Drinking Songs

A/N: I'm sorry this took so long. My inspiration left. Also sorry about the shortness.There just wasn't anything more to say. Well, I'm glad I'm not the only who wondered about that. I can't believe they left it! It was such a opportunity! Sigh. You can't have everything in life, I guess. I'm quite proud of myself for the title of this, really. I was just going to call it 'A Drinking Contest'. Thanks for reviewing, everyone, and enjoy the other half of my ficlet, 'Drinking Songs' and tell me what you think of the conclusion. Oh, and I'll let you in on a secret. If you have FotR extended four disc edition, put in the first disc and go to scene selection. Then go to the very last scene (no. 27, Elrond's Council) and press down once. A little ring should appear by the 'new scene'. Press enter and you should get Peter Jackson telling you you have stumbled across a parody version of Elrond's Council with Jack Black and Sarah Michelle Gellar done at the last MTV movie awards, or something to that affect. I swear it works! Try it!

Chapter 2: The Morning After

Legolas's pounding head woke him just before dawn. He got out of his bed, wondering how he got there, and realized he felt decidedly ill. He walked outside, trying to ignore his nausea. The bright light of the moon hurt his eyes and made his head ache even more, so he pulled the hood of his cloak over his head. A few moments later, he was joined by Aragorn, who smiled gently at him and placed a hand on his shouder.

''How are you feeling?'' Asked the ranger, sounding worried but amused.

''Like all the goblins of Khazard-dum are pounding their drums inside my skull.'' Legolas replied humourlessly. ''A shadow is rising over Mordor. I fear for the small shirelings.''

"Aye.'' Aragorn replied, shaking his head. ''But do not worry about that now. You are hungover. You should be in bed.''

Legolas sighed heavily and placed a hand to his temple. ''I couldn't sleep. I feel too i-'' He suddenly clapped hand to his mouth and doubled over, retching.

Aragorn knelt down beside his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. ''Gimli's right,'' He joked. ''You really can't hold your liquor.'' He stopped laughing when the elf looked up just long enough to shoot him a death glare, and then turned his head to vomit again.

A few hours later, nearly everyone was up, and a disheveled Legolas was sitting on a bench with his human friend. Gimli sauntered up to them, no worse the wear for his night of drinking.

''Feeling the effects of our little contest now, aren't you Master Elf?'' The dwarf gloated, chuckling.

Legolas clapped his hands over his ears and groaned, his headache worsened by Gimli's rather loud voice.

''Take it easy on him, Gimli.'' Aragorn said softly. ''He's been up since dawn with a bad hangover.''

''Oh.'' Said The dwarf, slightly embarrassed. ''I'm sorry.'' He walked away quickly.

'You will not be overindulging to such an extent anytime soon I think.'' Aragorn smiled. Legolas shook his head vigourously, which made his head throb. He groaned tiredly. Patting his friend's shoulder sympathetically, the human continued. ''My adar told me it was unhealthy for you elves to drink so much. He also told me about an argument he had with your adar about parenting abilities. Do you have any idea why?''

Legolas just laughed.