A Random Congregation of Psychos

This is a random thing I came up with in Social Studies. All the really strange stuff seems to come from social studies…… I hope I don't offend anyone by using the term psycho. I just like the way it sounds. (I also like the sound of the word kumquat. I'm just strange that way.)

They all got here by falling into plot holes. I own the plot holes. They are mine you idiotic copyright people.

It was an interesting meeting. First, there was Erik, in his black cloak and mask, muttering darkly about Don Juan. There was Dillandu (haven't read this, just SOME people I know are rabid fans coughPhyllisNodreycough) lighting matches and watching them burn. He planned to eventually start burning the furniture, but he could wait. Peeves was tearing things into tiny little pieces, dropping them on everyone else's heads, and laughing maniacally. A girl fell into the room.

"Dang friggin' plot hole!" she hollered.

Erik looked at her. "You don't look very insane….."

The girl narrowed her eyes. "I'm the author. I wrote myself into a fanfic and was voted most insane character. Idiot characters, I'll turn them all into chipmunks………"

"So I have been designated an insane character…" Erik began, twirling his Punjab lasso dangerously. Diliandu stared at it, wondering what it would look like when twirled on fire.

"Yep, now, I thought there were a few more." Suddenly cries of, "Inconceivable!" and, "Where's the rum?" rent the air.

"Oh, here they are now. Erik, Dilly, Peeves, this is CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow and Vizzini."

"DILLY!" Diliandu shrieked indignantly. He began to approach her, his hand on his sword.

"Remember, I am the author. Kill me and you are sent back to your story where you are defeated, your head set on a stick and the rest burned. Or something equally barbaric. Plus, your fan girls call you Dilly-sama."

"I have fan girls?"

"Yep, I'm good friends with one. She thinks lighting things on fire is romantic now. I worry about her."

The author noticed that Erik looked disgruntled and depressed. (Fine, more disgruntled and depressed than usual.) "You've got fan girls too, ya know."

Erik looked at her incredulously. "Do they know what I look like?"

"Yep, not everyone's that shallow ya know. Plus, what other guys are there? Raoul fan girls? I bet the four of them get lonely."

Erik cheered-up a considerable bit. "No one likes Raoul?"

"He's foppish. It bothers me."

Peeves looked up from the sofa he was dismantling. "Do I have fan girls?"

"Not really, but you do have some who aspire to be just like you when they die."

"Oh, ok." He continued to dismantle the sofa."

"Glad you remembered the captain part, now where's the rum?" asked Vizzini (of course it was Sparrow you fools!). Vizzini (the real one) was busy muttering to himself and trying to figure out how he got here, using his 'flawless' process of elimination.

"Okay, it was nice meeting you all, but I have to go to choir. Toodle pip!"

The girl disappeared back through the plot hole.

"Now how do we get back?"

Muahahahaha! That was fun. Yes, I know, it made no sense. I just really felt like writing it. Flames will be given to Diliandu, who will then use them for nefarious purposes. Hehehe. The next congregation will be of Merlin-like characters.