Reviews for A Random Congregation
ManyHawks chapter 4 . 11/6/2006
Ralf blinked twice and muttered, “Well that was anti-climatic,” in a voice so devoid of interest that it made Eeyore sound like a skipping schoolgirl. Which he is not. Donkeys do not, on principal, skip.

haha...skipping schoolgirl...haha
ManyHawks chapter 2 . 11/6/2006
*prays* ...oh, uh, sorry. anyway (!WARNING PEEPLEZ: THIS MAY SCAR YOU 4 LYFE!) Gandalf has a large, shiny stick? hehe, dirty dirty thoughts...XD sorry, i'm in a silly mood right now. it is 7:14 and I haven't gone to bed yet, unfortuanatly (yes, i know it's spelled wrong, i really don't give a shit). damn you awesome people *coughDrummerinDragcough* keeping me up with your equally awesome ficcyz!
TrisakAminawn chapter 4 . 3/22/2006
Did I review this already? Hm, maybe not. Funny, anyway. Oh, it's been half a year. How are you? Hey, I...sort of pass. Does three count as 'many?'
silverfingers chapter 2 . 12/10/2005
ignore everything, this is a review for Ch. 4



Wait...Ted the Generic Guy got whacked? His mom hired an assassin? I must not have read those. I only know about the Generic Guy from
silverfingers chapter 4 . 12/10/2005
There is no library that does not have Discworld. Anything else is just a random congreagation of books mysteriously in one place.

The floor is lava,

Elven Fish chapter 4 . 9/13/2005
Yay, Vranaha, Vreehee, and Aayun! I love your hyperactive insanity! I've got serious probems with it myself. It's loads of fun, though! My favorite parts are when tikitikirevenge bores everybody to tears! LOL! I should like to read the rest of your fics, but...I'VE GOT A FLING-LOAD OF HOMEWORK! GAH! *throws stuff at the aliens and yells at the sprites* On my next break, I hall read some more. You are utterly hilarious, Nota Lone!

Pimpernelunderthecelticmoon chapter 1 . 9/2/2005
Your insane. lol!
leotabelle13 chapter 4 . 8/27/2005
this is HILAROUS, But how is cosmo a fop? He's just stupid(but funny) and Raoul is not a fop! And I saw your profile. WHO HAS BEEN WRITTING SLASH OF GASTON AND THE BEAST? That is just so damn SICK AND WRONG! Whoever has been writting crap like that will get beat up by me and punjabed by me and Erik!
tikitikirevenge chapter 3 . 8/22/2005
Wow, that was quick. I'm amazed... I wonder why I'm still awake?

Must... get... email adress... in order... to spam you... uh... stay in school?
tikitikirevenge chapter 4 . 8/22/2005
You're back! Aw... that was so nice of you... I have a cameo! Thanks... although I hold that riding a kangaroo is very, uh, un-boring (for lack of a real word).

How does the Vogon poetry fit in? It sounds very sophisticated... something about underlining the underlying metaphor... this story is really, really, clever... oh, just hurry up and update, will you?

Nobody of Importance chapter 3 . 8/21/2005
thats awesome, but you could have left both will and logolas in the same room. something fopish and funny would have had to occur, like them taking about 6 hours to figure out they were the same person. trust me, it would have been hilarious. If i was more inclined to write things, i would write it my self, but i'm not, so you write it.

shutting up now
Nobody of Importance chapter 1 . 8/21/2005
hey, I love your stories.

They make absolutley no sense and make me feel happy.

What storys are Diliandu and vizzini from?
silverfingers chapter 3 . 5/20/2005
V. random. hehe. Fav line: "I must rescue Christine from…not being with me!"


OK medication tyme. But seriously, see if you can put in any Discworld ppl. *gasp* haven't read Discworld? WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING 2!

Seriously, it's got ur sense of humor. They're by a guy named Terry Pratchett. He has a hat.
Elven Fish chapter 3 . 5/18/2005
I love this! This going on my favorite stories list! "To the fob-mobile,away![falls on the ground,laughing hysterically} I can't STAND Raoul!
Elven Fish chapter 2 . 5/18/2005
{snicker,snicker} I really likin' this so far! Yoda's an idiot. Contemplating lemon drops,what an idiot! LOL!
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