A/N: This is my first attempt at a fanfic, I've been working on it for sometime and figured I'd finally post it. The first 7 chapters are up and hopefully more to come if you guys like it and if I can break my writers block. Please read and review, all comments would be appreciated but please be gentle. Thanks.

The snow fell steadily beyond the large windows, the dancing light of the torches lining the long and quiet corridor spilling out onto the thick blanket of white that seemed to be trying to swallow the entire world. Hoots and hollers of excitement and playfulness drifted on the bitterly cold air that turned cheeks and noses embarrassing shades of red. But the cold was ignored and forgotten as students cavorted in the snow, several snowball fights commencing as a dark figure stood watching in a bitter silence at the large window. Pale thin lips curled into a sneer as he watched the students, his chilling gaze full of contempt and displeasure at seeing their youthful happiness.

Coal black eyes remained intently focused on the nauseating image of children at play, appearing as so many black dots in a sea of white as they frolicked carelessly, thoughts of exams and homework quickly erased from their minds by the snow. His eyes narrowed into a deeper glare as he tried in vain to ignore the gliding approach of the old man, his blazing white hair and beard stark against the vibrant and glittering purple robes. A blind man could see those robes from a mile off! he thought to himself almost smugly.

"A beautiful sight isn't it?" Dumbledore mused in his calm, almost sing-song voice, his hand sweeping fluidly through the air gesturing towards the picture before them. A malcontent grunt was all he received in answer as Snape crossed his arms across his chest, his scowl intensifying as he continued to watch the laughing students, snowballs flying haphazardly through the air in flurries, some of them seeking out their targets with suspicious accuracy.

"I do believe there is some prohibited use of magic going on Professor" Snape sneered, Dumbledore's response of a rich and hearty chuckle doing nothing to quell his mounting displeasure. His laughter was full of warmth and comfort as it reverberated off the cold stone walls, though Dumbledore soon realized that his laughter would no more melt the icy barricades around Professor Snape than it would heat the equally impenetrable walls of Hogswarts.

"Severus, can you not find some happiness at this time of year?" he asked, his voice maintaining its light and airy quality that could so easily calm a distressed student, though a small hint of sadness crept into his tone at his fellow Professor's unwillingness to enjoy the holidays.

"Indeed I can Albus, I eagerly anticipate the holidays when all is quiet and there are no more insolent, whining brats to interrupt my solitude" Snape replied, his sneer softening just a little into a small grin of pleasure as he imaged the approaching silence and seclusion he would be granted at the end of term.

Dumbledore's sigh echoed in the otherwise empty corridor as he glanced at the dark figure standing beside him, his bottomless black eyes narrowed and calculating, his lips pursed in a combination of a scowl and a strained smile.

"How long have we known each other dear boy?" Dumbledore asked almost solemnly.

"Longer than I care to remember" was the harsh and clipped reply he received.

"And in all these long years, have you ever been truly happy Severus?" Dumbledore inquired as he laid a frail looking hand upon Snape's narrow shoulder.

"I have no need for happiness Albus, emotions are foolish things reserved for the young and senile" at this he glanced at Dumbledore, grinning internally at the frown he received in return. "They are a waste of time and energy, they only complicate life. No, I find I am much more productive without them" Snape replied in his rough, dark voice as he struggled to restrain his lips from twitching into a grin as he observed the scowl of frustration and exasperation flicker across the old man's face. Seeing Snape's pleasure at his own frustration with the man's stubborn nature Dumbledore decided then and there that he would somehow bring true joy into the solemn man's life.

Little did Snape know, but his little rant of the uselessness of happiness had only added fuel to Dumbledore's determination to somehow bring joy to the ghost of a man that had haunted the halls of Hogwarts for so long.

"Will you be present at tonight's feast Severus?" Dumbledore inquired with that damned ever-present twinkle in his eye. Finally turning to look him in the eye with his own gleaming orbs of jet black, Snape snarled almost viciously,

"Do I have a choice?" Smiling broadly in what Snape considered to be the most annoying manner Dumbledore squeezed his shoulder almost tenderly and answered,

"Very well dear boy, I will see you tonight in the Great Hall, but for now I have a few matters to clear up before the end of term." Knowing better than to wait for any semblance of a reply Dumbledore quickly strode away softly humming to himself while leaving Snape to stare out the window shrouded in his melancholy mood.

Scowling so severely that his eyebrows almost completely covered his equally dark eyes Snape fumed at Dumbledore's need to constantly meddle in the life of others. Damn bloody fool, trying to make everyone nice and happy! Happiness is a waste, it never did me any good! Once more focusing on the rowdy students beyond the window his lips curved into a positively wicked grin as he watched the utterly wretched and annoying Harry Potter having a snowball fight with his friends; with a languid flick of his wand Snape watched in delight as the tree beneath which Potter was standing dumped all of it's snow on him, his friends immediately erupting into crippling bouts of laughter. Swiftly turning and walking away with a grin of devilish amusement plastered across his face he thought, well perhaps a little happiness is not too bad.