Deeply Flawed
Author: Dimitri Aidan
Rating: PG13
Series: Comes before Milk and White Chocolate, but takes a very different tone. The story I have planned for after MaWC will be dark humor, most likely.
Pairings: One-sided Seto/Jou and Otogi/Honda, some light Seto/Otogi but nothing for you puppy- and chaseshippers to get worked up about.
Summery: Seto never thought to pay any mind to Otogi, the outcast of the Yugi-tachi, the third wheel. But, in the comfortable haze of liquor, he finds they're very much the same.
Notes: Seto/Jou and Honda/Otogi are my favorite pairings with Ryou/Bakura running a close second/third. Why, I'm not sure…but they are. That aside, Seto's name is wrong. It should be Kaiba Seto, but I think Seto Kaiba has a certain undeniable ring to it and if you try to tell me differently I'll…not listen. Grin. That aside, welcome!
Warnings: Fluffy Friendshippy stuff mixed with creepy stuff. I kind ofthink Seto has a mild case of MPD. Plus Scary!Mokuba, Vulnerable!Seto, Scarred!Otogi.
More Human Than Human
He swirled his wine around in his glass and watched the red-tinged shadows that danced along the wall. Seto Kaiba was pretty sure he was drunk. He'd had more than a few glasses of wine and nothing to eat since lunch so, while he was usually good at holding his liquor he was almost positive that he was drunk. Very drunk even.
He took another drink and considered the warmth that was slowly seeping throughout his body, starting in the pit of his stomach and crawling outwards.
Yeah, he was drunk.
And he wasn't the only one.
Otogi Ryuuji, his new…partner in crime as it were, was sprawled on his couch and staring at the ceiling with a singular focus that was almost frightening. All Kaiba could hope was that Otogi was a decent drunk; otherwise they were in for trouble.
From what Seto had heard he was a very reasonable drunk. Calm, logical, calculated…almost like when he was sober, except that his tongue became loose and he seemed to lose his ability to lie. Or at least that's what Mokuba told him. Kaiba had to assume that it was true, since Mokuba knew more about him than any thirteen year old had a right to know about…well, anything.
Then again the kid had learned from the best.
Which brought up a very important point. If Mokuba had learned from the best (namely Kaiba) did that make him the best? After all, if he already knew all that Kaiba knew and was just…compounding upon that knowledge it made sense that he would pass him up, sooner rather than later.
Seto smiled slightly at the thought. Normally the thought of someone being better than him would provoke him to acts of indescribable violence and cruelty but in the case of his little brother he found he didn't care much. Besides, Mokuba was scary. If people thought that Kaiba was a force to be reckoned with they should have seen the younger teen when he was in a foul mood.
It was funny really. Everyone just assumed that he was protecting Mokuba from the world, keeping him from the eye of the press, keeping him in public schools and never publicly spoiling him in order to keep him grounded, and running off to play savior whenever it was required, but that couldn't have been further from the actual truth.
Sure, he did all of that but Mokuba protected him in ways that Seto couldn't begin to duplicate. A fiercer protector he'd never meet.
"Do you have any siblings?"
The voice seemed strangely loud and echoing in the room and it took him a moment to realize that it was actually his voice he was hearing. Otogi shifted and turned to look at him through half-lidded eyes. He seemed to be considering the words very carefully, which struck Kaiba as odd. Ryuuji had a bit of a big mouth, talking and acting first and asking questions later.
A bit like a certain blond that Seto swore he wasn't obsessed with, no matter how much his omniscient little brother insisted to the contrary.
He took another drink.
He was too sober to be thinking about Katsuya. Hell, he was always always too sober to be thinking about the other teen. Unless he was so drunk he was passed out somewhere and would wake up puking in the morning then he was too damn sober.
"No I don't."
Kaiba blinked and tried to remember what he had asked. What didn't Otogi have…oh, right, siblings. Somewhere, deep in the non-intoxicated part of his mind he was surprised that he'd even gotten a straight answer. Otogi was infamous for avoiding all questions about his family…and history… actually anything that dealt with his past was shunned. Seto had tried to look into his background when the other teen had agreed to the merger and not even his best private investigators had been able to come up with anything beyond the invention of Dungeon Duel Monsters.
And his people were the best. Next to Mokuba's anyway.
"You're…um, lucky to have a brother." He continued, only slurring his words slightly. Seto knew that Otogi had drunk less than he had and yet he seemed slightly more wasted. Thank god for that whole mild alcohol problem he had.
Sure, his liver had to hate him by now but at least he had an alcohol tolerance that most Irishman would be jealous of.
"Yes." He agreed completely. He was very lucky to have Mokuba. He'd probably go stark raving out of his mind type mad if not for Mokuba. He was the only thing that constantly made sense in Seto's life, the unshakeable grounding point that made everything worthwhile.
He knew that his little brother would be there to haul his ass up the steps when he was drunk, pull him away from the computer at one AM so he could sleep, pull him out of bed and cook breakfast at the ass crack of dawn so he could rush off to work.
Seto wondered sometimes if his brother knew how much he appreciated it.
"My mom always wanted to have another kid, but she couldn't." Otogi was sitting up now head cocked as if he was curious about something. Or at least thinking about something very hard. "She was a model. Very beautiful. People used to tell me how much we looked alike."
Ah. Then yes, she must have been beautiful because Otogi was certainly…well, it wasn't a total trial to have to see him everyday. Long midnight colored hair, sparkling green eyes, slim body… Nope, certainly wasn't a trial.
It was a shame Otogi wasn't his type. Too high-maintenance for Kaiba's liking. Sure, it wasn't like he couldn't give Otogi everything he wanted (never mind the fact that Otogi could easily buy anything that his heart desired, twice over) It was just that he wasn't that type of person. Sure, Seto liked to give but not so much to those who wanted, but to those who needed.
Otogi didn't need anything and if he wanted someone silly enough to spoil him Kaiba certainly wasn't the type. Though, from a business standpoint, he probably couldn't do any better than a relationship with Otogi. They were both rich, business minded, and powerful.
But from a personal standpoint, Ryuuji was kind of annoying.
"She was too small. Tiny, like a twig." Otogi spread his hands apart as if to demonstrate the small stature of his mother as a fond smile danced across his lips. "Having me really hurt her and she couldn't have anymore. My aunt always told me my mother spoiled me rotten and let me became a complete brat because of it, would gladly give into all of my little demands no matter how outrageous."
"Oh." And Seto thought Otogi lucky for his mother because he could only recall flashes of his own. He remembered black hair and a mischievous smirk, coupled with a slow drawling voice. She'd been pretty, he was sure of that.
"She's dead." The green-eyed man frowned slightly. "Died when I was fifteen. It was good she didn't have any other kids; my father never liked kids and wouldn't have liked having to raise more. He didn't like my mother or me really. She was never quite perfect enough for him. Never pretty enough, never smart enough, never small enough…"
He trailed after into silence for a moment, staring at his own mostly empty glass and if he felt Seto's eyes on him he gave no indication of it. Then he drank down the rest of his wine and slumped over. Seto could just hear his muttered statement.
"Nothing was ever perfect enough for him."
That was something Seto understood very well. Never being perfect enough, living up to standards that were just hopelessly out of reach no matter how much you dedicated yourself. And then, even when that person wasn't there anymore, whispering how you'd failed once again in your ear, you found yourself still striving for something that had always been just out of your reach.
He found himself saying as much, rather on accident. He blamed the wine, because under normal circumstances he kept his personal affairs, past and present, away from his business ones.
But, with the aid of alcohol and the increasing late hour, he felt strangely comfortable with the other teen. Besides there was always the hope he wouldn't remember any of this come morning.
Though he kind of hoped that he did. He found that this conversation, one sided though it had been, was probably the most anyone had ever revealed to him without the impending threat of death or severe…maimment (which Seto didn't think was a word)
Otogi laughed. "Yes. And no. My father only wanted perfection when he was sober. Any other time anything close to perfect was too close and…he hated it. Hated us for trying. Wanted to break anything that reminded him of…something."
As he spoke he rubbed at his arm absently, as if there was a memory attached. Judging by how glassy and unfocused his eyes had become maybe he was seeing the memory. Seto didn't know for sure as Kaiba didn't have time to relive the trivial things that had happened in the past.
"Why do I get the feeling you're a deeply flawed person?"
Seto pondered the voice, wondering if his voice was once again making independent statements, because that would have been strange. Because his voice shouldn't do that…make independent statements. Because it was kind of weird, in a very disturbing sort of way. He liked to think things through before he said them but for some odd reason his voice just seemed to enjoy throwing things out there and not giving his brain a chance to tag along for the ride.
Then the light shuffling of feet and he could see his brother bending over the back of the couch and taking Otogi's glass. The older teen made a noise of protest but Mokuba silenced him with a look that was somewhere between stern and amused.
"You're both drunk."
"Yes." Seto found himself agreeing. Because he was. Drunk that was. "So is Ryuuji."
…Mokuba had said both. Both meant two. He knew that already.
Mokuba arched an eyebrow. "And if Ryuuji jumped off of a bridge would you jump after him?"
"Possibly." Because if Otogi had a reason to jump off of a bridge after signing a multi-billion dollar contract than odds were in favor of it being a good reason. Besides, there was a certain business logic behind it all. "A suicide might make stock worth drop significantly, but two would probably give it a definite boost."
His brother just stared at him for a moment then plucked the glass from his fingers with a snort. "And what's the point of making money if you're dead Seto?"
"You won't be dead." There was probably more to that argument but his head was starting to feel foggy and it hurt to think too much. This time Mokuba fixed a withering glare on him.
"I don't want to be rich if it means you killing yourself. You know that already." The glasses were set on the table and then Mokuba reached for a pitcher of water he hadn't noticed before. A glass was forced into his hand and he could only watch in mild interest as it was filled. "Drink. This should help the hangover. You-" He pointed at Otogi who was watching them from where he'd curled up on the couch. "It's almost two. I'll call a car around-"
"No." Seto said. Mokuba glanced over at him.
"I think he should stay." There was that eyebrow again having a deep conversation of sorts with Mokuba's hairline.
"You think he should stay." Seto nodded and tried not to groan at the way the room went blurry. "Why do you think he should stay?"
"Because." He closed his eyes and leaned back. "I think I want to keep him."
Mokuba let out a bark of laughter that hurt Seto's ears just a little bit. He didn't say anything about it though "Seto! You can't just keep him." A sigh. "Honestly, you frighten me sometimes. Ryuuji-san isn't just some puppy you can keep."
"Not puppy. The puppy is blond. Warm." He really kind of wanted the puppy. And he shouldn't have been admitting to that, he wasn't that drunk yet, but he was. Wanted to touch those untamed golden locks and feel his skin, wanted to see those amber eyes light up in something other than rage when he came near. "We should get the puppy."
"I walked right into that one." Mokuba muttered before grabbed him by the hand. "Com'n Seto, this isn't the time to wax about how much you love Katsuya-chan, okay? Bed now, wax later. I bet Ryuuji-san can help you with that, he seems to know all about waxing."
"I heard that." Ryuuji muttered. There was a loud thump and a groan of pain. "Who put the end of the couch there?"
"Fucking hell."
"Puppy hates me."
"I hate you right now. Both of you. Ryuuji did you hit your head? I hope not, I don't want to call the doctor… Seto!"
"Why does he have to hate me? I don't want him to. I don't mean to be so mean. Why can't I stop?"
Mokuba muttered what could have been "Because Big Brother, you're a half-drunk asshole. I wouldn't want to date you either." but Seto wouldn't be able to remember well enough later to say for sure. Then he sighed again.
"Seto, please. You're going to hate yourself in the morning."
"Katsuya likes guys." Seto cracked open an eye to stare at Ryuuji who was sitting cross-legged on the floor and leaning against the couch. His bangs were falling into his eyes, which looked only slightly more alert than the last time Seto had looked at him.
"Don't encourage him."
"Anzu made a big deal out of it last month. Said it was her dream come true. I don't think anyone was really supposed to hear it though." He scratched his head. Seto thought that supposed was a funny word. He must have said it out loud because Mokuba shot him a strange look. "Lucky. Honda hates me and only likes girls. It's not fair." He sniffled almost pitifully.
A long pause. Then: "See Big Brother? Hope springs eternal. Now, about bed-"
"Can we keep him?" He asked, stubbornly refusing to move when his brother pulled at his arm.
Yet another sigh. "Katsuya?"
"Maybe later." He had to file that away for something to think about.
"Ryuuji then? If it will get you upstairs, sure."
He stood up and watched his brother stumble with the sudden shift. He nearly toppled over. Mokuba glowered up at him through thick black hair before all but pushing him out of his office and towards his bedroom. Thankfully the two rooms were very close to each other and it didn't require climbing any steps. He flopped onto his bed and would have curled up and gone to sleep, put there was an incessant tugging at his foot.
"What're you doing?"
"Nothing." There was a thump and suddenly his foot was a lot cooler. "Shut up and go to sleep." Another thump and then his legs were pushed onto the bed. "You drive me crazy sometimes Seto."
"Mm. Sorry." He rolled over, back to his brother and shut his eyes. He felt a warm hand touch his forehead and then a soft chuckle.
"Yeah I know."