Disclaimer: Inuyasha is Copyright of Takahashi Rumiko

Nothing Without The Other

Chapter 35

Sesshoumaru returned to his room after many hours of interrogating the few hostages his troops had managed to capture. They were not able to learn much, but after having the miko release the tanuki from the tree she pinned him to, he was informed of all he needed to know. With the scroll Jaken had retrieved from enemy headquarters, he had enough information to put two and two together. But he would deal with what it all meant tomorrow. Right now, all he wanted was sleep.

Or at least did until he saw Rin.

She was lighting the last of many candles, wearing, to his knowledge, nothing more than a piece of red fabric with a hole for her head. It draped over her breasts, remaining only in place because of the black sash tied at her waist. The fabric pooled down between her legs, leaving her hips and legs exposed to his view. Her hair was thick with curls and left down to swing at the back of her knees.

He stood stock still, watching as she sauntered to him with an innocent smile lit on her face. Blood rushed to his lions as her body brushed against his, then she was removing his armor and undressing him. He felt a cold, damp cloth glide over his back, temporarily cooling his burning flesh. She stood in front of him and gently washed his chest, watching him with gold eyes that sparkled with brown flecks which seemed to dance in the candlelight.

Without realizing he had moved until he touched her, his hand brushed over her hip, sliding slowly up her side. She shivered involuntarily, tempting him to touch the other side of her body, if only to get the same reaction. And when both his hands were on her, it was over for them both. When he lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist, and they tumbled on to the bedding.

Rin rolled on top of him, straddling his hips as she leaned over to plant a searing kiss on his lips. When she was dizzy and drunk with his taste, she scraped her fingers over his chest and kissed his neck. Her lips soon found their way to his ear and brushed against it ever so softly. She flicked her tongue across it, earning a rumbling growl from him, and slid her body down his.

She lapped at his chest with her tongue then sucked one of his nipples into her mouth. He tried to pull her up and only caused her small fangs to scrap against his flesh. She blew on the small wound lightly, trying to soothe the pain away and nearly squealed with delight when his body trembled. Then she was placing open-mouth kisses lower and lower, stopping only when she was settled between his legs.

Sesshoumaru stopped moving and enjoyed the feeling of her warm, moist mouth.

When she rose over him again, he was panting heavily and riding on the edge of his control. She sent him a satisfied, but heated smile as she reached to untie her sash. He grabbed her hands and pulled her down to him, capturing her lips in a fierce kiss, and rolled her over on her back. He burned to have her just as she was, wearing that sleek silk fabric that had so affectively seduced him.

He pressed her into the futon and slid his hand between her legs, moving the fabric to the side. Then he drove himself inside her in one quick movement that left both their heads spinning. He slid in and out of her desperately, quickly. He ravished one breast with his mouth through the fabric, and caressed the other with his hand. Then he lifted her leg and rested it on his shoulder and pounded madly into her until they both collapsed with exhaustion.

Sesshoumaru took a deep breath, sliding a claw up her side. "Where did you get this..this thing?"

"Well, I got the idea from this book Kagome-chan brought," she said lazily, eyes closed in satisfaction. "A magazine I think she said it was. It's called a dress."

He slipped his finger beneath it, brushing his claw against her nipple. "And is it suppose to look like this? To cover so little?"

"Hai. Don't you.." she faltered for a moment and opened eyes. "Don't you like it?"

He placed himself on top of her again. "If you need to ask, perhaps this Sesshoumaru has not shown you exactly how he feels about it."

She smiled wickedly, desire already heating in her eyes. "I think you're right, but we forgot the contraceptive."

Sesshoumaru leaned down and took her ear between his lips. "Let's forget again."


Sesshoumaru regretted it all the next day, especially when he woke the next morning to find her still wearing the dress. Every time he looked at her he was reminded of the silky red fabric and her bright gold eyes, and the way the candle light bounced off her every curve. It made his blood boil, forcing him to use every ounce of his control not to take her back to their room and have his way with her.

And Rin would smile knowingly under his heated gaze, affectively chipping away at what remained of his control.

But he reminded himself that the day was all about business. After wrapping things up with Hideki the night before, he had sent a messenger to the Northern Lands with a letter that requested an urgent meeting. A late night delivery would certainly spark concern and have the tanuki parting at sunrise. This would get him to the Western Lands no later than noon. He spent the morning preparing for his arrival while fighting off images of Rin.

"Sesshoumaru-sama! Sesshoumaru-sama!" Jaken shouted, scratching the air with his horrid voice. "Lord Shunsuke has arrived!"

Sesshoumaru rose from the table, opened the door, and held out his foot. Jaken collided face first with this boot.

"Tell Rin to meet me in the fields," he ordered, leaving the toad-youkai in a painful daze. He left his quarters and found Lord Shunsuke waiting in front of the guest quarters. "Lord Shunsuke, I appreciate you arriving so quickly."

Shunsuke barely hid his nervousness as the inu-youkai approached. "Of course, Lord Sesshoumaru, though I must admit that I was surprised to receive such a late summoning."

"I'm sure you have been inconvenienced, but if you would follow me," he said, turning to walk across the veranda. "You will see that this matter requires your immediate attention."

Shunsuke followed after him. "Onegai, explain."

"You are aware that those rogue youkai waged war on the Western Lands."

"H-hai," he said, clearing his voice lightly. "Do you need assistance in resolving the matter?"

Sesshoumaru smiled to himself as he stepped off the veranda. "Iie. We killed their leader yesterday."

"Then this meeting is about...?"

"It has come to my attention that a tanuki from your clan was involved, and perhaps several others under you rule."

Shunsuke stopped dead in his tracks. "Are you suggesting, Lord Sesshoumaru, that I had something do to with this attack?"

Sesshoumaru turned with a small smile. "Of course not. This Sesshoumaru knows you would never plot against a fellow youkai lord in such an underhanded manner. Unless, of course, I am mistaken..."

"You are not mistaken," Shunsuke quickly inserted. "But have you any proof of this accusation?"

"A hostage," he said, pointing to where Rin was standing over something, sword drawn and pointed to the ground. "And this."

Shunsuke accepted the half burned scroll, already knowing who the handwriting belonged to. "This looks very similar to one of my vassals."

"Hai, Jaken said the same thing. He found it at the enemy's headquarters, leaving us to assume that he was supporting the rogue youkai without your knowledge."

"Hai, of course," Shunsuke said, immediately seizing the opportunity to make himself look as innocent as possible. "Without my knowledge. I will see that this is taken care of as soon as possible."

"And the hostage?" Rin said when they approached her finally. "May I have the pleasure of taking care of him?"

Shunsuke stared down in numb silence at his soldier. He lay flat on the ground, arms and legs tied to pegs in the ground. He was trembling in fear as Rin slowly traced his outline with the tip of her sword, allowing the poison blade to eat away at the ground around him. With every turn she inched closer and closer to his flesh, teasing him into a trembling fear and grinning with satisfaction.

"Rin, have I not told you that Lord Shunsuke will deal with him?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"But I really think I should have the pleasure," she said, swiping an angry gash in the ground that singed just inches above the hostage's head. "I am the reason he attacked us, am I not? Allow me to show him the price for opposing the Lady of the Western Lands."

When she raised the sword over the tanuki, Sesshoumaru appeared instantly in front of her and took hold of her hand. "Let us first seek permission from Lord Shunsuke. He has the first right to punish this traitor."

"I..I," he stuttered. "Please allow me to handle this. I will see that all the traitors are publicly humiliated to ensure that no one will dare think to oppose the Western Lands again."

"Fine," Rin pouted, sheathing her sword as she stomped away.

"I was not aware that your mate had such a fire in her, Lord Sesshoumaru," Shunsuke commented as he watched her disappear.

"Hai, that is why I chose her," he said, summoning a soldier to release the prisoner.

"I am very sorry for the trouble my soldier have caused you. If I had any idea-"

"Hai," Sesshoumaru interrupted. "If you had any idea you would not have allowed them to do anything so foolish. But I warn you, Lord Shunsuke, should this happen again, my family will not be so kind."

Shunsuke swallowed hard, a sneaky suspicion telling him that Sesshoumaru knew more than he let on. "H-hai, Lord Sesshoumaru. I understand."

Sesshoumaru watched with amusement as Shunsuke and the servant scuttled hurriedly across the field. He was very sure that Shunsuke had participated in the war, probably teaming up with the rogue youkai to seize his lands and split it amongst them. The tanuki's nervous disposition only served to increase his suspicions. But letting Shunsuke off was better in the long run since the tanuki would affectively be forever in his debt.

"So," Rin leaned against him. "How did I do? Was I convincing?"

He looked down at her. "Too convincing. You have watched this Sesshoumaru entirely too closely."

"I do not know what you mean."


"Sesshoumaru?" She asked quietly.


"Is it over? Can we..." She trailed off.

..start a family? he finished for her. "Hai, Rin."


"Haha-ue! It move! Feel it?"

Rin smiled down at her son. "Hai, Makoto, Haha-ue felt it."

He pressed his ear to her stomach, golden eyes glowing in fascination as he waited for the pup inside her to move again. Rin watched her two year old with overwhelming pleasure, gently rubbing his head. He was just as excited as his parents to have another child on the way even though she knew his little mind still did not completely understand what it meant.

He sat up suddenly, ears twitching, and turned around. "Chichi-ue!"

Sesshoumaru caught the pup before he could attach himself to his leg and hauled him up. "Did you behave while I was gone?"


Rin shook her head at the silver-haired pair, telling her mate that their son had not behaved.

"It move, Chichi-ue," Makoto told him, pointing to his mother's belly.

"Hnn." Sesshoumaru sat next to Rin and wrapped his arm around her, allowing her to lean on him instead of the tree.

"Sesshoumaru," Rin warned.


"He's been doing that all day," she told him.

Sesshoumaru looked down at his son. "Doing what?"

"Hnn!" Makato responded cheerfully.

Rin rolled her eyes. "That."

A small, proud smile graced Sesshoumaru's lips. "Go play," he said, putting Makoto down.

Rin watched him chase after a bird and climb into a tree when it flew onto a branch. "Where does he get all that energy?"

"I wonder," he said, gently rubbing her pregnant belly.

She yawned and smiled innocently. "Guess we'll never know."

"Inuyasha and the miko should arrive soon."

"Good," she said, snuggling up to him and closed her eyes sleepily. "So should our baby."


She smiled, feeling his fingers tangle in her hair. "I know, Sesshoumaru. I love you too."

- - End - -


--/-- Iie:No --/-- Hai:Yes --/-- Tanuki:Raccoon dog --/-- Onegai:Please --/-- Nani:What --/-- Chichi-ue:Father --/-- Haha-ue:Mother --/--

Reviews for Chapter 29 and up:

Angels Heart 1622: I did reach 400, and its nice. I am amazed really, simply shocked. The popularity of this story has far exceeded my expectations.
Breaks are for losers.

Nightdancer200: In what I think would be Sess's words: Yoko is too insignificant to waste time killing.
I hope you don't think the name I made up for the sword and its attacks were too cheesy. I was really at a loss for what I could call it, and I also wanted it to resemble the names Tenseiga/Tetstusaiga in a way. Anywho, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting! I hope you're satisfied with the ending.

Blurry: No review quota here! I'm happy just to get 100, and that was some time ago. I'm just ecstatic, elated, and overjoyed to get 400! I appreciate your compliment, that really means a lot to me and motivates me on many levels. I am glad you have enjoyed this story.

Verona: I can see why you thought chapters 26-29 were boring/tedious, with everything going on. In a way though, I'm pleased with your reaction because you sincerely felt the tone of those last chapters. Nothing exciting went on for the characters, and thats exactly what I wanted to come across to my readers. I hope you enjoyed the rest of the story. More or less I made my deadline. I needed to be finished by the end of this month. I ran into some unexpected issues that pushed me back quite a bit, but at least I got it all up before I really get busy.
I really appreciate you criticism, so never feel bad for giving it, writer or not. How else am I supposed to improve? I'm sorry I've disappointed you. Truly you have been one of my favorite reviewers and I regret that the ending did not live up to your standards. But since ending the story this way was kind of a last minute decision, it is nice to know that I have still have areas in which I need to improve.
These last chapters might seem a bit rushed, but it was really only editing since they were already written. And I will admit that the editing was not as in depth as I would have liked, but due to time constraints, I really needed to get this story uploaded. I won't have internet for at least a weak and then I simply will not have time at all. So rushing was a much as you as it was for me, because I really needed to get it done.

SweetyPieRin: I can tell you are enjoying reading this story by the way you get so into it! I'm glad you find it entertaining.

DPM: Chocolate is great, everyone should have some, hehe. I'm glad you agree with the part of Rin explaining to Sess how she sees things. We all know he doesn't express much other than negative feelings, so it would be odd to see him do it on a regular basis, hehe. This story could have more life in regards to Shunsuke and Eiji, but I'm not quite ready, as a writer, to take go to that next level. I have never even attempted to explore the world of Sess/Rin after mating & having children. So no, this will not have a sequel, but I promise that I will keep the idea in mind.

Perfect Impression: Happy ended granted!

Bus Buddie: Inuyasha would not be Inuyasha if he was not over protective. And Sess is pretty protective himself, even though he has is own way of showing it. Thanks for reviewing!

Amelia: Improving my skills is definitely one of my top goals and I'm glad that you have seen it in my work. Thank you for your comment.

Thanks to my reviewers/readers: Purple Skye; Draechaeli; wannaslay88; bluediamond-hime; elohiniar; goldenskyblue22; JayAnn; Bonnie Black; crazy in love with sesshomaru1; Karite; Devon Masterson-Bond; LonelyInDarkness; some1 alone; Crimson Rayne

I am sorry for taking so long to update. When I was updating this weekend, I was doing it in between packing so I would not drive myself mad with editing. Then Sunday I took a break and went to a party and progress has been downhill from then. I hope every one is pleased with how it all ended, even the good and bad parts! Thank you ever so much for reading and commenting, and also for all the support you have given me. I will carry it with me forever and continue to work hard to bring you an even more astounding story, whenever that may be. I love you all!

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