- Author: Sensue (Website: www(dot)sensue(dot)net/)
- Summary: This is my first Roswell fic. AU: I really didn't like how season 2 of Roswell ended, so I'm rewriting it. Tess is my favorite character and I hated how they turned her into a murdering monster. This story takes place right after "Departure."

- Pairing: T/M, M/M, etc. (The rest are surprises.)

- Warning: Do not read this story if you want a Liz/Max 'shipper or if you hate Tess and/or Tess/Max. I don't want hate mail. (I'm entitled to my opinions.)

- Disclaimer: I don't own them…If I did, I'd be nicer to Tess.

- Thanks To: Didi, author of "What is the Truth?" - who inspired me to write "Departure" my way.

- Rating: TV-14

- Thoughts (Italic)


(1 week after "Departure"; Undisclosed Area)

It dark and quiet. Some may think that it was peaceful, like the few minutes before you drift off to sleep, warm and safe in your own bed.

For Alex Whitman, there was no peace for him anymore; there never would be again. Though, he thought, it was much better before they had brought her here, brought her here for him to care for until she died or her baby died.

Now her moans and cries were torturing him for there really wasn't anything that he could do for her, not in this chillingly empty room.

He moved her off of his lap for a few minutes, and then got up off the cold ground to stretch before moving over to the large mirror.

Rage and helplessness over took him as he started banging on the unbreakable barrier for what he believed was the millionth time since he'd been captured.

"Damn you! Let us out of here! We didn't do anything! Let us go, you bastards! Can't you see she's going to die if she doesn't get out of here! Let her go, then! Keep me, but let her go!" Alex screamed until fire could've erupted from his throat.

The rage melted as Tess Harding's moans grew louder. She clutched at her pregnant belly, trying to arch off the ground to relieve some of the discomfort. Alex quickly crawled back over to her, gently lifting her back so that she rested against his legs.

She opened her eyes for a moment, they were hopeful, but as she gazed past him to search the room to search for her love, her husband, the hope dimmed. Once she discovered that she was without him, they turned clinical and cold. Yet, every morning she clung to the hope; she'd wait forever for him, just as she promised.

Alex understood about her coldness. For until they found a way to escape or they were rescued, it was the only way to survive. They kidnapped him in Las Cruces right after he'd finished translating the book for Tess, throwing him in this room to rot for months until Tess had 'arrived.' The bastards had kidnapped Tess out of her own home, her own bed, after they discovered that she was pregnant, weak, and unable to fight them. Kidnapped her right after the pain had started and Max had left her with Valenti.

Tess asked quietly, "Did they come in again?" He nodded yes. "Did you tell them anything?"


"Good," harshness edged the single word. "I'll never tell them!" She looked at me with desperation, "Don't tell them, Alex! Don't tell them anything! They'd only use it to hurt the others."

Alex promised, as he always promised her. Even if she didn't ask, he would never tell them anything. No matter how many times they beat him, tied him down, shined lights into his eyes or drugged him. He wouldn't risk Isabel or his friends' lives.

He harshly wiped at his face at the memories. It wouldn't help their situation to cry and fall apart.

After Tess had fallen into a painful sleep, he glared at the two-way mirror. He knew that they were behind it, after months of captivity, he could sense it.

Behind that mirror, a man smiled darkly, staring at his captives. It wouldn't be long now. It was all working out as planned.

Soon, he thought, soon. The smile grew as he pictured Max's face, defeated once again.

The sound of the door opening jarred him from his thoughts.

A mouse-y little woman walked in head down, yet her voice low and deliberate with a New York accent. "I did what you told me to. Max and the others believed me. Now, please, take this off of me," she held out her thin wrist that contained the silver band that prevented her from using her abilities and sent a jolt of electricity through her when she didn't obey. That bound her to them.

He just smiled and looked at the door behind her as men came in, hands on their weapons.

Fear permeated the room, as the woman pleaded, "No, no. You promised, you promised that if I tricked Max, you'd let me go." She cried, thinking that she missed her chance to control them when they'd temporarily disable the band for her to 'do her trick' and to deceive Kyle and Max into believing that Tess had murdered Alex. But they threatened to kill Alex, Tess, and the baby if she fought against them, so she had no choice.

The man became harsh, his voice loud enough to cut steel, "I will let you go when you are no longer of use to me. The only reason you're still alive now is that I might need your pretty little face again, my queen," he spoke sarcastically as he caressed her cheek with a gloved hand. He turned towards his men, "Take her away! Put her in the cell with the other two. Let Ava tell them that their friends think Alex is dead and that their Queen is a murderer. It'll make them easier to break, knowing that no one will come for them; Then, I'll make them tell me where the Granolith is."

Ava's screams echoed through the hall until the sounds of a falling body being shoved down to the ground and the metal clang of the door sealing shut recreated the earlier quiet.

Forever Waiting

(Evans' home. Roswell, NM)

Isabel Evans woke up in a sweat every night since Tess left. Nightmares about Alex's murder still haunted her. She pulled out the picture of her and Alex from Prom and gazed at his face, wishing that he was there with her. How could that bitch kill him? She cursed at Tess; first, she killed Alex, brainwashed Kyle into helping her drag his body, and then she slept with Max to get pregnant. Tess destroyed everything and everyone, Isabel thought, she killed Max's spirit when she took away his son and she killed mine when she killed Alex.

Her brother walked around in shock this whole week, as if he truly couldn't believe what he'd heard Tess confess to them all. That she killed Alex, that her plan was to get pregnant, go home, and deliver the three of them to Kivar, their enemy. The only thing that occupied Max's thoughts and dreaming was getting back his son. No matter how hard she tried to tell him that Tess wasn't even on this planet, and that the Granolith was now in the hands of their enemy, the more determined Max became.

Their parents were starting to worry about them both. They made the counseling sessions mandatory and forced her to go with her brother; still believing the reason that they had both changed was due to Alex's accidental death.

There was no refuge for them; not at home, where Alex used to come over and watch movies with her; not at the Crashdown, where the group of them hung out daily; or even school, where Alex's pictures were hung up all over school as a memorial.

Shaking her head free of Alex, Isabel got out of bed to get ready for the new day. Once she was dressed, she walked down to the kitchen, plastered on a fake smile for her parents then sat next to Max while they all had breakfast.

Diane Evans was now trying out her new recipe for potato pancakes, and she asked them how they like it. Everyone had told her that it was tasty, except Max. Max hadn't said a word since she'd seen him, and was now just staring at the salt and peppershakers on the table. She nudged him under the table with her foot. He looked up and finally noticed that his parents were shooting him concerned glances.

"I'm sorry, Mom? Did you ask me something? I was just thinking about this math problem that I have to figure out."

Diane answered, "Oh, well, is it something that your father and I can help you solve?"

Max strained to smile, "No, it's that calculus stuff that you both hate. I'll just go over to Liz's after school and see if she can tutor me. Okay?"

"Oh, sure, honey. But don't forget about your appointment, alright? You too, Issy."

"We won't, Mom." Max and Isabel answered together, just as they had always as small children.

Max stood up suddenly, then grabbed his sister's hand, "Sorry, we're going to be late. I forgot that we have an early morning meeting with the science club and we've both been thinking about joining it. So, we've got to go now in order to make it there on time. Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad. Have a great day at work." He kissed his mother's cheek as he pulled Isabel out the door.

Once they were away from prying eyes, Isabel spoke, "Max, what the hell was that about? Mom and Dad are already freaked out as it is--."

"I can't sit there anymore, Issy. I can't put on a fake smile and act like everything is okay, when my son is out there somewhere. That's all I can think of. You know, if he's okay…without me, with a father."

Isabel wrapped her arms around him, and then rested her head against his. "He'll be born soon, won't he? Tess said that alien pregnancies usually last a month. So, we'll just have to hope that wherever he'll be, he'll be safe."

"Yeah…I hope so too. Isabel, could you do me a favor?" He waited until she nodded. "Could you cover for me at school? I can't think of schoolwork right now, I'm going to the UFO Center to see what Brody has figured out about the 'UFO' sighting. Maybe he's finally figured out the trajectory of our ship, huh?"

UFO Center

Max walked inconspicuously towards the Employees Only master control room, the room that contained a very powerful computer with the most up-to-date UFO information on the planet.

As he neared, he heard Brody humming through the closed door. Walking through the door, he acted surprised to see Brody tapping away on the computer. "Oh, hey, Brody. What're you working on? That UFO that was reported a week ago?"

Brody didn't even take his eyes off the screen as he answered, "Hey, Max. Yeah…I'm still working on it. I've been working on it since it was sighted, and the more I work on it, the more disappointed I am."

Max pulled up another chair and sat besides him. "What do you mean, Brody? I thought that this was it. You know, unequivocal proof that UFOs exist."

Brody ran a hand through his hair and started huffing. "I know! I mean, that's what it looked like, you know. It looked like a UFO. But after researching it for the last week, it seems more and more like an experimental airplane or helicopter or spaceship than a UFO. There are lots of army bases around here. Maybe the government is working on something." He leaned back in his chair, pointing at the plotted trajectory.

"Look at that Max. The thing never left Earth. It went in a bloody circle. See," he indicated the point of origin, "this is where it took off. It was in the desert, the site of the crash in Roswell, Pullman's Ranch. That's why I originally assumed it to be a UFO." His finger followed the calculated path of the ship, "But the, whatever it was, went so high that it went into the Earth's orbit, traveled the entire path, and then landed or docked back in the same spot that it took off, three days later. Then the thing disappears completely off radar, like it never existed. I went there, Max. There's absolutely no trace of the thing. I mean, I was expecting tire tracks, skid marks, something, anything, that would mean that they transferred it back to the base. But I found nothing, not a single trace of it."

Max stared back at Brody and then the computer screen, completely floored. "What?"

"Yeah, I know exactly! It took me a week to accept it. It's not a UFO." Brody moved his arm across Max's shoulders and started rubbing them. "It's all right to be upset, Max. I know that you're as disappointed as I am. It's a hard thing to accept, but just because it wasn't a UFO this time, doesn't mean that we'll never get the truth out. It just means that it'll take a little bit longer." Max looked up at him, still in a daze. "Ya know, now that I think about it, it probably wasn't a UFO to begin with, 'cause they never abducted me this time. I mean, every time an unexplained event occurs, the aliens abduct me. Hah, wish I thought of that before I spent the last week locked up in here working on the blasted computer only to come up with nothing."

Shaking himself free of his stupor, Max stood up suddenly, knocking off Brody's arm. "Oh, sorry, Brody. I got so involved that I forgot that I have an English midterm at noon. I have to go and cram. Thanks for showing me that Brody. I hope that you do get your proof someday."

With that, Max practically flew out the door and ran to the Crashdown Café where Michael worked as the cook. He didn't know why, it was probably a remnant of his past memories, but it was of the essence that he tell his second-in-command of this news as soon as, pardon the expression, humanly possible.

Crashdown Café

Michael was having a boring day. It was mid afternoon and the Crashdown Café was empty, except for Mr. Parker in the back office with the payroll and the morning waitress taking a 'power nap' in the break room. He unenthusiastically cleaned the counters for the fifth time that morning, glaring at the spot of mustard that seemed to be permanently glued there.

The doors suddenly flew open and Max ran in. The second Max crashed through the doors, Michael knew. He didn't know the details, obviously, but he knew that whatever Max was going to tell him would change everything.

"Max! What's wrong? Where's Isabel?" Michael pulled off the apron to rush over to his friend, his brother, believing that something had happened.

Max, out of breath, gasped, "Michael, we have to go—We have to go to the ship—."

Michael grasped his shoulders, trying to keep him from collapsing, "Max, you're not making any sense. Tess stole the ship and went home, wherever the hell that is. How are we going to go to the ship--."

"Michael, just listen. The ship never left Earth. It's back. It's been here this entire time. It just went through orbit and then landed back." Max pushed off Michael's arms, "We have to go now! We have to see if it's there. We can't wait, Michael. We can't wait for anyone."

Michael rubbed at his chin, "Damn it. Alright, we'll go. Let me tell Mr. Parker that I'm going home sick, okay?" With that, Michael practically crawled into the back office, moaning.

Max could hear Michael beg off, playing sick. Once Michael walked out of the office, he straightened up and grabbed his jacket, "Alright, Max. Let's go."

Walking out of the Crashdown, Michael could swear that everyone could hear his loudly beating heart, for it was in his throat.

Tess is still on Earth.

Crash Site

Michael had never seen Max so determined as they ran to what they believed to still be the opening of their ship. Max never hesitated as he placed his hand against the rock. As it usually did, the area started to glow until the door was revealed.

They both stared in quiet shock as they stood at the doorway. "I'm sorry, Maxwell."

Max took his eyes off the ship to look into his friend's eyes, "Sorry? What for, Michael?"

Taking a deep breath, he held out his hand for Max, "I didn't believe you. I thought that you'd snapped. That you were just dreaming about the ship, but you were right. So, I'm sorry for doubting you."

Max smiled; it was a small one, but the first real one since the entire ordeal. He shook the hand that was offered. "Yeah, well, don't do it again."

As they walked in, Michael breathed back, "yeah. So Tess is still here. She's still on Earth. Shit! Max, I thought that you told me that the baby can't survive on this planet."

"I know. I can't believe that Tess would be willing to risk the baby, Michael. No, listen, I know that you think Tess is heartless, but I was with her when we found out that the baby was dying and it was killing her. She loves the baby as much as I do, so that means, wherever she is, she's in trouble. I mean, Michael, none of us know how to use the Granolith. What if it, I don't know, ran out of gas, or Tess didn't know how to steer it or something?" It sounded desperate even for Max's own ears.

No matter how many times Maria would tell him that he was clueless, he still caught onto that. "Yeah, you maybe right, Maxwell. So, what do we do? We have to find her before it's too late."

"So, what exactly are you saying, Max? That Tess never left the planet? That's she's somewhere wandering around, perhaps dying?" Sheriff James Valenti's voice rose.

"Dad, lay off. Yeah, that's what he's saying. She got away with murder." Kyle, Jim's son, argued, bitter about Tess's betrayal. He kicked the dirt ground. "She was a sister to me and she used me to help carry Alex's body. She brainwashed me, Dad. I mean, she could've acted like she was sick. How're we supposed to know? Now, she's probably living it large somewhere, laughing about it."

Liz and Maria, who were standing besides him, nodded. "Kyle's right, Max. You can't trust her," Liz warned, "remember, she killed Alex. What's to stop her from killing all of us? She's stronger than all of you; she killed off the Skins with just her mind. Imagine what she could do, Max."

Maria seconded her, "I completely agree with Liz. There's no way that I'm trusting that lying, murdering bitch again."

"Listen to me! She wasn't faking it. I FELT MY SON DYING! If she stays on this planet, he'll die. I know that you're all furious at Tess. I am too, but I also have to think of my son. We have to find Tess! I'm not asking, I'm telling you that we are going to find Tess. If you want to help, help, otherwise, get out of my way!" Max shouted, shaking with pent up emotion. Once he made his point clear, he walked away from them.

Isabel, Michael, and Valenti followed him immediately. They needed to find Tess just as much as Max did. Maria looked at Liz sadly, "I have to go with Michael, I'm sorry, Liz." She ran to join the others.

Two lone figures stood on the edge of the cliff, staring as the sun went down. "Max," Liz cried out sadly, his name echoing through the canon, unanswered.

A hand pulled Max to a stop, "Max, we've been yelling at you to slow down for the past ten minutes. Where are you going? We can't just charge in without a plan; we don't know where Tess is. We don't even know if she's still alive."

"I know that Michael. I just—I don't know, I feel her, inside. I somehow know that she's alive. I don't even know if it's real, but I can feel her and she's so weak now. It's getting harder—I can't explain, I just know that we have to hurry." As he spoke, Isabel and Valenti caught up to them.

Isabel spoke calmly, remembering, "Tess, she said that once." Gaining control of his emotions, Max asked her what she meant. "When Agent Pierce captured you and we weren't sure if you were still alive…Tess said that you weren't and that she would feel it if you were. We'll maybe it works both ways, you know? Maybe, you could send her a message."

Valenti had been listening intently, "It's a risk, boys and girls," he held out a hand before Max could argue, "Now, I know what you've been saying Max. Yes, Tess is sick; she could be dying. But she's also a cold-blooded murdered, who I consider worse than even Nasedo because she killed a close friend. If we contact her, she may run off, or worse, come back to finish us."

"I don't think I like that idea. I'm happy alive," Maria said worriedly. Michael stepped closer to hold her. He patted her back, but never answered. His gaze was solidly with Max's. He would do whatever Max decided this time, no matter what the result. Looking at Isabel, he knew that she felt the same way.

Max stared at the now night sky, surprised at how fast it had gotten dark. Looking up at the brightly shinning stars, he spotted the 'V' constellation. Darkly, he noticed that one of the stars was out of alignment, so only four stars shone brightly. The brightest one was dim in relation. Soon it would move out of the system all together. This he feared.

Before speaking, he looked at his family, one by one. Catching their eyes with his, making sure that they knew that it might cost their lives to help him. "Are you all sure that you want to help me? Like the Sheriff said, 'it's a risk.' A big risk."

Michael pulled away from Maria, but held her hand. "Do you have anymore dumb questions or can we get the search started yet?"

Giving a quick smile, "Alright. Isabel, I want to know how you sent Liz to New York to warn me. Maybe if we contact her, she'll let us help her, at least for the baby's sake. If she doesn't tell us, hopefully we gather enough information so that we know where she is. I'm hoping that she's weak enough for us to take her. With the five of us fighting her, we should be able to force her hand."

Nodding, "It sounds like a good idea, Max. I hope that it works. If for nothing else, I need to hear it from her own lips. I considered her a daughter…" Valenti trailed his sentence, then inconspicuously wiped at his eyes. "Isabel? Michael? Maria?"

Isabel raised herself up higher, determined, "I'm in. So is Michael. We'll do whatever it takes, Max."

Maria hadn't answered yet. She stared at her shoes for a minute, when she lifted her head up, she looked directly at Max, "I told you that I don't trust her Max, but I trust you, and Michael, and Isabel, and Sheriff Valenti. So, yes, I'm with you; all the way."

To Be Continued…

Please Read and Review

-Like I said, this is my first Roswell fic. (Oh…and don't worry, I'll write more about Liz later—in a good way) I'm not turning her into a monster; and I'm not ignoring Liz/Max, but for now, I'm focused on Max's search for his son…not necessarily Tess at this point. That'll come later…as will the Max/Liz stuff.