Reviews for Dying Is An Art
Robertothegreat chapter 13 . 9/21/2016
What is wrong with you people not updating these stories ...I see this type of stuff everywhere the story so far is amazing minute its not finish yet ...for gosh sakes man finish this damn story it was starting off good
GoodForBad chapter 13 . 5/5/2015
Well, damn.

Begrudgingly, I have accepted the fact that this story will never be finished. Upon initially entering this fandom towards the end of 2012, I first read this story with a tinge of hope that maybe - just maybe - it would be continued. Having just re-read it now, in the spring of 2015, I must admit defeat. This incredibly thought-provoking and heart-wrenching story will remain silent - seemingly, just when the action was beginning to pivot. I will express my deepest sadness over this story's fate, as it is truly amazing. I feel the need to post my still-lingering questions, with no actual expectation of them being answered:

Who killed Jimmy?

Where was this story headed?

Was there going to be another plot twist?

Marginally, I feel better having posted my thoughts on this story. To summarize: I'm utterly heartbroken I will never find out what is going to happen next. If you're reading this, I do want you to know that one detail of the murder really got to me: the time-lapse, and not knowing WHEN it was that he died. The image of his body just laying there in the rocket is positively soul-crushing, especially because the clips are so sporadic and confusing. Absolutely incredible, even 8 years later.
jcforever19 chapter 13 . 7/31/2014
I'm crying I sat here and read through all thirteen chapters only to find that the last time this was updated was in 2007. PLEASE think about working on this again, I love it too much! It's heartbreaking and the characterization of Cindy is amazing...
Shadowstar chapter 13 . 2/1/2014
I'm so sad. Why did you make me cry by having such a good story and not finishing it?
Lunayas chapter 13 . 12/27/2012
OMG when is the next chapter coming up? This story is amazing! To be honest im really upset with Jimmy's death. I never like it when a character dies, especially if its Jimmy or Cindy. I really hope Cindy wins this war against whatever creature murdered Jimmy. I literally almost cried. Please bring Jimmy back!

From the words of Sheen: "WHY MUST THE GOOD DIE YOUNG!"
Casey Winters chapter 13 . 7/8/2012
Okay that's just awesome! :D seriously, what a cliffhanger! I didn't see that coming. Not in a million years. So excited for the next chapter!
likeitmatters chapter 13 . 4/29/2012
Oh. My. Gods.

This is genius! We don't think we've ever, heard, in Darian's case...such a good story!

Oh, wait...let us introduce ourselves! Darian is the blind girl of this troop, Calvin's her twin, Justin's their best friend, and Jenny is Justin's younger-by-a-year sister.


Update fast!

-Darian, Calvin, Justin, Jenny
Isonade's Jinchuriki chapter 13 . 10/22/2011
onemind chapter 10 . 8/18/2011
accountclosed2014 chapter 13 . 9/4/2010
It's been almost three years! How did you not update!
XxTheUnspokenTruthxX chapter 13 . 7/9/2010
Please update and keep on writing!
Anise Nalci chapter 13 . 2/13/2009
This story is pretty awesome. I hope you continue it soon. :D You haven't updated in a while, so... Yeah...
Coffeebeads chapter 13 . 3/1/2008
update update update! soon soon soon! you better! it's 10:43 pm where I am right now, I have important exams next week which I haven't revised for yet I still have time to read fanfics and await the next chapters! any little tiny iota of chapter will sufficiently quench my thirst... get brewing! X)
Coffeebeads chapter 11 . 3/1/2008
So it wasn't an accident... it was a murder! or was it suicide? why rule that out so quickly, cindy? i love a thickening plot! keep the chapters coming, my angst inducing friend! I'm loving this story!
David chapter 13 . 1/11/2008
Hope I'm not too late for a comment...

Anyway, ReddistheRose, I'm very impressed with your work. This is definitely one of the most original and intriguing fics I've ever read. I found very few grammatical mistakes (which is an accomplishment in itself), and the portrayal of characters was excellent. I noticed you haven't updated in a while, but I sincerely hope you finish this story.

Again, very nice job.
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