KuroiYasha: Hello all my happy little people! I'm Back...Yes, this is a re-post, someone apparently didn't like the fact that I either had an Authors note, or that I had Lime content in chapter 4. As a result I've had to re-write it all from paper. So it'll be days before I can update. I'll try to update every 4-5 days. Yeah, I know, I write alot! But if I don't write down these stories I'm afraid that my head would explode. Anyway, this story will be diferent from my normal stories in one serious way, THERE WILL BE NONE OF MY EVER CONFOUNDING WIT! (People cheer in background) AWWW SHUT THE FUCK UP! (All is silent) Thank you. Now this story will be Angst, Drama, Romance, and of coarse Action. So on with chapter one of Can't Go On...

Can't Go On... (By: KuroiYasha)

Chapter One: Betrayal

The crisp green grass swayed gently in the medow as a wonderful breeze caressed it, filling the air with the fragrance of the freshly bloosomed Sakura trees. All, on a glance, appered peaceful as the world seemed in harmony. Yet, looks are never what they seem...

A sudden explosion and a bitter cry fills the air as a fountain of freshly spewed crimson blood stains the pink flowers of a nearby Sakura tree. In another explosion two men are seen running across the battle-field engaged in what appered to be a bitter struggle. The man on the left leapt to the right as he dodged a fierce kick from his opponent. Using the momentum he lunged at his opponent only to be forced to retreat again on the count of the fist that barely missed his heart. The punch impacted with the earth, sending debris flying every which way. The man that had just dodged the punch examined his fire-rat outfit as he checked for any serious damage. The cloth was as red as the fresh blood that now covered the medow and pooled around his feet from the wound on his left arm.

Inuyasha knew that he couldn't keep dodging much longer, things were begining to blur and he had to constantly shake off the consuming darkness. Strafing to the left as he dodged another fierce kick he saw his one chance at ending the fight, "Shankon tetsuseru!" He yelled as he brought his claws down in a fierce slash. The offending youkai had no chance to dodge the attack, and as a result was struck. All he could do was let out a howl of agony as he falls to the floor, his arm savegly torn from its place. The blood began to pour out in gushes due to the fact that the cut was sloppy. The inu-hanyou smirked as the wolf youkai feel to the ground, if he wasn't dead yet, he would be in a matter of seconds.

A rustle from behind him caused him to get into a defensive stance as he turned to face the forest. Silently and swiftly three more wolf-youkai emerged. Inuyasha let out a growl, 'Damn it all to hell! I can't take on three of these bastards at once. I guess I have to use my secret weapon!' He smirked as he drew the blade that was attached to his side. Instantly the Tetsusaiga transformed from a rusty, worn out katana, to a shimmering, and gigantic fang. The Tetsusaiga was forged from the fang of his father the great lord of the western lands Shiraseru Tsumetai, the Inu no Taisho remembered throughout history as the uniter of the great continent that was Nippon, and ruler of Edo. Raising the blade above his head he let out a battle cry as he swung the blade with all his might, "KENGONSHUAHA!" He yelled as the gleaming fang connected with with the earth. The wolves it seemed, had been warned of the Tetsusaiga's power of slaying a hundred demons in one swipe, still they had not been expecting the diamond shards that erupted from the very tip of the blade and flew directly at them. Being in mid-air, they were sitting ducks to the attack and Inuyasha watched with immence satisfaction as the Kengonshua blast penetrated every vital organ in the bodies of the youkai, swiftly and effectively killing them.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT DOG-SHIT!" Inuyasha was completly unprepared for the fist that connected violently with his right temple, sending him crashing into the tree that was located on the other end of the medow. Shaking his head as he struggled to force the edges of the ebbing darkness out of his vision he rose steadily to his feet as he let out a low, menacing growl. "Pay for what you fucking bastard? If anything you and your faggety lackeys are the ones that attacked me. Your the one that's gonna pay for kidnapping Kagome!" Though he was a good hundred yards from the wolf, he could still clearly see the confusion that crossed his colbalt eyes,

"Kidnap? What in the seven hell are you blabbering about? Kagome came to me willingly!"


Both men turned to see an aproaching Sango, Miroku and his newly adopted son Shippo on Sango's transformed companion Kirara. The young Kitsune leapt off the fire-cat as he jumped on his adoptive father's sholder. "OKAA-SAN WOULD NEVER GO WITH YOU, SHE LOVES OUTO-SAN!" An overwhelming sence of pride coursed through Inuyasha's body at his son's words, not only was Shippo defending him, but he was also talking back to Koga! The wolf however was not impressed, "Hold your tongue you little runt!" Shippo quivered, but did not desist, "Make me wolf-shit!" Everyone was shocked by the kit's audacity. "Shippo-chan!"

Inuyasha's as well as Shippo's eyes widdened at the sound of Kagome's voice, taking a deep breath Inuyasha found that it was indeed her scent, however it was somewhat different, and he couldn't seem to put a finger on it, "Apologize to Koga!" Shippo lowered his head in shame and had just opened his mouth to speak when Inuyasha covered it with his hand. Turning to Kagome she was surprised to see none of the usual brightness in them. "There is no need for him to apologize." His voice was cold, lacking any emotion whatsoever. Kagome however paid no heed,

"Of coarse there is, now Shippo apologize."

"I'm sor..."

"Be quiet Shippo, I said there was no need to apologize."

"What? He clearly insulted him, therefore he must apologize!"

"I think otherwise."


Everyone looked down expecting to see the hanyou's face down in the dirt, to there surprise all they saw on the ground was...well, DIRT! Inuyasha stood unphased, the beads around his neck inactive. Suddenly, unexpectedly Inuyasha began to laugh, but it wasn't a joyful laugh, no, it was the exact opposite, it was a cold, menacing, cynical laugh that sent shivers down their spines. "What's the matter hussy? Can't even make a lowly creature such as myself bow before you?" Kagome bristled at his words, "How dare you call me a... a HUSSY!" Kagome spat indignantly. Inuyasha gave her a cold smirk, one that made Sesshomaru's look like sunshine and happy-things. "Because you are...I guess what everyone told me was true..." Everyone heard the sudden change in tone and turned to see Inuyasha lower his head, so his bangs covered his hurt filled eyes, "I guess I am as stupid...as I am worthless." When he raised his head and met Kagome's eyes, she couldn't help the gasp that escaped her. Staring back at her were the most cold, hate filled eyes she had ever seen. They made Naraku's look like those of a young school girl whose puppy had just been run over.

"As I have said, there is no need to apologize. There hence I will bid you and your Mate farewell..."

Inuyasha stopped in mid-stride and looked at Koga, "Congradulations. You've won, enjoy your wench..." He turned and began walking again, but had not walked more than a few paces when he turned to face Kagome. "Oh yes..., Oi! You! Hussious wench!" Kagome found herself unable to meet his gaze, in truth she feared the look in his eyes. "What?" She attempted to make it come out in a furious tone, but all that emerged was a broken whisper. "When you get the chance don't forget to take the knife out my back." Kagome's eyes widdened as she realised what he meant. Kagome felt the guilt begin to pile on her heart as tears began to slowly ebb down her face. Koga felt his blood begin to boil as he smelt his mate's tears. "YOUR DEAD DOG-SHIT!" He yelled as he charged the hanyou.

Inuyasha knew something like this was going to happen, however since Shippo had leapt back on his sholder when he began walking away he was forced to throw the kit to safety. Luckly Miroku and Sango caught him, Inuyasha however was not so fortunate. Since he'd decided to keep his adoptive son out of danger, he had blown his only chance at avoiding the ferocious kick that was aimed at his head. With a sickening crack Koga's kick shattered Inuyasha's spinal cord as he flew and crashed into a tree right across the Goshinboku. Inuyasha felt apopletic and wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and sleep. As the darkness that was death threatened to consume him he felt the Testsusaiga pulse. Instantly life returned to his broken and beaten body, he could also feel his demon half awakening. He was momenteraly frightened of what he would become when he felt the sword pulse yet again. Instead of becoming the mindless killing machine that he was told he became, he felt his youki mix perfectly with his humanity. Looking down he saw the Testsusaiga had become a golden color. He felt it, his demonic speed, strength and stamina while still posessing the conciousness and resoning that he only posseded as a hanyou.

As he rose again he saw Koga's eyes widden in surprise, "How the hell are you still standing! I heard your spine snap! I guess your too stupid to know your suppost to die. So allow me the favor of ending your pathetic life." He saw the hanyou lean back as he heard a series of loud popping noises as his spine popped back into alignment. he then proceded to crack his neck and knuckles in a threatening manner. "Do your worst..." Inuyasha was surprised by his own voice, but brushed it aside as a side-effect of his fussion. He saw Koga lunge at him, but was surprised when he saw Koga begin to move slowly, he watched with amazement as Koga drew his hand back, then swung at his right cheek. Moving to the left he avoided the blow. Koga then shot his leg at Inuyasha's face, which he ducked. Roundhoused the hanyou, who mearly leapt up. 'I've got him now...' Koga thought as he activated the shards in his legs and flew with incredible speed at the hanyou's chest. Inuyasha however, had ample time to dodge, as he used his newly found speed to avoid the blows with ease. All those who were watching them fight were amazed by Inuyasha's speed, he was no more than a blur, moving at the same speed they'd seen Sesshomaru move. Just to spite him, Inuyasha punched Koga lightly after every dodge, "Stop running and fight like a man!" Koga growled as he recieved another blow in the side of the head. "With pleasure!" Before Koga could do anything he was laying on the ground with a trobbing jaw, standing quickly he looked for the hanyou, yet all that resulted from this was him crashing head first into a tree.

Inuyasha appered in front of Koga's face, he jumped up and mercilessly kicked Koga in the face repetitivly. Winding his leg back as far as he could he delivered the final blow to knock the wolf prince unconcious. Flexing his claws as he prepared to end the wolf's miserable exsistance he was surprised when the Tetsusaiga pulsed. 'So you want to finish the job huh?' he questioned the sword, in responce it pulsed again as it glowed a bright gold. Raising it over his head he poised himself to finish the arrogant wolf's life.


"Hama no Reiryouku!"

A blast of spiritual energy knocked him into the trunk of the Goshinboku. Raising his head he saw Kagome in a defencive stance in front of Koga. He used the tree as a spring board as he launched himself at the woman who he once, (and probably still did) love. "Damn it wench, is it not enough that you've destroyed me emotionally, now your trying to destroy me completly?" She had no reason to answer instead she used her newly aquired powers and sent a powerful shock through his entire body so that he fell to his knees. Had he been a full-demon, he would have been purified, but thanks to his human blood he was able to survive. "Hama no Reiryouku!" She yelled again as he was sent realing violently into the Goshinboku. Inuyasha opened his eyes as soon as the pain passed, he was greeted with the sight of Kagome with her bows and arrows drawn, both aimed right at his heart. Inuyasha couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh,"Ironic isn't it?" he questioned her,

"What is?"

"That the very tree you freed me from, is yet again were I shall die..."

"I won't allow you to hurt Koga."

"But you'll allow him to kill me?"

"No...I'll just take him and..."

"Too late...!"

Inuyasha didn't know what hit him as he felt Koga's hand rip right through his chest, just barely missing his heart. Inuyasha stumbled back as Koga removed his hand, "Keh..I...I knew it..." He coughed as blood began to drip down his mouth and down his chest. Kagome stared in shock at Inuyasha before she smirked, Inuyasha saw the smirk and spat blood in her face, "I...hope...your...happy...Kagome...I'll see...you...in...hell!" He whispered. as he began to lose conciousness he heard his friends yell,



"Fox Fire!"

Lastly all he remembered seeing was a flash of red hair and emerald eyes, that didn't belong to his son.

KuroiYasha: Well, that's it. Chapter 2 could take a while, if you can't wait to see what happens go to MEDIA MINER .ORG (No capitals, no Spaces) and all my chapters up to chapter 4 are located there. But don't let that stop you guys from reviewing. Remember the more reviews I get, the more quickly I update. I'll be back with chapter 2 in about 3-4 days because I will not include the lemon in this version.

Blanket Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the other characters that are in the show, I do however have the right to terrorize them as long as I clearly state that I don't own them. Now, all I own is the plot and some of the attacks that will appear later on. REVIEW GANISH COMMANDS YOU!

Translations: Shankon tetsuseru: Iron Reaver

Edo, Nippon: Tokyo, Japan

Kengonshuaha: Diamond Sphere Blast

Okaa-san: Mother

Outo-san: Father

Osuwari: Sit.

Goshinboku: God Tree.

Kaze no Kizu: Wind Scar

Hama no Reiryouku: Spiritual Energy

Hiraikotsu: Sango's giant Boomerang

Kazaana: Miroku's Wind Tunnel

I'd like to take this oppotrunity to thank all the people that revied me before my story was removed and they are as follows...

Sesshomarumyhero, SaturnStarcatcher, Peacemaker, Kiyana Va Sala, inuyashasgirl4eva333, sonofthewind, Inu-Shinta, jacketslacker, Shadow, jet, HiresX, historychica, ayame hot, Drake Clawfang, Shadow Prince Asce, Sleep,and Icene.

Thank you all!