AN: Okay, you might think I'm crazy, but I'm starting another one...I like to have lots of irons in the fire, so to speak...This one is very...angsty. Gosh, I do alot of these dramatic things, huh? Let me know what you think...lame? Good? Tissue- inspiring? What? I need to know!

Please, please, please review!

(By the way, I just want to use this op. to thank Averil Lavine (who's name I just cannot seem to spell), for the song "Slipped Away", that I listened to constantly while writing this chapter. If you have this song handy, I suggest listening to it while read this, it really sets the mood.)

Disclaimer: Dying is an art, just like everything else- Sylvia Plath

Chapter 1

"I'm so sorry."

The blonde teenager said, the words falling from her mouth in a desperate whisper. Blinking back tears, she ran her hand over the smooth surface of the coffin before her. "…Jimmy."

She gasped out the word, and as she began to sob, she held the paper before her.

"I'm so sorry that I called you names." She read from the paper in her hands, even though she knew the words by heart. "I'm so sorry that I never appreciated you." She had written the list over the course of the sleepless week. It was all the things she wanted to say…now she would never have the chance. "I'm so sorry that I never gave you any credit. I'm so sorry…that...sorry..."

She paused. Even now, as she cursed herself, she couldn't say the words. "...I'm so...sorry that I never…told you…how I felt about you..."

She couldn't finish. Dropping the paper that had become to heavy to hold, she feel to her knees softly. All alone in the room, she leaned against the wall behind her. The flowers in the room were smothering, sickly sweet. Why were they allowed to live, when he wasn't here?

She still couldn't believe it. Things like this only happened to other people. She didn't bother to wipe away the tears as she recalled the horrifying events of late. The news channels still played the headlines. "Teen Genius Found Dead, Experts Blame Technical Problem", "Town Hero No More"…"Family and Friends Mourn Loss of Local Genius."

Would they ever stop playing in her head?

She remembered the numb feeling she had gotten, the day her nightmare began.

…(Multiple flashbacks)...

"We go live to the scene, as police still are searching the area for any sign of the missing boy. The wreckage is appalling- apparently, the young man lost control of his rocket and careened off course into the area of the Punth river dam.

The police have recovered the debris…they doubt James Neutron has survived the crash- they are still searching for the body."

"James Isaac Neutron,Retroville'svery own boygenius, has been pronounced dead at 4:25 this morning. Search and rescue found the young man downriver, the tragic end to a frantic investigation. The boy's parents, Hugh and Judy Neutron, received the horrifying news early this morning.

Our prayers are with them."

"...Apparently, James Neutron had been reported missing 7 days ago, and an extensive search was begun Friday night...

"He always left us notice if he was going to be gone for a few days," His mother informed the police. "He never just…disappears."

Sadly, the nightmare has ended in a most appalling way. The body of James Isaac Neutron was found early morning yesterday, and he was pronounced dead at 4:25.

Friends and family are still in shock from the incident. "He was an excellent flyer- I don't understand what happened." His father, Hugh Neutron, told us. "Why didn't he use the ejector seat? There wasn't even a distress signal. I don't understand. Why- why Jimmy?"

Apparently, experts have determined the problem in wiring in the rocket, which caused the computer to shutdown. The ejector seat, the only way to exit the vehicle in an emergency, had been jammed. In the panic, experts say, James must have started to try to repair the damage, but was unable, as the rocket struck the edge of the dam, sending him careening out of the vehicle."

"There will be a funeral for James Isaac Neutron at 6:00 tomorrow evening, at Fieldsman's Funeral Home.

The family of the deceased invite all friends of James to attend."

…(End flashbacks) ...

She didn't hear the footsteps approaching.


She opened her eyes to the sound of the voice.

"Hello, Mrs. Neutron." She whispered.

The woman before her stood uncertainly, her hands clasped around a tissue. "Are you alright?"

Cindy looked at her in amazement. After all she had been through, she was still comforting others. "I'm…okay."

"I don't think any of us are…okay."

Cindy couldn't help the tear that fell.

"I just…I just wanted you to know…any time you would like to come over for a visit, you're welcome. Jimmy's lab…" She looked down sorrowfully. "You're welcome to use it, if you like. I know you were one of the only ones who loved science as much as he did."

Cindy's heart broke as she thought of working in his lab. How she had wanted to work in it…with him.

"Thank you." Was all she was able to muster.

Judy turned to leave. "Oh," she said, turning suddenly. "Cindy, I-"she swallowed. "They found Goddard's…parts. If anyone could repair him, I know it would be you…if you would like to. I think…I think Jimmy would have wanted it that way."

Cindy stood slowly, nodding finally. "Of course…I mean, I'll try."

"Cindy…" Judy walked over to her. Suddenly stretching out her arms, she wrapped Cindy up in a hug. "You were like a daughter to me, always. Never think any different."

Cindy began to cry again, feeling the motherly warmth from the woman who held her now. How she wished her own mother would comfort her! But Cindy's mother did not cry. Her mother did not mourn. Her mother…didn't feel anything. Feelings were weakness, and a Vortex woman was not weak.

They finally pulled away, and Judy smiled a bit, softly, then left.

Once again, Cindy was alone.


Continue, yay or nay? Review, review, review, ppl!