Pretty Like Drugs
By: Holly Rose E.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He was sick, no one had known. If all had gone well, no one would ever have to know. But she had invaded his mind, and found out everything and ruined it for him. Set after Haunted; RaeRob.
Disclaimer: Hey, you. Yeah, you, pssst. I got.. -water-, yo. I'll give ya some, if you don't tell. Hey, check it, i even got -ICE-. i don't own teen titans.
Author's Note: I apologize profusely for every time the TT get out of character - especially Robin - but I promise I'm going to try my hardest. If they're way out of their ballpark, don't hesitate to tell me!

Prologue: BlueBell
Flies through the air with the greatest disease
Takes little pills and calls them 'trapeze'
--- Babes in Toyland

He watched her from the safe confines of his mask, making sure to keep his face immobile and just as unreadable as his cloaked eyes. She had kept her distance from him, but he knew her eyes had barely left his face since he was back in bed and treated some more.

Her eyes were haunting him now, instead of him, he had accepted her inside of him without thinking. He had been in a panic, for her safety as well as his own. As he now knew everything of her, she knew all of him. Practically owning his soul, she had claimed him once she had been able to venture into his mind. The one place he had been convinced that he was safe. That none could attack him there, he had a sanctuary, as small as it might have been.

Even knowing she could have done that any time, he felt secure in her respect of privacy. He felt secure she would never break that unspoken rule. He didn't blame her, he would have done the same for any of them had they been where he was.

Had been. It was in the past, Slade was dead, gone forever. Never to return.

He supposed he would never get used to that.

She had been the last to leave, ushering Beast Boy before her, and giving a leveled glance at Cyborg which made his shoulders sag as the night's exertion caught up to the human part of him. He envied his friend, Cyborg may have only been half-human but it seemed he would always be twice the man Robin could ever be.

Her violaceous eyes had flitted back to him, and he felt her. As if she had forgotton part of herself in him and she was rummaging and screaming her presence at him. Her face was just as ungiving in emotion and thoughts as his own, and he desperately wished that she would say something to him. Anything at all would have been fine, just a word. Maybe a smile, she could afford one... just to comfort him.

She didn't though. Instead, she just turned around and was swallowed by her cape and the black of night.

He hung his head, encased the solitary night that offered nothing but abysmal darkness which only a few stars had been able to penetrate. The moon, however, was in full showcase and gleamed at him through the window, taunting and mocking him by basking in its own silvery purity.

He glared at it through blackened eyes, and swung his legs over and stepped down onto the cold tile floor. His teammates had deemed it crucial for him to spend at least one night in the medical lab, merely because he had taken such a beating. Not minding, he shrugged his shoulders lazily, gritting back the grimace as his back muscles screamed at him almost deafening.

Making his way over to the cupboards where they kept all the low-key first aid equipment, he felt it easier to breathe. He opened the cupboard and after seeing vials of antiseptics, along with bottles upon bottles of pain killers and sleeping pills, he shut the door and opened the drawer beneath it. Clutters of assorted band-aids, and unraveling rolls of ace bandages lay discarded from their boxes. He found what he was looking for, though, near the back buried underneath cloths mainly used to wipe up any blood.

He slumped against the wall, and took a deep breath, smiling. It was one of those smiles that would make a person upon viewing it feel the inane urge to cry. It was a smile that screamed out apologies, hurt, and an unrelenting awe at what he held in his fingers.

Sleek, slender, stainless, totally pure as the edge layed pressed against his own finger. Curling up into himself, he laid an arm atop his knees and removed his gloves.

If he wanted to be perfect, so he could protect his friends, and beat Slade... beat any of their future opponents... he had to make himself that.

He began the surgery.
-End Prologue-

A/N: I have only a slight idea where I want to take this, , but not to worry... I'll keep kicking my ass till I figure something out! Anyway, flames will be openly mocked and constructive criticism will be cherished and cooed at.