Author's Note: This is it. The last chapter and epilogue. I hope that you've enjoyed reading this as much as I've loved writing it. This is NOT going to be my last Roswell story. Thank you so much for all of your support, your reviews, and your suggestions.

The first part is the "combustion" of Liz/Max. Afterwards the parts are split up into what I think of as "Flashes" of the future. I didn't want to write a chapter for each character, so I gave a small snip of what I wanted to hint at…you can put it together any way you want to (especially Cliffhangers or Candies). I don't want to argue, so in a way, you'll both be happy. Then of course, the epilogue. (That I'm keeping a secret.—You'll just have to read to the end.)

The military positions and expressions come from my time in H.S. Marching Band, but it's been a couple years, so go with it. Yes, I was a band geek! Let's also pretend that Liz didn't tell Max that she 'saved herself for him' at the end of "Departure". Okay? It's my prerogative. It' makes for a better story.

I just created a C2 Community called the REBEL ALLIANCE. I know, not an original name, but I hope to be able to archive all the Rebel stories on That way we (Rebels) can quickly find a really great story to read about our favorite couple. It's under my profile on Fanfiction dot net or Roswell C2 Community. If you know any stories which should be added and that I've missed, please just contact me with the "story ID" so that I can add it. My email is under the profile as well. Unfortunately, it will NOT let me archive any stories rated M or higher. –Maybe if the ratings change? (Drat). I thought it was a good idea, especially since the Roswell section does not have a character pull down menu for quicker searches.

Okay, on to the story...
She stared…her mouth forming a perfect smile, looking at the beautiful flowing wedding gowns displayed in the window of the town's bridal shop. Her thoughts immediately flew to Max, how happy he'd be if he'd see her wearing the gown as she walked down the aisle to meet him; become Mrs. Maxwell Evans. The minister's words as he announced them to the world, and of course, 'you may now kiss your bride.'

Her smile slowly slipped from her face, her eyes welling up with tears that she thought she'd already shed. It was just a daydream, a child's fantasy that would now never come to be. She'd thought that they would become friends again, after the fiasco she'd caused during Alex's 'funeral', after he forgot the hurtful words she flung at him; practically attacking him for being responsible for causing all the pain she felt after her friend's death. Now, all she felt was shame for attacking her friends. Max seemed to forgive her; they were back on speaking terms, but it wasn't the same. He didn't trust her anymore, didn't trust her not to turn on him or his family. She held a hand against her mouth, blinking back a tear that had escaped and trying not to sob right in front of a bridal shop. People would think she was out of her mind. Maxwell Evans had a family now—a loving wife who'd give up her very soul for her husband and a beautiful baby boy who'd grow up to adore his father.

They were starting to be friendly again, she'd thought. After all, she was the first person that he ran to after he'd discovered that the baby would be able to survive on Earth. They'd actually had a heart to heart about it and for an instant, she'd imagined that he loved her like he used to. But Michael—he said that he'd tell Max what she'd said to Tess.

Liz let a tear slide down her cheek, before quickly wiping it away as soon as she saw Max striding up to her. Panic filled her mind. "Max! What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Before she knew what had happened, Max shoved her back against the building, knocking the breath right out of her. Before she'd even had a chance to inhale, he was in her face, practically growling. "What did you do, Liz! Did you think that I wouldn't find out! WHY, liZ!"

Fear made her shrink back from him, "Max, I didn't—." He was so enraged, he didn't let her finish.

"YOU DIDN'T WHAT? YOU DIDN'T WHAT, LIZ? DIDN'T JUST STAND THERE YELLING AT TESS WHILE SHE WAS ALMOST DYING? WHILE MY SON ALMOST DIED!" He shouted, his face turning red, arms flying angrily around. Grabbing her by the shoulders, he shook her hard, pressing her back further into the concrete of the building until the back of her head hit the wall.

"Max, you're hurting me," Liz cried out, trying to get him to stop, to see reason.

Suddenly, like a flash Max was out of her face and on the ground, holding his bleeding nose. "Get your fcking hands off of her. What the hell do you think you're doing, Evans?"

Sean De Luca stood in front of Liz, hands balled into fists and ready to attack at any movement towards the woman he was protecting.

"It's none of your business De Luca! I'm talking to Liz!" Max yelled back as he jumped to his feet, shoving the guy into the wall of the building, his arm across his throat, blocking the flow of air into his lungs. Sean struggled against the choke-hold, but was unable to force Max's arm away. Liz started pounding on Max's back, now realizing the danger that they were both in. She'd feared his alien side since the moment that she'd discovered their secret; it was a fear that she'd tried to repress, forcing herself to believe that Max was just a human with an extraordinary gift. The way he was acting now…it was hard to think of him the same way.

She'd heard the sounds of a person running towards them, thinking that someone had seen the fight and was now trying to break it up, Liz made no move to turn her back on Max and Sean, expecting the person who'd run up to help pull Max off. So, when a hand pulled her away from Max and push her to the ground, it stunned her completely, leaving her speechlessly staring at Michael Guerin's snarling face. He growled at her, before returning to Max and removing him from Sean by grabbing him across the chest, trapping his arms to his sides until Max stopped fighting.

Michael struggled to hold Max; to keep him from truly killing the now gasping Sean De Luca. He'd held him tightly, not letting him go until he'd felt the fight die down in his best friend. As soon as Michael judged the fight to be over, he released him gently, patting him on the shoulder.

Liz just stared at them with wide eyes, not really knowing what had gotten into Max. She thought that he'd been completely out of control! Like a rabid animal in a way, and that scared her more than anything else in the world. "MICHAEL!" She screamed, as Michael, who'd she'd thought had come to stop the fight, finished it by punching Sean out cold, leaving his unconscious body lying on the cold concrete before turning towards her. Liz rushed to her feet, but was caught around the waist before she could run away. She fought by kicking, screaming, and biting. He didn't even seem to feel her blows as he lifted her over his shoulder and carried her away, Max silently following behind him.

A couple people rushed up to them as they were walking, but a look from both Michael and Max sent them scurrying away to call the Sheriff as they realized that the boys were dangerous.

Sheriff Valenti's Office

Sheriff Valenti looked at his phone in disbelief. In the last twenty minutes, he'd gotten a half a dozen calls claiming that Maxwell Evans and Michael Guerin had kidnapped the Parker girl and practically murdered Sean De Luca. They had added their own suspicions as well: the boys were doing drugs, selling virgins to gigolos on the internet, were involved in an FBI manhunt, and, Valenti's personal favorite, their bodies had been taken over by aliens. That one was too close to the truth for his comfort.

Grabbing his hat, he'd rushed to the door, stopping short as it opened. The suspects in question walked in, stone-faced and hard. Valenti had never seen them look—there was no other way to describe it—like mercenaries or soldiers of war. Michael had a struggling Liz Parker over his shoulder, biting his lip to keep from groaning at her blows to his back.

"Guerin! Let her go! RIGHT NOW!" Valenti yelled. He blinked back in surprise that Michael had actually let her go, gently placing her in the chair across from his desk, before standing behind her in a "parade rest" (arms crossed behind the back with the legs slightly spread apart) position. "What the hell is going on? Do you know that people are reporting you for assault and kidnapping? You both better be able to give me a good explanation, because I have no idea what story to come up with that'll make people forget about this! Never mind that Sean De Luca's throat has swelled up enough that he has to be kept on oxygen and anti-inflammatory medicine! What the hell did you do!"

Max stared though the sheriff, not answering—not even blinking. The only part of his body that was moving was his lip as it quivered in quiet rage. Michael didn't move either, instead turning his body to face Parker. "Fine! Neither of you has anything to say. How about you, Liz? What's your involvement in this?" Valenti moved to sit at his desk, crossing his arms across his chest as he waited for her to answer him.

Liz's mouth flew open, "ME? I didn't do anything! Max just went crazy and started beating up on Sean! Sean was just protecting me!"

Valenti questioned, "Protect you from what?"


"Max?" His voice took on a sharp tone of disbelief, "Why would Sean protect you from Max?" He stared at the man in question. No one answered. "Max? Why would Sean need to protect Liz from you?"

Max finally blinked, licking his lips before he answered, his voice even and fluid, "Because at that moment," he bitterly stared at Liz in open disgust, "I probably would've killed her."

If Valenti hadn't been sitting down, he knew that he probably would've fallen. Liz's face turned ash, blood flowing out of her face as she heard her first love confess that he wanted to kill her. She stood up quickly, trying to run away, but Michael forced her back into the chair with one hand and a murderous look.

Valenti stood up; he grabbed Michael, pulling him away from the terrified girl. "Michael," he told him, "Go home! I want to speak to Max and Liz alone." Michael's body became a straight rod, refusing to be thrown out of the room.

Max held up a hand, erecting a green force field that blocked both Michael and Valenti from descending upon Liz. He strode towards her, cocking his head to the side. She flew out of the chair, only to run into the field. It flung her down to the ground.

"You're not leaving here." Max said simply, yet sharply, "Not until I get my answers. You never answered me. Why? Why would you try to hurt Tess after everything that she's been through?"

Still on the ground, she flinched at the sound of his voice, "I didn't, Max. I swear that I didn't try to hurt her. I didn't know that she was hurt. I swear that I would've gotten help if I'd known. I swear it to you, Max."

His voice became harsh, blunt, "I'm not talking about THAT! Tess's labor was so quick that even she didn't know that she was in labor until it was too late. I want to know why you accused her of stealing me from you! YOU were the one who wanted out! You wanted out so badly that you cheated on me with Kyle—after I found you both naked in bed! So, Liz, why?"

Valenti and Michael's mouths flew open. "KYLE!" His son's name flew from his lips. Valenti stared at Liz, "You had sex with my son!"

Max shot the two men a look, "NOT NOW!" The field grew in intensity as he got angrier. Turning towards Liz again, he waited to hear her answer.

Liz's entire body shook, not with fear, but with anger. She launched herself off the ground, reminding herself that she wasn't a little girl. "I did it for YOU! Everything that I did was for you and the future!" She started crying, "I can't believe that you think that I'd try to hurt you in any way. I wish that—NO, I can't tell you. Hell, you probably wouldn't believe me anyway. You think that I'm out to ruin your perfect life by existing. That I'd hurt an innocent baby just because I'm jealous of Tess! God, how thick are you? YOU ARE NOT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE!"

He step closer to her, forcing her against the wall again. "TELL ME! TELL ME WHY, LIZ!"

Her sobs got deeper, "I can't!" She tried to go around him, again stopped by the force field. "LET ME GO, MAX!"

"NO! I want to know! You've been hiding something from me—I want to know what it is! NOW!"

Liz's mouth turned up, disgusted and defeated. "Fine. Fine, Max. You want to know, then I'll tell you. The night that you caught me with Kyle…I never slept with him. It was an act; an act to make you fall out of love with me. I begged him to help me make it look like we'd just had sex, but we never did. I planned it so that you'd see us naked in bed."

The force field burst off, leaving Max tiredly staring at the girl in front of him. "You did what? Why would you do that? I loved you…" Max whispered, now completely confused.

"I had to," Liz gasped out in between heaving sobs as she tried to catch her breath, "they would've died if I hadn't."

Michael, who'd been listening intently besides Valenti, motioned for her to continue.

"Michael…Isabel. They would've died. You told me yourself Max. In the future, we were together…Me and you. We were married and I was your wife. Tess had left Roswell, left you because you ignored her—ignored your destiny with her. So, instead of fighting with you, she left. And you spent your life with me. The only problem with that is that Kivar—he knew that all of you were weak without Tess. He sent an army to kill you. Except Michael and Isabel died before you did. The future version of you was able to use the Granilith to travel through space. He—you came to me. It was you Max. You begged me to help you. Said that if Tess wasn't with you—everyone would die and that I had to help you fall out of love with me. THAT'S WHY, MAX! THAT'S WHY!" With that said, she ran out of Valenti's office.

Michael moved to stop her, but was caught by Max. "Let her go, Michael." Max's face was grey. Closing his eyes, the only thing that he could do is breathe. Valenti backed up until the back of his legs hit the couch, then slid down so that he was sitting. Turning his face towards the ceiling, Valenti just blinked in disbelief.

Michael was less confident that she was telling the truth, "Max! Don't tell me that you actually believe that crazy story. Liz has been sniffing extra strength industrial cleaner at work again."

Max opened his eyes to look at his friend, "No, Michael. She hasn't. I believe her."

Valenti asked the question on everyone's mind, "What do you want to do, Max? If you believe her…God, Max! Tess is my daughter now! I won't have you break her heart and leave her with the baby for Liz Parker!"

Max looked at his "almost father-in-law", "NO! Tess is my destiny. I know that. Liz…she did the right thing. We—Liz and I were never meant to be together. My future is with Tess and my son. Nothing will change that. I won't let it." He let out a breath, slouching to sit besides Valenti, "Liz will have to understand that, somehow. I don't love her anymore. I never thought that I could say that, but Liz's plan worked. I've fallen out of love with Elizabeth Parker and completely in love with Tess. She's my wife. This wedding is just for show. She's always been my wife and will always be my destiny—forever."

(This is the snippet part…I hope that you understand why I had to be brief.)

West Roswell General Hospital

Liz sat besides Sean's hospital bed, helping him by scooping up a couple ice cubes into his mouth. "How are you feeling?"

Sean smiled at her, "Peachy keen. He didn't hurt you, did he?" His voice was a croak.

Running her hands through her hair, she shook her head, "No, Sean. Max didn't hurt me. He was just upset, that's all. Everything's fine now. I—I'm not going to see him again." Biting her lip as it shook, "I've been really stupid, Sean. I thought that I could have it both ways, you know. I thought that we could still be friends and it's only now that I discover—we were never friends. I mean, I thought that I KNEW him, but I was wrong. We—we just were never meant to be together. He belongs with Tess; he always has. And I--," she stared at the young man holding her hands, "I don't know where I belong anymore. I just know that it's not here; not in Roswell, and not with Max Evans."

Sean, unable to speak at the moment, just pulled her to his chest, letting her cry against his shoulder while he rubbed her back. She rested against him, comforted by his gentleness and understanding. It felt right somehow, letting all the tension drain away, until she fell asleep in his arms; she felt loved and wanted—finally.

Evans' House

Michael stood in front of the Evans' doorway. Maria wasn't home; her mother had taken her on a road trip to get supplies for the alien convention that week. Max was finishing up the apartment. Tess, of course, was busy with the baby. So, he thought, there really wasn't anywhere else to go but to Isabel.

Gingerly, he forced his legs to climb the two steps to the door. Liz had done a number on his back—the bruises that she left reminded him of Hank. They were memories that he truly wished to forget. Taking a breath, he rang the doorbell.

Mrs. Evans answered the door, barely saying hello before shouting for Isabel and turning to rush towards the kitchen. Isabel came out from the kitchen, her face covered with flour. "Hi Michael. Sorry about my mom. She's going crazy making desserts for the wedding. And I'm going crazy trying to keep up with her."

She smiled at him, before she started making faces at her mother; funny how her smile could make him forget all his problems.

Outside Roswell (by the "Welcome to Roswell" sign)

Thomas Collins and his new wife, Ava turned to look at the small town of Roswell one more time before smiling happily at each other. They would miss everyone, of course; they'd always remember their dearest friends and family. But Roswell was the past.

Now was the time to start their new future; to start their new life in New York City as husband and wife.

With one last look, they drove away from the small town.

Valenti House

Kyle sat on the couch watching the local college basketball game that was airing. With any luck, he'd be on that team next year.

Jim stared at his son from behind him, shaking his head at the 'sound effects' that Kyle was making as he watched the game. He walked in front of his son, and ignoring Kyle's attempts to look past him, shut the television off. Sitting down on the coffee table, he rubbed a hand over his face.

Kyle looked at him, not knowing whether to be upset that his father had turned of the television or that his father was nervous. "Dad, are you okay?" The second reason won out.

Jim cleared his throat, "Kyle, something has come to my attention. I know that this has been a long time coming and that you probably have heard most of this from the guys in the locker room, but I wouldn't be a good father if I didn't ask."

Kyle just stared at his father as if he had three heads, "Huh?"

Jim groaned, "Kyle! I'm trying to talk to you about…well, about—sex. Okay, there I said it." Kyle's eyes grew twice their normal size as he took in a gasping breath.

Max and Tess's apartment

Max walked slowly behind Tess, his hands covering her eyes and being especially careful to guide her to the doorway, especially since their son was in her arms.

"Okay, Tess," he whispered into her ear, "You can open your eyes now."

She gasped, a hand flying to her mouth while the other gently rocked Zan, "Oh, my god! Max! This is perfect. It's so beautiful. Thank you." She kissed his lips quickly, wanting to rush in to see everything in their new place.

He stopped her before she crossed the threshold. "Tess—wait. It's tradition." She looked at him, not understanding at first, then laughing as he reached down to pick her up (the baby still in her arms) in order to carry her and Zan into their new home.

"Oh, Max," she whispered in between kisses, "I can't believe that we're getting married tomorrow. I'm so happy. I love you."

He kissed her back, "I love you too. Zan looks tired, maybe we should let him sleep…what do you think, my queen?" Her giggles were the only answer he needed as he let her put their son down before introducing her to their bedroom.

Somewhere in the desert

"MOM! Come on! I can't believe that you got us lost!" Maria groaned.

Amy De Luca shot her daughter a look, "We are NOT lost, Maria. We're taking a detour, that's all. Catching the sites."

Maria huffed, "What sites? We're in the desert! Oh, god. We're going to miss the wedding, I just know it. That dress that I spent the last three paychecks on will never be worn…"

"Oh, Maria. Stop being pessimistic! Oh, look—See, I've seen that rock before." She pointed out a rock, "Remember? 'Cause it looks like a man's…" Her head snapped to look at her daughter. "You better not know what that rock looks like!"

Maria looked sickened, "Ewww. Mom!"

"Maria, I'm serious--."


Tess stared at herself in the mirror, remembering the last time she'd stared at herself so intently. It was right before she realized that she and Max were having a baby. Now two months later, she stared at herself again. She'd become a mother—now, she was about to become Max's wife. A feeling of peace came over her.

Jim knocked on the door. He was dressed up in a tuxedo and looked incredibly handsome. His mouth flew open as he looked at her, his eyes becoming cloudy. "Tess," he breathed, "You look…" Blinking back tears, he just kissed her forehead.

"Thanks, Dad." They both giggled, as he walked her out of the bridal suite to meet her husband on the other end of the church aisle.

The doors opened, the music began to play. Tess would've loved to say that she remembered what the church, hall, or reception looked like. The thing was the only memory she had was the memory of Max standing in front of her, repeating their ancient vows in English to her as she repeated hers him, and, of course, the kiss. She'd never, ever forget their first kiss as husband and wife.


Antar (Royal Council's Chambers)

Kivar kneeled down, "Your honor", bowing before Head Council Minor before addressing the rest of the council assembled. Gathering his thoughts, he spoke as he'd rehearsed, "This council has been convened for one reason: an atrocious claim has been made against me by a fellow member of the council. As we all stand here, discussing this claim, our world in under attack! I am the acting King. I am only doing what is best for our world. Do you think that His Highness cares about you? Your families? He has been on Earth for nearly a half a century—he makes no attempt to return to his world--."

"As if you would allow that, Kivar!" Larek stood from his seat in the council. "And you know as well as I do that they have only been re-animated for thirteen years. It's taken them that long to discover their true identities! You've made numerous attempts to prevent them from returning. And now—you've attempted to kidnap the heir to the throne." The rest of the council gasped. "Yes. The king and queen have a son! They only need the Granilith to return to their power; their rein. What do you say about that?"

Kivar gasped in faked shock, "Larek, you were the King's most trusted friend. I feel for your attempt to bring his current state into light, but the KING HAS ABANDONED HIS ROLE!" He spoke loudly. "I, in no way, have tried to prevent the king from returning. I do not have the power to even attempt such a task. He is after all, the king. I am merely—."

"YOU are MERELY NOTHING, Kivar!" Larek shouted back.

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" Head Council Minor roared. "Larek, you will return to your quarters and make no attempt to contact his highness until ordered by the Council. We will decide what is best for the people of this world."

Larek walked out, as he was ordered. Every bone in his body was tingling in suspense. He knew Kivar was up to something; something dangerous. He could feel it. If he disobeyed the council, he would be executed for treason against the state the state being the council. Memories of Zan and their childhood together flashed through his head. "I have to warn him," Larek whispered to himself.

"No, you're really not gonna get the chance, man."

Larek's eyes widened as he recognized the voice behind him. He spun around quickly, just in time to feel the scorching pain of a plasma burst rip through his body. As he died, the image of her pretty face; the last face he'd ever see was burned into his mind's eye. Using the last drop of energy he had left in his body, he sent one word telepathically to his human host. As he died, he could only hope that the message would be given to His or Her Highness.

Kivar walked out the Chamber, an evil smile on his face and his finger on the trigger.

His lover walked up from behind the main pillar, grabbing him around the waist and kissing him passionately, trailing her hands the length of his body then pressing against him. He groaned, pulling away from her as he mumbled into her ear, "I've lost my patience with these idiots. My time will be better spent with you—in my bed. What do you think, princess? Do you want the honors?" Handing her the remote, his eyes lit up at the shear joy in which she pushed the control.

The chamber exploded in a red hot burst; death was a promise to anyone trapped in the surrounding flames. They both watched as the flames shot out of the room, the burning bodies and screams only turned them on further. Her breath came out in shallow gasps, her chest heaved as she flung herself at Kivar. Racking her nails down his body, she ripped his clothing off, licking, biting and kissing the exposed skin. He laughed as her tongue tickled his ear.

"I'm so glad that I got rid of Rath. He was starting to bore me."

Kivar smiled, "He should've known better. Vilandra takes no prisoners and leaves no survivors. Isn't that right, princess?"

Lonnie smiled, "You got that right, baby."

Roswell (UFO Center)

"Arrgg." Brody fell out of his chair, screaming. It felt like his brain was to pour out of his ears; the pain unimaginable for a few seconds. He didn't know how long he lay on the hard cold ground, it seemed like forever.

Just as sudden as it started, the pain melted away, making Brody wonder if the pain hadn't just been in his imagination. Reaching for his chair, he lifted himself off the ground, but forced himself to stop as the room started spinning. Holding his hand against his head to keep himself steady, he gasped in surprise finding his hand wet from blood pouring from his nose. It didn't last long, quickly clotting.

He pulled his hand away, wiping the blood on a towel that he'd thrown in a desk drawer, not noticing the silver drop of metal that had fallen out of his nose. (That part was from Steven Spielberg's Taken…I thought it was a good idea.) In the same drawer, he pulled a bottle of aspirin popping four of them into his mouth and swallowing them without water.

Once the dizziness had gone away, he pulled himself to his chair, doing nothing but breathing and thinking.

"What the hell was that?" Brody wondered. He rubbed his forehead, closing his eyes. Something was there…it was right in front of him. He just needed to grasp it.

His eyes flew open, "Vilandra! That's it. I remember…Vilandra." His skin was becoming red from the rubbing, sweat forming on his forehead. "Who is Vilandra? And why the hell does that seem familiar?"

He rested his head against the back of the chair, breathing heavily at the remembered pain.

Max walked in wearing what Brody called his "newlywed smile" at that moment calling out that he was ready to get the new UFO display started. His smile faded as he stared at his boss who looked like he was having a heart attack.

"Brody," Max ran up to kneel in front of him, "Are you alright?"

Brody's eyes opened, "Hi Max. Yeah… I'm alright." His voice was weak; Max didn't believe him.

"What happened?"

"I—It hurt, I don't remember it hurting before. Something…It doesn't make any sense, Max. I don't know." Brody's face turned white, his eyes starting to roll into his head as he fainted.

Max grasped his chin, forcing him to look up and stay conscious. "Someone hurt you? BRODY! Stay awake. Come on." Max slapped his cheek.

One of Brody's eyes opened, his mouth forming a word, but breaking before he could get it out. Taking a deep breath, he tried again, licking his lips, "Vilandra." He whispered before completely blanking out.

Max held him, cushioning his descent to the ground. "Vilandra?" His eyes widened.

"LONNIE! She's alive!"


So, how'd you like?

I can't believe that I finally finished this story! Yay! Thank you so much for your support and reviews. (Hopefully, I'll be starting my new one soon.)

Did the entire thing with the Council and Kivar/Lonnie make sense? (Please let me know, I'll re-write it if it doesn't make sense.)

I just loved Lonnie. She was the opposite of Isabel, which appealed to me, because there are times when Isabel is just too perfect (like the perfect daughter, etc). She was evil though… So, oh well. I still like her character.

I know, I left it hanging. (I don't think that I'm going to write a sequel. I wanted to leave it hanging like that. You know, keep the story alive in YOU. Wondering how the fight against evil is going. Sorta like the "Angel" finale…And what I've heard about the "Roswell" Finale too.) But if I get a good idea and enough feedback, I may be persuaded to change my mind.

So, please let me know what you think of this story. Is it a keeper?