I'm a little sorry about the cliff-hanger but you know you all loved it! Hope you enjoy this chapter. Maybe some reviews would be nice? Enjoy!

I couldn't do it. I physically couldn't get up off the floor. I could hear Agent Riley shouting my name, then I heard him on his cell phone but I just couldn't move. Next thing I know Agent Riley was dragging me up off the floor.

"Jessica, come on we need to get back to your house."

I just let him lead me, I'm pretty sure I stumbled a little but I guess agents have the strength to keep a girl like me on my feet. I really wasn't thinking.

As we drove back I couldn't stop thinking about the last thing I had said to Rob. I'd basically just been bossing him around; I don't even think I'd kissed him. I'd just gone straight to bed. I guess I was feeling guilty.

When we arrived at my house I couldn't even get out of the van. Agent Riley had to come around to my side and help me out. He was actually propping me up and dragging me to the house.

Once we got inside he took me to the kitchen, away from all the agents converging in my living room, and put me on a stool. Doug and Michael were at my sides in seconds. The next thing I know Doug had his arms around me and Michael was stroking my hair. I have to admit even in my state I knew that this situation was weird. I mean Doug doesn't do the touching thing and even Michael wouldn't normally stroke my hair! I guess I must have looked really freaked out. Which I was.

It didn't take long for Dr. Krantz to join us in the kitchen. I'm guessing Agent Riley had told him what had happened. Jill was close behind Dr. K.

"Jessica, I think you should go to bed and we will speak when you wake up and have a location."

I must have nodded since I heard him say to Jill;

"Perhaps you should take her upstairs and continue her surveillance."

I didn't hear Jill reply. I just felt her arms go around me as she lifted me out of the chair and supported me out the kitchen and up the stairs. She was all business as she laid out my pyjamas and closed my blinds. I didn't even think about being embarrassed I just removed my jeans and t-shirt and put my pyjamas on.

She turned back my duvet and I got in without commenting. As she tucked the covers around me I finally thought to ask

"Where are my mom and dad?"

"Don't worry Jess they are on the way back from your Aunt Rose's house. We have an agency van following them to ensure there safe return."

I mumbled a quick thanks and turned over to face the wall. I heard Jill sit down and turn out the lights but I didn't have the energy to complain about being watched. I only had the energy to close my eyes and hope that when I next opened them I would know where Rob was.

That's not how it worked. I woke up to find Jill still in the chair by my bed. Unfortunately I didn't have a clue as to where Rob was, I did however need to speak to Dr. K right then.

I jumped out of bed and started for the stairs not giving Jill a chance to catch up with me or ask any questions. As soon as I got into the living room I realised, because all the agents immediately went quiet, that I was still in my pyjamas. But I didn't have time to worry about that.

"What the freaking hell is going on? Where the hell is Ruth?"

"Now Jessica, we were hoping you would tell us that."

"Well isn't that good for you. I hate to point out that if you had done your job right then Ruth should have been here. But instead I've got to waste time finding Ruth, AGAIN."

I really didn't care that all the FBI Agents were watching, and listening to, the exchange between me and there boss. To be honest that didn't bother me. I'm sure it'll do them good to see that there boss isn't always the good guy.

However I don't think Dr. K was keen on my outburst in front of his employees since he grabbed my elbow and steered me out of the room and into the kitchen.

"Jessica, please. We went to the location you gave us but they had obviously moved on moments before we arrived."

"And of course you didn't think to mention this to me last night?"

"I didn't feel that last night was an appropriate time."

"Of course not. Wouldn't want me to know the truth of the operation would you?"

"Jessica please, we don't have the time to play these games. Where is Ruth?"

I guess he was right. I think my initial anger stopped me really thinking about the fact that my best friend and boyfriend are missing. At least I knew where Ruth was, I wasn't so clear on Rob's location but perhaps I needed to do one at a time.

"She's at the house in the woods, the one where I found heather."

It's really quite strange how she seems to be moving through my life. But I guess anyone who kidnaps someone, isn't really as sane as the rest of us.

Actually what surprised me was that Dr. K got on his cell straight away and relayed the address to whoever was on the other end. I thought it was odd that he used his cell phone since my house was full of agents, it's also weird that he knew which house I meant. I mean come on how does he even remember Heather?