Of Pets and the Past

Disclaimer: - I don't own anything

Chapter 15: Fights To The Finish

I know this one took forever, but I hope it's worth it! I really tried to bring the humor into this chapter because I think … could it be … it might be … the last chapter! Anyway, please don't forget to review, and thanks to all those who do!

On with the Fic!

Last Time

"Um guys?" Goku asked "Can I tell my version now?"

"Sure Goku" Bulma smiled

Vegeta was about to protest, but saw the look his mate gave him and wisely closed his mouth again.

"Well…" Goku started "It happened like this…"

Goku took a deep breath and started his version of 'what had happened'.

"Me and Goten were eating breakfast which was really great because we had bacon and eggs with beans, toast and marmalade. Goten said that the marmalade was too lumpy, but I thought it was just right! The toast was pretty dry I thought, but after putting a little bit – well, okay, a lot of butter it was great! The beans-"



"Get on with it"

"Oh, right!" Goku shouted grinning "I forgot!"

"I bet you did" Vegeta said monotonously "What happened next?"

"Well, after breakfast, which was really great by the way! With bacon and-"


"Oops! Well Goten wanted to spar, but when we got outside, this GIANT butterfly came out of nowhere and Goten started chasing it. It had so many different colours, but there was this one orangey colour that really reminded me of the marmalade that we had for breakfast – which was great by the way! With-"

"Goku!" the Z Warriors warned

"Hehe … well I was watching Goten chase the butterfly through the wood that started at my house and end at Vegeta's when I heard voices coming from your house Vegeta"

"What were you doing at my house?"

"Training and chasing a butterfly – haven't you been listening Vegeta?"

Vegeta growled, but didn't say anything, letting Goku continue with his story.

"So I heard shouting" Goku continued "And then I saw Bura storm out of the house, slamming the door behind her really hard! That's not good for the house you know Vegeta! Slamming doors can-"

"Get on with it Kakarot!"

"Oh yeah, well when Bura slammed the door, Trunks fell out of the bushes where he was probably spying on what was going on inside"

Vegeta glared at Trunks

"And he fell on the floor like a pile of pancakes – we had pancakes for breakfast you know! They were all yummy and-"

Vegeta glared at Goku.

"As I was saying, Trunks quickly jumped up and looked at where Bura was heading – he looked really worried because she was crying so he ran after her and hugged her. The hug looked really warm and fluffy – like the muffins we had for breakfast!"

Vegeta's eye twitched.

"They stayed there for a while like that until Bura pulled away because of her pride I think – she's a lot like you in that way Vegeta"

Vegeta smirked at his daughter who blushed lightly.

"Anyway" Goku continued "They started talking about leaving for a while until 'he brats' were old enough to torture with them having their head bitten off about it"

"I see" Vegeta whispered

"I'm no done yet!" Goku shouted "They then both agreed that they couldn't leave you and if that they only would if they got a sign that they should"

"Okay then" Vegeta commented "What does this have to do with them leaving"

"Well suddenly, I heard this screaming from behind me and when I turned around I saw that the GIANT butterfly was either trying to kiss, cuddle, play with or kill Goten"

"So what did you do?"

"I did what any good father would" Goku grinned "I walked away and left my son to fend for himself!"


"Yep! And then the butterfly picked him up and started carrying him away and in a futile attempt to try and stop it from doing so, Goten grabbed onto Bura, who grabbed onto Trunks and they were carried off into the sunset"

The Z Warriors were silent for a while until Vegeta turned to his daughter.

"You left because a giant butterfly carried you away?"

"I thought it was a good enough sign"

Vegeta frowned in though before turning back to Trunks and Bura.

"Sound reasonable to me!"

Bulma smacked her forehead and the Z Warriors cheered for no apparent reason, the tumbleweeds started attacking, lead by their new master of all time Krillen … and Tiny. Eighteen started to 'hypergaspilate' and ended up passed out on the floor whilst Bulma and Vegeta took the opportunity to run into a cupboard which had magically appeared and ever since strange noises had been coming from there.

Piccolo grabbed a bottle of wine that had been stashed in his cape from the previous night and slung his arm around Gohan's shoulder as they sand loudly and out of tune. VJ and GJ started to wrestle, one by one, pulling random people into the fight and Goten was attacked by a herd of giant moths, as the butterflies were on holiday in Dubai.

All in all, it was quite an average afternoon.

Night came soon and the Z Warriors all said their goodbyes. Vegeta and family left and were soon home. For the first time, in many years, all of the Briefs stood on their front garden waiting to go in.

"Bura?" Vegeta called "Is what Kakarot said true?"

"Yeah daddy" Bura replied with a stone face "Breakfast really was good that morning"

Vegeta stared blankly at his smirking daughter and then turned to his family who were trying their hardest t stifle their laughter behind 'coughs'. He smirked himself and folded his arms.

"Ha. Ha" he stated "Very funny – can you imagine what my father would think of me now? I mean my family rules over me! It should be the other way around!"


"Damn!" the king muttered "I can't believe that son of mine!"

"What's the matter Vegeta?" Frieza asked lazily as he sipped red wine from his glass "What has little Vegeta done now?"

Frieza looked into the screen that was displaying said Prince and smirked.

"Angry about him letting that pathetic human tell him what to do?" the lizard smirked

"No!" the king denied "Can't you see!"

"See what?" King Kold asked leaning over to get a better view of the screen

"Just from the look of him you can tell he's already had sex 12 times today!" King Vegeta screamed shaking "I wish I had a woman like that!"

Frieza and King Kold smacked King Vegeta into the table head first before returning to their drinks.

"Anything interesting happen today?" Kold asked in a bored tone

"I cut Recoome in half again" Friza replied deadpan


Back with The Briefs

"So are we going to in or what?" Trunks asked "It's gonna be great to sleep in my bed again!"

"Tell me about it!" Bura grinned.

Vegeta walked to the door and turned the handle. The door slowly opened to reveal…


"Fluffy!" Vegeta yelled "I told you not to do that!"

At hearing the owners were home, all of the pets launched into action, each giving Vegeta an individual greeting. Afterwards Vegeta lay on the ground covered in drool, cloud bits, hair, fur and fluff. He watched his family as they fought over the last bit of leftover pizza and smiled one of those rare smiles before smirking and launching into the fight.

Death. Was. GOOD!

Well, there you go, it's the end! It's finally here! Thank you so much to all those who reviewed my work and I hope you will take the time to review one last time! This fic will also be posted on my website (the site address can be found on my profile page). I've started a new fic called 'Seeing things Clearly' and I can only hope it's as successful as my previous! Thanks again!

For the last time!
