This is my first fanfic ever but it won't be my last. So please don't hate me if you think it's bad. The words in Italics are raven thoughts. Now on with the story!


CH 1

Raven sat in her dark room alone meditating. Usually she liked being alone with no one there to disturb her. It was the only times he was able to relax and think about things going on in her life. But now being alone in the dark made her sad, because the only reason she was alone was because no one wanted to be with her. They all wanted to be with Terra. Terra, how I hate that dumb blond bitch! I don't even know why we let her be on the team. Then again I never wanted her on the team in the first place, but as usual no one cares about what I want. I mean what is so great about her any way? So what if she can move pieces of the earth her powers. I can do that too and more. Raven opened her eyes and looked out her window towards the bay where the other titans were swimming and sighed. " Then why do they like her better than me?" she said sadly to herself.

It was 5:00 p.m. when the others finally came inside. Raven was reading a book and drinking her tea in the common room. (I don't know the actual name for the room so I'm calling it the common room) She was so into the book she did not notice them until Beast Boy bumped into her causing her HOT tea to fall out of her hands and into her lap. She screamed out in pain, which made the others stop what they were doing right away. And caused a few lightbulbs to shatter. " Raven what's wrong?" Robin asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

" Oh nothings wrong Robin besides the fact that Beast Boy just made me spill very hot tea on my lap!" She spat

"Sorry about that Rae." Beast Boy said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sorry! I'll show you sorry!" Yelled Raven as she surrounded the couch in a black aura and lifting it over her head. Beast Boy crouched in fear awaiting his doom. But before Raven could drop the couch on Beast Boy Terra stepped in.

"What the hell is your problem Raven? It was an accident and he said he was sorry!" Yelled Terra.

"She is right friend Raven, Beast Boy did not mean to hurt you." Put in Starfire. At this Raven set down the couch giving Beast Boy time to run and hide. She did not care about him any more all she cared about was the fact that her so-called best friend was agreeing with Terra. But before Raven could snap back at Star Robin cut in.

"They are both right Raven it was an accident so just let it go."

Raven could not believe what her friends were saying.They werewith Terra on this one, and nothing there was nothing she could say or do thatwould change their minds.