Title: Fed Up

Author: DianeB

Rating: PG

Summary: Who else is sick to death of the way there's always someone lurking in that apartment above the Talon? An AU almost-drabble to the opening of the Smallville Season Four finale, "Commencement." Regarding the ultimate fate of a certain character, it turns out this is not so far from canon. . .er, more or less. Written May, 2005, just because I thought it'd be a hoot.

Lana, her purse tucked against her, opened the apartment door, turned on the light, and walked inside. A cultured feminine voice sounded behind her.

"I have to applaud you, Lana. I raised my son to have a willpower that couldn't be broken by anything. . .except his love for you, apparently." By this time, Genevieve Teague had come forward of Lana and was standing there, sneering.

Something snapped inside Lana Lane. Seemed like every goddamn time she walked into this effing apartment, someone was lying in wait for her. She could never just come here and be alone.

The tiny gun from her purse was smoking in her hand before she was even aware she had drawn it.
