Reviews for Of Pets and the Past
cara9001 chapter 15 . 1/26/2011
nice story
me chapter 10 . 8/6/2006
i cracked up at the thought of a chubby mini vegeta in diapers
razor chapter 3 . 5/1/2006
this started out pretty good but then it started to suck ass in like chapter 2 and i gave you the benifit of a doubt in chapter three but it seems my effort was wasted. dont quit your day job.
Kingdom Hearts 3D rocks chapter 15 . 3/10/2006
hee hee funny chapter.
Kingdom Hearts 3D rocks chapter 14 . 3/10/2006
hee hee good chapter.
chibigoku4 chapter 15 . 1/12/2006
IT'S THE END!... well that was shocking... but you went out with a big BANG of course, this was hilarious, rofl!

great job!

for the last time on this fic,

Peace Out -
Vegeta's baby sister chapter 15 . 1/10/2006
Great Fic, Sad its ended, but must admit, i couldnt think of a better ending! P
Saiya-jin Queen chapter 15 . 1/1/2006
OMG This story sure was weird. I like it though. It was funny! Good luck on your other stories!
Kace Gray chapter 15 . 1/1/2006
Anonymous8 chapter 15 . 1/1/2006
Perfect ending to a great fanfic.

I really enjoyed reading this fanfic and I look foward to ur next fic.

Goku's just too funny... and slightly disturbing.

Tina chapter 15 . 1/1/2006
good you update so good! it has been long time since.

but i will said i lOVE IT!
Raccly e.r 17 chapter 15 . 1/1/2006
*cryies* ah, man! this can' be over! It was so great!

lol, I was cracking up almost all through this chap!

And, yea, I plan to read r&r your newest fic, I've just been a lil busy.

Oh! and I up-dated my fic...about a week or 2 ago _;; if your still intrested in 'Shadows of the Past' Please try ta r&r it.
Dark ki chapter 15 . 12/31/2005
what? it over? (dramatic pause.) no! well it had to happen sometime.

boy, Goku was ADD in here. and King Vegeta was funny too.
BVexpert chapter 15 . 12/31/2005
why did it take so long and why couldn't it have been for VNO!
BlackDragonSoul chapter 15 . 12/31/2005
BRAVO! *standing and clapping really hard but stops cuz now hands are red and they hurt...* THAT WAS THE BEST ENDING EVER!

It was hilarious too! I liked when Goku was trying to tell the story and then when you went to HFIL. I'm still laughing! GREAT JOB! Kepp up the good work Clarobell!
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