A/N: As you can see, this fic is purely for my own fun in between classes at school. Obviously, there is a "theme." It seems too simple to call it a "theme," but ah, whatever. No research goes into this (unlike "Gravity Keeps Pulling Me Back," which has become a major research issue for me ). No real deep meaning or anything. It's purely for fun.

Souta, Kagome's brother had once asked him who had said "I love you" first.

Who had said it? He knew he never told her, though he knew it was the most blatantly obvious thing he ever wore on his face. He had never told her.

And had she ever told him…had she?

She said once during a desperate moment to keep him sane "I love you has a half-demon!" But did she really mean to say that? She had repeated it yes, but never outside of that one moment when she feared for his human soul.

And she had kissed him.

And the most amazing thing was that it got through. Through the boiling demon blood and the raging effects of Kaguya's spell, she got through to him.

And that was pure magic.

So why in the hell didn't he have the balls to ask her to stay with him? Not to leave and go back to her own time, but stay. He was scared. If he let her leave now, he would never have the courage to leap back through that well to catch her. She would have a new life without him. In his place there might stand a new love, or perhaps the Hojo guy.

He rubbed his fingers over the beads on his seal without noticing he was doing it. She could perform magic just from a few words and a kiss, but he couldn't tell her how he felt.

"Coward," he mumbled and shoved his hands into his haori sleeves. "Stupid coward. You are about to let everything you ever wanted slip through your claws. You don't even have any excuses anymore. Naraku is dead. The Shikon Jewel hangs around Kagome's neck…Kikyo is dead."

He closed his eyes and tapped his foot against the cool earth. "None, and you are still gonna avoid it? Damn coward."

"Inuyasha?" The young monk interrupted. "Are you alright?"

The young half-demon glanced up at his friend. His face pulled into a grimace. He felt betrayed by Miroku—the man who never had any qualms about asking a woman to stay, yet didn't seem to mind watching Sango trot away from him forever—his only real male friend in his entire life.

He found himself growling. "What the hell do you want, lecher?"

Miroku stopped in his steps toward Inuyasha and looked utterly miffed. "Hmm…" He regarded his friend with confusion and rocked his staff back and forth in the ground, digging a small hole.

Inuyasha turned away from him and leapt onto the roof of Kaede's hut. "Just leave me alone pervert."

Miroku considered this idea, but decided against it and found he was climbing up a neighboring tree to reach the top of the hut as well. He pulled his staff up with him and sat down next to where Inuyasha moped. He sighed and let himself relax under the warm sun.

Inuyasha flicked his ears in the monk's direction. "What'd ya think you're doin'?"

Miroku smiled. "Just thought I might meditate up here for a while. I can see more of nature from up here…makes enlightenment easier."


He turned his head to watch his friend's pathetically postured form. "Might have something you want to talk about?"

Inuyasha flinched and narrowed his eyes on Miroku.

Miroku noticed the growling sounds begging to form in his friend's chest. "Not so much, then?"

The half-dog-demon snarled and sprang off the roof to land neatly on two feet on the ground. He stood for a moment, scratching his ear, then turned and began to slowly walk off into the forest.

"Just leave me alone, Miroku." The monk could hear the small whimper escape him. "Never mind me."