Writer's note: Alright, this is my first venture into actually posting the stories I write. I'd appreciate feedback, and I don't mind constructive criticism at all. But no flames, if you please. Also, I'm a fan of the old Daria/Trent pairing, as well as Jane/Jesse. So shoot me, I find what I like and stick to it. :) But I've seen a few on here that seem to share my views, so now I feel at home.
The stuff I guess we're supposed to post: None of these characters (at least not in this chapter) are mine… I just love them.
Ring, ring.
"Hey Daria."
Daria hesitated for a moment at the familiar greeting. "Uh, Trent?"
"Yeah it's me. It's been while. How you doing?"
"Um," Daria felt a flush rise into her cheeks. Even now she still had a little of her crush on her best friends brother. 'Damnit Daria, say something,' she thought. "I'm ok." She felt like slamming her head into the wall
"Well, I was calling to ask a favor. Are you going home for the break?" Trent asked.
"No," Daria replied, gaining back a little of her old self. "My parents are going to my Aunt Rita's and the projected body count is too high to risk with a big paper due." As she said this, Laura, Daria's dorm-mate, came in the door, and resumed her packing.
Trent gave a rasping laugh that almost immediately turned into a hacking cough. Once he had caught his breath, he continued. "Some guy from your campus invited Mystik Spiral to play at their Thanksgiving party, but we have to find our own place to crash. The guys already have some friends up there, but Jesse and me need somewhere to sleep. Janey said something about your roommate leaving town, so we were wondering if we could stay at your dorm."
"Hold on," Daria said and looked up at Andrea. "Hey, Laura. Do you have a problem with donating your bed while you're gone? Jane's brother and his friend need a place to stay."
"The one with the band, right?" Andrea asked, and Daria nodded. "Nah, I guess not."
Daria returned to the phone. "It's fine."
"Cool. Well, I guess I'll see you in a few days. "
"Umm... Yeah… Bye." Daria hung up the phone.
'Jane,' she thought, 'Prepare to die.'
Ring, ring.
A hand slid out from under the bed sheets and groped at the table, knocking over a pencil jar and empty soda can in its journey to the phone.
"Shit," Jane muttered to herself at the clatter as she picked up the phone and brought it back to her head. "Who died?"
"The paper I was going to work on over Thanksgiving break, for one." Daria's voice had a slightly annoyed overtone that Jane couldn't even mistake in half sleep.
"What? They'll probably sleep the whole day anyway."
"That's not the point."
"Well at least tell me if you said yes or no?"
"You know I can't refuse an artist." Daria said with more sarcasm than normal.
"Good thing for me. Just think of it as an early Christmas present. A chance to rekindle your love affair with my dear older brother."
"Bite me."
"See you in a few days then."
"What is that? A family thing?" Daria retorted before she hung up.
Jane replaced the phone and, with a small smile, rolled back over to drift back off.
Yeah, me again. So remeber, please tell me what you think. I have another short segment done, just needs a little work. And I want to see if anyone reads on here anymore. Hope to hear from you soon.
Ciao and Blessings.