This is my first attempt at a Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z crossover so please be nice and don't flame me. If I have any spelling or story line mistakes please email me and tell me what they are. I appreciate anything you have to say. The story is set during the time of Freeza when Gohan, Krillen, and Bulma are gathering the dragon balls. Bulma is going to be married to Yamcha and does not journey with Gohan and Krillen in search for the balls. Serena has defeated Galaxia and has been reassigned to the Dragon Ball Z dimension.

P.S I'm haven't seen the first of DBZ in a long time so sorry if the plot doesn't follow exactly like it does in the anime. I do not own Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball Z!

Sorry if the ages don't align properly.


Serena 21

Vegeta 23

Krillen 26

Goku 23

Gohan 10

"Yay the four star dragon ball!" Gohan yelled excitedly as he jumped up and down gleefully.

"Only six more to go!" Krillen said sarcastically with a sad smile on his face.

"Cheer up Krillen," Serena said as she put away the dragon ball, "we'll have them all before you know it."

"I hope so, but it took us three weeks to get that one." Krillen argued.

"So? Now that we have the first one we'll find the others like that!" Serena said confidently as she snapped her fingers in front of Krillen's face.

"Yeah Krillen, don't give up so easily. We have to get the dragon balls and revive everyone, but with the attitude you've got it will only make things harder." Gohan said.

Serena looked down and smiled at the young boy. "Gohan, you are very brave and your dad is going to be proud to see how much you've matured when he sees you." She said as she patted his head lightly.

Gohan blushed heavily and the kind words spoken about him. "Thank you Sere!" he mumbled out while using the nickname he gave her.

Serena was amazed at how kind and pure this boy had stayed. Through all of the fighting and killings they had seen together she was surprised he hadn't gone insane. The only reason she didn't go insane was because of her being Cosmos.

"Well, what are we waiting for? We've got six more dragon balls to get and were standing around here chatting away. Let's get to it so we can get back home." Krillen ordered. A new sense of hope ignited in him.

"Right!" Gohan and Serena said together.

Krillen, Gohan, and Serena took off into the air with the Dragon Radar in hand.

'We'll bring you all back if it's the last thing I do!' Serena thought to herself.

"Prince Vegeta, we are now arriving at Planet Namek." Came the computerized voice in Vegeta's space pod.

Vegeta opened his eyes slowly. "About time!" he said as he looked out his pod's window to stare upon the green planet.

Vegeta's eyes turned cold as he thought of the reason for his traveling. 'Kakorott!'

Since his humiliating defeat at the hands of that third class baka, Vegeta had yet to stop thinking of him. He would defeat Kakorott if it were the last thing he did, and he planned on using the dragon balls to help him.

"Landing in, three, two, one!" the computerized voice counted down. ((BAAAAAAMMMMM!))

"Landing complete! You are now on Planet Namek!" the voice said before the door of the pod opened.

Vegeta stepped out of the tiny circular pod and stretched slightly. Suddenly his scouter was going hay wire.

"Damn thing!" Vegeta yelled as he tore the scouter off and crushed it in his fist.

"I no longer need that thing now that I have figured out how to read power levels. No one will stop me from getting what I want. NO ONE!" Vegeta yelled as he powered up and flew to the nearest dragon ball he could sense.

"Lord Freeza, Lord Freeza!" came a yell from the hallways of Freeza's ship.

This annoying noise broke the meeting Freeza was having with his minions. Looking toward the door a weak soldier burst in.

"I hope you have a excellent reason for interrupting my meeting." Freeza said coolly.

The soldier bowed down humbly in front of his master.

"Yes, my Lord!"

"Well then you idiot stop sitting there and tell me already!" Freeza ordered.

The soldier stood his height and gulped slightly. He knew the news he was about to deliver to his lord would probably cost him his life. Freeza was a name that struck fear in all the soldiers even though he didn't look that powerful. In fact, he looked kind of feminine with his pink reptile skin coloration and purple looking lipstick. The only thing that made him masculine was his built body; which wasn't at all attractive. Plus he always sat in this floating pod thing that only came to his abs and so it made him seem kinda week.

"The ship Vegeta stole has been tracked down to Planet Namek sir!" the soldier said as bowed again.

Freeza saw red and only red. 'Vegeta must be after the dragon balls as well. That doesn't matter I will get them first.'

The elite soldiers that had been in the meeting started to back away from Freeza as they recognized the look on his face. The look was usually there when he was about to kill.

The unfortunate soldier who had delivered the news backed away slightly, however, he didn't get far. Freeza approached him slowly.

"Do you have anymore information for me?" he asked in a cool voice.

"N-n-no sir, your lordship!" the soldier replied.

"Then you are of no more use to me!" Freeza said before he sliced the soldiers head off with his tail. "CLEAN UP THIS MESS NOW!" he ordered.

The remaining soldiers in the room scurried to clean up the mess.

please send me some info on the green and pink dudes that work for Freeza and the name of the team that Freeza calls on to defeat Goku, I know theres a short green dude who stops time and all. Please give me this info so I can update my story/ Thanks!

