A/n: Before anyone throws anything at me, I swear I'll finish "Awful Beautiful Life", it's just on hold for the moment.

Now, on to better, much, much more exciting news. I work at Disneyland and the other day, a friend of mine (who also happens to be a Phil fan) and I were walking backstage when we passed a film equipment trailer, which isn't odd since they're always shooting stuff at Disneyland, but as we walk pass, my friend, who says, "Hey, it's that chick from Phil of the Future!" I turn to my left and there, not more than 8 feet away from me, is Alyson Michalka and her sister AJ climbing into a van. I was all excited for the rest of the night, especially because even though I've seen celebrities at Disneyland, this is the first time that I've seen someone I actually care about. Best day ever.

Alright, enough about me and my crazy misadventures, let's get on with the fan fiction, shall we?

The Teslow Diaries

"Won't Say I'm In Love"

March 16

I didn't mean to fall in love. Really, it was the last thing from my mind. After a few failed relationship and a heartbreak or two, I've pretty given up on dating. Don't get me wrong, I love boys. In the words of Lorelai Gilmore, "I am a HUGE fan of boys." But dating? Forget it. Dating is hard, stressful and, sometimes painful. So I decided I'm better off avoiding the whole deal. I mean, I'm only sixteen so I figure I have plenty of time to find that one special guy. For now, I'm just happy being me, playing my music and hanging out with my friends. Simple enough, right?

Wrong. Just when I thought I had everything figured out, life throws me a curve-ball. Why oh why did I have to go and fall in love? And with HIM of all people? The universe hates me, I'm now convinced of it. I mean, I couldn't fall in love with just any old guy, oh no, that'd be way to easy. I had to fall in love with my BEST FRIEND. My best friend who just happens to be from the future. Of course, aside from that, he also happens to be smart, funny and incredibly sweet, not to mention very, very cute. All fantastic qualities, I'll admit, but he's my best friend! I don't exactly have the best track record when comes to dating so what if I screw everything up and Phil never talks to me again? I'd lose a boyfriend and best friend all in one shot. Why is life so hard? Love is never this complicated in the movies. In the movies, Julia Roberts ALWAYS ends up with Richard Gere and everyone lives happily ever after. But Keely Teslow? Well...that's an entirely different story.

The more I think about it, though, the more I realize that this didn't happen overnight. I've had these stupid feelings for Phil for a long time, I was just too dense to put two and two together. Give me a break, I'm so not a math person. Anyway, I can pinpoint the exact moment I first fell for him. It was two years ago at the Mayor's Ball. Phil's date with Alice was doomed from the get-go, if you ask me, and all I could do is watch from the sidelines as the evening got progressively worse for him. Long story short, as bad as it all was for him, it did have a nice ending. At the end of night, he and I ended up dancing together, a moment I will never forget. Being in Phil's arms was the single most amazing experience of my life. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace and belonging and I just closed my eyes, never wanting the moment to end. I had never felt like that before and I haven't felt like that since, not with any of the guys I've dated.

Since that night, I've been in denial, telling myself that Phil is just my best friend, nothing more. I think it's finally time I'm honest with myself. Phil is way more than just my best friend, he's my whole world. I'm admitting it right here and now, I'm totally, completely, hopelessly, one hundred percent, head-over-heels in love with Phil Diffy. Go me.

Now that I've admitted to myself, I guess the next step is to tell him. Yeah, right. I'm just going to up to my best friend in the world and tell him I'm in love with him. So not a good plan. I feel like slamming my head against the wall. No one ever told me love was this hard.

A/n: Hey, that was fun, wasn't it? The next chapter, "Nothin' About Love Makes Since" should be up real soon. In the meantime, y'all know where the review button is.


D/c: I'm a film student and I work at Disneyland so obviously I don't own a thing.