It's that time again. I'm going to attempt another story. This isn't going to be a long one, but it's something that's been rattling around in my brain for a while.

I still don't own the OC, but Josh, if you ever need someone to make you a few chrysanthemums out of carrots, I'll trade you some garnishes for the rights to your characters. Until that day nears, you still own everything and I am practicing my knife skills. And as usual, I lifted some lines from the show and reworked them. You'll recognize them.



Chapter One.

Thursday, 7:15 AM

Sandy knocked on the door of the pool house… Ryan's room. Getting no answer, he walked in. The bed was already made, books piled carefully beside the school bag and the sound of the shower running.

"Guess my work here is done…" Sandy smiled to himself. He still had to wake his other son.

The one who was definitely not a morning person.

The one that takes after his mother.

As expected, Seth was still sprawled all over his bed, a tangle of arms, legs and blankets.

"C'mon Seth… Up and at 'em… Let's go…"

A mop of dark, unruly hair emerged from a layer of blankets.

"Up and at 'em? When did I die and Camp Tuckaho become hell?"

Kirsten's voice carried from outside his room.

"Seth. Bed. Out. Now…"

Seth groaned and sat up. "Tag team parenting… That's so…. When did you and mom become all about the Dr. Spock thing?"

"The day we got in over out heads…"

"Ah… So this is Ryan's fault then?"

"If it makes you feel better then yes, it's all Ryan's fault. Now move it before you miss your ride. I've got to leave and your mom's got a meeting in half an hour."

"Riiiiight… Law and order for the rich and dysfunctional must take precedence over family life. I see where your priorities lie…"

Seth meant the words as a joke. Since leaving the PD's office, his dad had become ambivalent about his work.

Sandy tried to hide his growing irritation. It wasn't Seth's fault his job was becoming a burden. Nuisance lawsuits and petty legal squabbles were sucking the life out of him. He knew Seth was just being Seth and maybe another morning he'd let it slide, but this morning…

"Law and order for the rich and dysfunctional puts the clothes on your back and the IPOD in your pocket…" He snarked.

"Dad, is this about me and my love of self and the toys that are available for conspicuous consumption or are you having second thoughts about selling out?"


Seth realized he'd not only stepped over the line but had thrown himself bodily on top of a Sandy Cohen neurosis filled land mine. He quickly backpedaled.

"Dad, I'm sorry, but if you hate your job so much, why don't you go back to the PD's office?"

His father sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. "It's not that simple…"

Seth swung his legs over the side of his bed and moved closer to his dad.

"It didn't seem that hard to leave… and it's not like corporate lawyers are knocking down the Public Defender's door wanting to make 50 grand a year…"

"Seth, I can't just leave the firm…"

He stood up and put on his robe, turning to face his father.

"Because law and order for the rich and dysfunctional puts the clothes on my back and the IPOD in my pocket… I'm just saying you were happier and less anal retentive when you were working for, like, slave wages…"

"Hey… I may be a lot of things, but anal retentive…"

Just then, Kirsten stuck her head in the door.

"Sandy… Don't say anal. Seth. Car. Leaving. Soon…"

"Your mother, on the other hand…" Sandy muttered while Seth was rifling through his closet, grabbing his clothes for the day before disappearing into his washroom. "Thanks Seth… You know… for the pep talk…" He said through the closed door.

"Guess my work here is done…" Seth whispered as he stepped into the shower.


Ryan and Lindsay met Seth in Harbour's courtyard for lunch. As usual, they were working on a physics assignment, half listening while Seth prattled on about a new roller coaster at Six Flags.

"So, I'm thinking road trip, day after tomorrow. You guys, me and Alex… Check this puppy out…"

Ryan looked dubiously at Seth.

"Amusement park… Ferris wheels, roller coasters…?"

"Yes and bumper cars and giant floating swans…"

"Roller coasters…"

"Ladybug trains, merry-go-rounds…."

"320 feet up… 85 degree decline… That's almost straight down, Seth… Negative 3.1 G-force, 95 miles per hour… and how is that supposed to be fun?"

Seth looked at Lindsay.

"Okay Aunt Lindsay… Where is Chino Ryan and why have you replaced him with "Bill Nye the Science Guy"…"

The glare leveled at Seth by his brother showed him that "Chino Ryan" was alive and well.

Lindsay winked at Seth before whispering in Ryan's ear. He watched as a flush of red crept up Ryan's cheeks.

"How early are we leaving on Saturday?" Ryan managed to sputter.

7:30 PM

Sandy loosened his tie and undid the top two buttons of his shirt. Walking into the kitchen he saw Seth perusing a pile of well used take-out menus, looking up when he heard his father.

"Hey dad… Mom's going to be late… Some emergency thing with Grandpa and the zoning commission. Any preference from our wide assortment of dinner choices?"

Sandy shook his head as he reached into the bread basket, snagging a bagel.

"Not for me, thanks… I had a late lunch. Is Ryan home yet?"

"Yeah… He was out with Lindsay for a couple of hours so I imagine he's now in the shower… "Dropping off the kids"…"

Seth enjoyed watching his father's face turn from totally clueless to embarrassed comprehension.

"I think that's more information than I needed, son…"

Seth managed to maintain a straight face as he reminded his dad about a certain painful conversation they had last year.

"You did say we Cohens are very sexual beings and Ryan is a Cohen now…"

Sandy cringed, his words coming back to haunt him.

"Virile… Get used to it…" Seth didn't know how much longer he could keep from laughing.

"Just swallowed a little bit of throw up… I'm going to pretend we never had this conversation… Thanks Seth…"

"Hey… What's up?" Ryan asked as he entered the kitchen, his hair damp.

"I've uh, got some uh, papers to uh, look at… I'll be in my uh, office if you guys… if you need me…"

Sandy made a quick escape, not looking at Ryan or Seth as he left for the refuge of his den.

"Your dad okay?"

Seth shrugged. "Bad clams at lunch… Who knows? Wanna order pizza… run a few games?"


Friday, 3:35 AM

He'd been sitting for the last hour watching Ryan sleep, listening to the hypnotic rhythm of steady breathing. He had gotten closer earlier, looking at the relaxed, peaceful face. Smiling, he watched the blond boy, oblivious to the world around him, until his legs started to cramp and he quietly slumped into a chair, pondering his next move.

6:55 Am

Sandy loaded his surfboard into the back of the Range Rover. It was a perfect morning to catch a few waves. It was out here he could think clearly. Think about work and how miserable he was. Seth was right. Partridge, Savidge and Kohn had nearly succeeded in sucking the life out of him. Yesterday's late lunch had been with his former boss at the Public Defenders office and ended with Sandy agreeing to think about returning to his former position. Seth had been right again. There weren't a lot of corporate lawyers willing to settle for 50 K a year. Eating sandwiches in a dingy office with an overworked, underpaid legal aid attorney whose love of the job exuded from him made Sandy realize how much he missed it. He'd have to talk it over with Kirsten but that would be more of a formality. Kirsten knew he'd never be happy working in a large firm but gave him the time and space to come to that realization himself. Sliding into the driver's seat, Sandy made a mental note to thank Seth for the push he needed to find his way back from the dark side.

For a few brief minutes, all was right with the world.

7:15 AM

Kirsten heard the door leading from the garage close. Smiling, she reached into the cupboard and grabbed another mug, pouring coffee for her husband. The scent of the salty ocean air clung to him. She loved that smell, especially on Sandy. She waited for his touch, for the feel of his lips on her neck.

"Nice…" she whispered before turning to face him, rewarding her husband with a kiss. They enjoyed the few moments of quiet, lost in each other.

"I missed this…" Sandy said quietly.

"Me too…"

"We need to do this more often…" He paused for a minute. "I'm going back to the PD's office…"

Kirsten didn't say anything, just held Sandy closer.

"Are you okay with this…?" He faltered. "I mean… You know it's a huge pay cut…"

"I've missed the self righteous Sandy Cohen… I found him to be very charming…"

"I love you… You know that, don't you?"

"I've never doubted it…"

"Would you two break it up? I'd rather not be scarred by images of my parents getting their mack on in the kitchen…"

Ignoring Seth, Sandy and Kirsten indulged in one more kiss before breaking off. Handing Sandy his coffee mug, she turned to Seth.

"Is Ryan up?"

Seth shook his head as he emptied some Frosted Flakes into a bowl.

"He's probably trying to figure out that age old question of Jello being a liquid or a solid. It strikes me as a bit of a mystery… Did you know that Ryan is a physics nerd now?"

Sandy took another mouthful of coffee and swallowed.

"I'll get him…"

"And I'll be ready to take you guys to school in 15 minutes." Kirsten added before heading upstairs.


Sandy knocked on the door of the pool house… Ryan's room. Getting no answer he walked in. The bed was unmade, books scattered on the floor beside it. The washroom door was open and the lights were off.

The room was empty.