Here it is, the final chapter! I can't believe it has finally reached the end, after over four years' worth of writing... but yes it has indeed come. Thank you all so much for keeping with the story and patiently awaiting updates. I really value all of your reviews and I'm so happy just to know you've been reading along with me.
One final request – I would love to hear from as many of you as possible on your thoughts of the story overall. I will of course reply to any reviews and be happy to take on board feedback for my next stories.
Once again, many many thanks for reading and reviewing - I am eternally grateful to you!
42. Epilogue
Aragorn stood by the window, gazing out at the illuminating sunrise over the distant mountains in the east. The first shafts of light were beginning to break out into the twilight air, casting away the swirling mists and stirring up a soft cool breeze. The world outside the room slowly became lighter and the grey shroud paled and dissolved. Suddenly the expectant sky flushed a bright rosy pink and lit everything in a poignant hue of faint red. Lofty clouds morphed into a shade of purple while the fleeing mists rolled back across the flat Fields of Pelennor like the tide of a mystic sea. There was a sprinkling of frost over all the white houses in city and a heavier layer on the pale grasses down to the river. It sparkled in the fresh light of day like secretive jewels known only to him.
Aragorn smiled as the first beam of light was cast out from behind a snowy peak and struck through the elevated airs onto the tall Tower of Ecthelion way above his head. Its golden sheen was dazzling but it did not hurt Aragorn's eyes. Gradually the grey scribble of the Anduin filled in with liquid silver and the blue ribbon glittered as it wound through the still silent land. Now the sky melted into an azure blue, rich and pure, which complemented the gold light dappling upon the white city. Spiders' webs laced through the dark branches of trees swayed and glimmered, while one by one hoary plumes of smoke began to drift up into the air as awakening people warmed up their houses.
The welcoming sight warmed Aragorn's heart and he gave a replying smile to the beautiful winter's morning. His hot breath caught on the cold glass pane and a cold mist shot up in front of his eyes. Aragorn dropped his gaze and turned round, first looking at the bed in the centre of the room, and then at the cradle by his side.
A warm flame jumped up softly in Aragorn's chest on seeing Arwen's peaceful face as she dreamt in restful sleep. Her tired eyes were closed, with her long dark eyelashes settled on her cheeks like crescent moons. The flush from her cheeks had waned and her complexion was now a pure white, almost glowing in the ethereal first light of day. Her ribbons of dark hair were cast about her head on the white pillows, framing the tips of her ears and slender curve of her neck. Underneath the covers, her chest rose and fell rhythmically, with her shallow breaths too quiet for any mortal to hear. Arwen lay in the centre of the wide bed, which was comfortable and gave her plenty of room, had she wished for it. Instead she was wandering in mystical dreams, not feeling the passage of the world in its new light, not aware of Aragorn watching over her or of the tremulous light dancing gently on her sealed lips.
Aragorn smiled and looked at the wooden cradle, carved by the hands of gifted elves. Inside, as he crept nearer, there were soft blankets and white sheepskin, teased over the smallest mound. Excitement chirped through Aragorn's veins as he slid both hands over the polished wooden side and his eyes fell on the sight of his newborn baby. Eldarion had the tiniest pointed ears, with the strong nose Aragorn recognised as his own, but the smooth cheekbones which belonged to his mother Aragorn recognised even better.
Yet more than this, the bright blue eyes looking up at him moved Aragorn the most. So intense and fresh, they shone from within with the life of one new to the world. They sparkled, too, unless it was Aragorn's tears of joy which filled his sight with silver bubbles. His son's eyes were round and curious, analysing the face not far above his own, watching him and smiling. The blankets wriggled and Eldarion brought forth two little hands, stretching them out and opening his lips with silent words, asking for his Ada.
With the utmost care Aragorn's healing hands lifted back the blankets and reached around his young child, scooping Eldarion up into the warmth of his arms. "Tiro, Eldarion," Aragorn whispered, speaking to his son in the elvish language he loved. "Your first sunrise." He glanced out at the silvery lands, the lands of a King. They were lands which at some point the little Prince huddled against his chest would rule. Aragorn looked back at his son and saw the big blue eyes instead staring, transfixed, up at him. In an instant their piercing gaze struck Aragorn to the core of his heart.
"Valar, you have Arwen's eyes…" he exclaimed softly, running a thumb over the baby's pointed ear before leaning down to press a kiss on his forehead. As Aragorn opened his eyes, he caught sight of another piercing pair of blue watching him.
A smile graced Arwen's lips. Her eyes shifted into concern and were asking how her baby was. Aragorn could see her stirring underneath the bedcovers.
"He desires his naneth, meleth nín," Aragorn replied quietly, leaving his place at the window and cautiously walking over to the bed. He sat down next to his wife's warm body, watching with her as their son focused his eyes on his mother's face. Eldarion shifted his head in Aragorn's cupped hand and became restless, with eyes only now for Arwen. "…As do I," Aragorn murmured, looking up at Arwen on offering Eldarion into her arms.
She flicked her eyes up to his, and a rosy blush sprang up on her white cheeks. Arwen smiled, now shy and shielding her gaze from his with her eyelashes trembling like butterfly wings. Aragorn had leant in to lay Eldarion in her hold, but now stayed close to her.
"Aníron Undómiel…" he sighed, tenderly pressing a hand on the side of Arwen's pink cheek, guilty of nothing except love. She coyly revealed her eyes to him, eyes which shone deep from inside, with a light that radiated subtly and warmly from her soul, a light that was meant only for him. Aragorn let out shaky breath, unable to hold his love within with his dignified defences. He felt upon his other hand Arwen's fingers stroking his sensitive skin, and around his thumb a tiny fist closed its grip. Aragorn tore his longing eyes down and met in the eyes of Eldarion the same glimmer of tender light.
With a gasp Aragorn looked back up and saw Arwen smiling, openly giving up her love to him now. "Ai… aníron Estel," she breathed, parting her lips with a sigh that broke out from her heart. Her spirit was soaring and she lay in a blissful twilight, both elf-maiden and mortal, in a peaceful realm at the start of a new age. All she loved was here, in Aragorn's eyes. Arwen let out a soft laugh, like the rush of a waterfall over small rocks. "Hannon le," she said, meaningfully.
Aragorn frowned slightly, and shook his head, as if realising something for the first time, something so meaningful, so important, so touching that he had known it all along. The light in Arwen's eyes was her love, her love for him, Aragorn, and all that he was to her. Their love had materialised into Eldarion, who lay touching each of their racing hearts.
Aragorn's eyes softened and gently he kissed Arwen on her glimmering lips, pouring into her his boundless love and inflaming that light which entranced him so dearly… the light which was Arwen's immortal love.