
Seven humans sat around a fire. Nearby lay two dog-like creatures, one that looked vaguely like it belonged in hell, the other was situated next to the blue-haired male of about twenty. The second dog-creature the party was very familiar with, her 'ribbons' blowing as if there was a wind, even though there wasn't.

An Al Bhed teenager was resting her head on the blue haired guy's shoulder. She gave him a weak smile, and fingered a red-white orb at her waist. Her other hand played with three of the six orbs on the blue-haired man's belt.

The blond male got up, and rested his hand on their summoner's shoulder. She looked up at him, and he bent down, kissing her for a moment.

Tears streaked down the summoner's eyes as she watched him climb up a hill, and stare out at the destroyed and ancient city.

The city he had called home.

The blue haired one sighed, and looked skyward. Those that were sensitive to such things could tell he was not from this world at all, nor were the dog-creatures that guarded the party of travelers.

Some called his allies fiends, some called them otherworld Aeons. He just knew them for what they were – creatures from home.