Author's note: Well, here it is, the end of the line for Lister and Lister. I've had really great fun writing this (apart from maybe the last chapter which was a complete nightmare). But, anyway, now I have Hiya to look forward to (hint, hint, lar-ton. I'm watching you…). I very nearly turned slashy in the first paragraph but decided against it (sorry slash fans!). Thanks be to all those who have reviewed this fic in the past (Feline Ranger, reddwarfaddict, lar-ton, smeggin-brilliant, Sunrise over the Tango Factory, RimmersLittleVoodooDoll, kippersvindaloo, and any new people who might review this chapter). Thank you!

Lister had his diary open on the desk and was madly scribbling away when Rimmer stepped through the door.
"Rimmer?" Lister asked.
"How do you spell…?" Lister trailed off and Rimmer looked at him.
"How do I spell? Well, I take one letter, then string it alongside several other letters and it makes what we call a word, Listy."
"Very funny," Lister said sarcastically, "I was gonna say a word then but I remembered it, OK?"
Rimmer grinned, "Good to have you back, Listy."
Lister grinned back, "Nice to be back, Rimsy."
There was an awkward silence.
"So," Lister said, "Do you want to end this out with a lame, uncomfortable hug or a lame, uncomfortable handshake?"
"Handshake, I suppose."
Lister got up and they shook hands warmly. Lister pulled at Rimmer's arm and he was brought into a hug.
"It's really, really great to be back!" Lister said his eyes running over the familiar room. The broke their embrace and looked at each other.
"Let's never mention this again," Rimmer said sternly.
"Agreed," Lister said succinctly and half-ran out of the room.

Spanners opened the door to his house and peered in, not sure what he would find. What he did find was his wife sitting on the sofa in a darkened room, with small snivels being made every now and again.
"Sweetheart…?" he said tentatively.
"Go away!" she replied thickly, "I know it's not really you, it's just my imagination!"
"Kris, it is me."
She turned round slowly in her chair and blinked into the darkness, "Dave…?"
He nodded and her confused frown faded into a joyful grin, "Oh my God, it really is you! It's really you. Oh, the boys will be so happy!"
Spanners smiled and looked deep into Kris's eyes. Suddenly her lip quivered and tears rolled down her cheeks again.
"What? What's wrong?"
"Why did you go?" she sobbed.
Looking at what he had, he honestly couldn't answer that question. He had everything here: a loving wife, beautiful children, wonderful friends, a great job. Why had he wanted less? Why had he wanted anything different? Well, he wouldn't from now on, that's for sure.
"It doesn't matter," he said softly, "I'm here now, and I'm never leaving."
Kris ran over to her husband and wrapped her arms around his neck. From between the railings of the banister of the stairs, Jim and Bexley watched on.
"Told you he'd come back! Didn't I say he would?" Jim whispered to his brother.
"But is he gonna stay?" Bexley said, a little bit loud.
"Shhh!" Jim shushed him, "Yes! He said so, didn't he? And he was using his serious voice. He won't go now. We've got him back forever."

A/n: I had to give Jim and Bexley the last words in this, because they had sod all else to do in this! Ooh, that was fun! Look out for my next fic which is a follow up of a fellow writers' (or more correctly TWO fellow writers') fanfiction, 'Staccato' by lar-ton.
Bye for now!