks as she stopped to wipe her hands of the crimson liquid dripping off her hands and face. She heard footsteps pounding against the ground. As the footsteps got nearer she decided that this was a good time to run. As she broke into a sprint her long fiery red hair got into her face, momentarily blocking her vision. Her long skirt caught onto a bush, tearing it.

"Great," she muttered. She ripped off the hanging scrap of blood soaked material and stuffed it in her belt; no evidence of her being here could be left behind.

The footsteps were closer, she cursed under her breath. The police was one thing she didn't need on her plate, but what else could she expect?

"Hey, you, stop!" someone yelled at her, when she broke into a run again. Her running away was obviously not the answer the chief of police was looking for. A shot rang out and a searing hot pain pierced her left shoulder. She let out a cry, collapsing onto ground, her skin torn from the thorn covered bush she hit on her way down.

Even more blood streamed down her arms. Pain seared through every corner of her body. She felt like just giving up, but oh no. She was not going down without a fight. She rose up, dragging herself along the ground.

A shadow appeared in front of her, the shadow of the chief of police. She whipped around and saw a man in a police officer's uniform, pistol at hand.

"There you are. This is the end of the line for you. You are under arrest," he growled pointing his gun at her face.

"Oh, but it isn't the end for me. This is the end of the chase for you!" she said breathlessly, barely able to speak from the terrible pain ripping through her shoulder.

He raised one of his eyebrows, wondering what she meant by that.

She made herself clear by suddenly picking up a handful of leaves and dirt and tossing it into his face. He screamed in pain as the dirt made way into his eyes and he dropped the gun. This gave her just enough time to gather up all her remaining strength. She picked herself up and ran, ran with all her might.

She broke through the woods and entered the city of Paris.

By the time she arrived in the streets it was well past two am. She heard the patter of running footsteps behind her, and she took off down a nearby alley. She saw the captain, from behind the dumpster where she was hiding. He stopped, looked around, then an idea came into her mind. Stealthily she picked up a rock from the ground and when his back was turned tossed it in the direction of the alley across the street. He whipped his head over in the direction of the noise and ran down that way.

She saw this was the opportunity she needed and she took off down the street, not knowing where she was going, having never even been to France. A grand building suddenly came into sight and as she got closer she could see that it read "Opera Populaire".

She dashed toward the abandoned building, as fast as she could in her weakened state. She threw open the doors and rushed inside, the solid thunk of them closing behind her being the only sound that resonated through the empty space.

The girl noticed that the whole place seemed very old and looked as if it had been the victim of a fire. Since she, as you already know, had never been to France, she had no idea how this happened. She wandered around the place, catching her breath after being chased for quite a distance.

She meandered onto the stage area, wondering what the place would've been like when it was in full glory, the audience packed into every seat.

As she walked over the stage, contemplating all this, suddenly the rotten floorboards caved in underneath her. She cried out with an ear-shattering scream as she felt herself plummet into the darkness below.

Suddenly, her fall was broken by the hard ground. Upon landing on her feet, she felt her right leg crumble, accompanied by a loud snap. A piercing pain tore through her leg, making her forget about the bullet wound in her shoulder. She started to feel herself slip into unconsciousness, but before she blacked out she faintly saw a large shadow coming toward her. Then, darkness overtook her.