I do not own anything from any Final Fantasies. Those all belong to Square Enix.

I do own any characters That I make up.

This Fic is really a mix of all characters from all final fantasies, but mostly relates to FF8.

Fanfic Status As of now : INCOMPLETE :

I would apreciate your help.

: PLZ R&R :

-:- The one and Only "Casi Muerto" -:-

Fanfic Began : 7.10.05 :


Prologue: The Promise To A Love

"...From a Future tense, I feel caressed, By your gentle words, Gentle smile... Gentle death...I'm Sorry..."

Blood splashed and fell about the forest ground. Swords clinged and clanged together. The sun was nearly rising. The war between Vampires and Mortals to claim the land of Balamb was becoming deadly.

Squall threw his sword into the chest of a mortal, "Die filthy mortal." He said, his fangs dripping in fresh blood from a previous kill.

"Squall! The sun is rising! We have to retreat!" He turned at the voice. Sephiroth was running toward him, silver long hair flowing behind him.

"We wont stop!" Squall said loudly over the screaming and agonizing yells. "The sun isnt up yet! We wont stop til every mortal lays within our grasp!"

Squall then turned and sliced another mortal straight in half. His hair wiped across his face, spilling blood over his eyes. He hissed, rubbing his eyes. A felt a body bump into him from behind. He quickly spun around, stabbing that person in the chest, not bothering to open his eyes. The scream he heard, was not of a man, but of a woman. (Women now fight in battles?) He opened his eyes slightly. Threw blood stained eye sight, he looked into the eyes of the woman he loved. "Joia..."

Her long black hair fell over her face as her expression changed from painful to weak and dying. He caught her body before it hit the ground, "Joia..." He said again, tears building in his eyes.

The sun peaked over the small mountains Balamb. "Squall! We must retreat! We have no other desicion!" Sephiroth yelled over a mortal's agonizing death. He saw Squall slouched over, holding someone. With a quick stride, he stood next to Squall and took in a breath. "Oh dear Squall... I'm dredfully sorry."

Squall neither lifted his eyes nor moved a muscle, "...I...I..." he couldnt seem to get a single word out. Sephiroth placed a hand on his shoulder, "Squall. The sun's rising. Let the mortal's handle her. We must leave. We have no choice."

Squall shot fangs and hateful eyes at Sephiroth, "I WONT LEAVE HER!" He yelled.

Vampires around began to run as the sun striked their skin. "Squall! We must leave!"

Sephiroth turned and ran for dark shelter. Squall sighed and lifted her body in his arms. Breath was still passing from her lips. The sun grazed his back, making him hiss. With his grasp tight around her, he ran after Sephiroth, escaping sunlight.

Sephiroth laid a damp cloth on Squall's burnt back as he held Joia's dying body. "Leave me, Sephiroth." Squall said quietly.

Spehiroth nodded, softly dropping the damp cloth on the side table, leaving the room. Squall glanced back as Sephiroth quietly closed the door. He turned to face his love, as her breath grew more scarce, "Joia...Joia...Forgive me...If only I looked..."

Her body gave a final breath and remained silent. Large tears fell from his eyes. "NOO!" He yelled, throwing his face in her breast.

July 10th during the year 1812 Joia Heartilly died within the grasp of her lover, the vampire Squall Leonhart. That day, Squall placed her body in a tomb, with a blooming black rose upon her chest. He made a silent vow, to never fall in love with another woman. His heart was hers. Her death was his and his causing. Causing his love a painful death was just the beginning of his punishment. When he left that room that day, he slit his wrist and sat on her bed. Of course he knew he wasnt going to die, but he will sleep forever.

20 years before present day

Joan Heartilly screamed in pain as she sat in labor. "Push, Joan. You need to push."

She screamed in pain as the child she wanted to burst out wouldnt budge. She slowly fell into darkness. As she did, she could see a beautiful young woman place a hand on her swollen belly, "She will be fine." the woman said to her, "You're baby girl will be fine."

Joan gasp as the woman fell into her swollen belly. She closed her eyes as the pain eased and the baby was born. "Joan, say hello to your new baby girl."

A/N: So heres my first fanfic for Final Fantasy. I hope you all enjoyed it, although its only the prologue. Plz R&R to it. I would surely apreciate it. Plz! Thanx so much/
Casi Muerto